chapter 1

Let Us Buy The Love


-Park Bom’s POV-
I locked the front door and skipped happily to my garage. This is what you call life. Free like a bird, do whatever you want alone. I’m so thankful for my parents, they let me live on my own in this lovely town and even give me this house. It’s not as big as Dara’s mansion, but this house is big enough to make me panted just to sweep all the floors. The garage opened up by itself as I click the remote. I got in my black Nissan and drove off to college.
Yes, I’m Park Bom, taking a class in Seoul International University, majoring music. I’m in charge of singing because my voice is kinda unique and my lecturer said, if I get a chance to record some albums, my name would boost up in music industry. Well, I don’t doubt his words though.

“Good morning, Bommie..” Someone greeted me as I get out of my car. I smiled to the person beside me and slowly holding his hand.

“Good morning, Jiyongie~” he chuckled, he let me holding his arm and we walked along the way to the class. Me and Jiyong are having the same class. He was the best friend of my life. We’ve known each other since we’re still in elementary school. My family already knew him and he sometimes spend the night in my house. He only allowed to sleep in my house whenever my family were coming over, of course. He was in charge on composing songs and sing. We had our own color in singing, you know. That’s what made us much closer now.

“Bom! Jiyong!” a cheerful lady greeted us as we got into the class. That was Dara, my best friend. As soon as I came to this class, she already claimed herself to be my best friend. But I didn’t mind, she was indeed my best friend.

“Hey! You’re early!” Jiyong said, dropping his bag near his desk. She smiled and skipped to sit on his chair.

“Because I made you this. Tada!~” she sang as she let out a lunchbox. I giggled. She was too cute. “Bommie, it’s corn flakes!” she added.

“Corn flakes?! I want some!” I claimed as I snatched the lunchbox away from the owner. She pouted.

“But I made this for Jiyong… he should… at least…. Eat the first bite.” She trailed. Aigoo, can she be much cuter?! I want to pinch that cheeks!

“Okay, Jiyong, grab it fast!” I demand. The boy quickly grabbed one and chewed it right after the cake was thrown in to his mouth.

“Hmm~ delicious! Chocolate corn flakes! Don’t spend the rest, Bom! Just take 3! The rest are mine.” He said, trying to snatch the lunchbox away from me. I pouted and brought the lunchbox away.

“No way. These are mine!” I ran off just like that with the angry Jiyong who shouted like crazy.


-Author’s POV-
Bom drank the vitamin water that Seungri gave her a while ago. The class had been suspended and there was still some people chatting in the class, singing, composing or playing some instrument.

“Aaah~ so refreshing! Thanks Seungri!” Bom cheered, poking Seungri’s cheek. The boy just chuckled at her cuteness.

“Well, got to go to the toilet.” He said, standing up. “Tell my wife to wait.” He added. Bom just rolled her eyes to his words. Everybody knew who the hell his wife was. Not long after, she looked at the door and found Jiyong and Dara walked in to the class. Obviously approaching her seat.

“Where were you two going?” Bom asked.

“Toilet.” Dara answered, taking a seat beside Bom.

“Don’t tell me you go there together with this punk.” Bom eyed Jiyong who silently smirking.

“Yes, we do.” Dara answered again. Bom gasped.

“Omo! Kwon Jiyong! How could you do that?! Are you guys peeing together?!” Bom immediately shrieked. The whole class had their eyes fixed on the three after hearing the word ‘peeing together’. Jiyong hit Bom’s head rather hard.

“Aw! What was that for?!”

“To wake you up, stupid! I just accompany her along the way! I will NOT going into ladies room!” Jiyong exploded. Bom eyed him once again to only find the extremely angry Jiyong and Dara, she had her jaw dropped and her eyes widened in awe.

“I just thought…” Bom trailed. “Anyway, your wife want you to wait.” She continued. Yes, they called each other as WIFE. Jiyong’s wife is Seungri. Seungri’s wife is Jiyong. And they had promise, if they get into a real relationship, the both of them would call their partner as husband. Silly. But that’s how friendship is going with them.

“Oh yeah? All right then, I’ll wait.” The three of them sat silently as Bom looked at Dara. Wriggling her eyebrows and even made a slight dance move. Dara laughed at Bom’s silly moves. This corn girl had never let herself getting bored. She ALWAYS has something to do to keep her entertain.

“What are you doing? haha!” Dara laughed out loud as Bom made a moon walk like Michael Jackson.

“Can you see? I’m a multi-talented!” She threw a fist before continued moon walking. Dara had lost her breath by seeing Bom and Jiyong couldn’t help but to laugh also. He hit her head again and pushed her onto her seat.

“Can’t you sit still? You looked stupid by doing that.” Jiyong commented as he rubbed his abdomen. He had a good time laughing his off of Bom.

“Yah! What’s up with you always hit me on my forehead?! It’s hurt!” Bom protested while rubbing her forehead.

“I don’t find it stupid, it’s cute.” Dara continued on Jiyong’s comment. Jiyong looked at Dara for a good second before turning his attention to Bom.

“Did I hurt you that much? I’m sorry..” His voice turned concern as he moved her hand away from her forehead and rubbed her forehead with his hand instead. Dara’s smiled vanished after seeing the scene in front of her. This had been doing since forever, that Jiyong is actually care for Bom more than himself. And she still hasn’t find any other person that Jiyong treated just the way he treated Bom.

“Of course that’s hurt! You hit me like I’m a sack or something! Stupid jerk.” Bom hissed, letting him carefully rubbed the red mark on her forehead.

“Stop calling me a jerk.” Jiyong warned.

“Don’t blame me you didn’t lock the door!”

“You got in my room without permission! Intruder!”

“We know there’s no permission between us! And I didn’t expect you to watch that time! Hell, it was still 12 in the afternoon! The sun still shine so bright but you already drown in that dark side of the world.” Jiyong glanced at Dara as she stared at the two, not believing what she’s hearing. Jiyong watching ?

“Dara!” Jiyong suddenly shout as he hit Bom’s forehead once again, earning a loud whine from Bom. Dara startled as she met his eyes. “Don’t believe her! Please! I was NOT watching !” he shouted.

“You should believe me, Dara. He’s helpless.” Bom in. Jiyong hit her forehead again that she finally explode.

“WHAT THE , JIYONG! IT’S ING HURT!” She yelled. Her voice was booming in the class. The Bominator is here. She grabbed on her table and flipped it right to Jiyong. Dara was be able to run for her life as Bom kept on throwing tables to Jiyong. The other people already out of the class, leaving only Bom, Jiyong and rotten Dara who watched from the very corner of the class.

“Park Bom! Stop it! I’m sorry!!” Jiyong screamed like a mad man as he ran. Bom didn’t care, she threw another chair to him. He looked at her and his eyes landed on her forehead. It sure had a red mark. He then abruptly stopped running and the chair that Bom’s throwing landed on his body. Sandwiching him with the floor.

“Jiyong!” Dara ran to Jiyong and helped him to sit. “Bom! What are you doing?!” Dara yelled, her eyes fixed on Jiyong who had his eyes on Bom.

“Get that, stupid jerk!” Bom pulled out her tongue and crossed her arms. Jiyong chuckled as he stood up, not minding that Dara was still there to help him. He walked closer to Bom. His heart beats faster than before and he knows that it’s not anger. It’s something else that kept his mind playing her image every second in his mind.

“I’m sorry.” He said and planted a kiss on Bom’s forehead. Dara gasped. Jiyong just kissed Bom in front of everyone. But people outside the classroom didn’t pay attention to them. They already know the result. Whenever Bominator had shown up, Jiyong will be chased like a dead meat. But then Jiyong will always take everything that Bom’s throwing. One result, Bom is always win and no matter whose fault the thing is, Jiyong is always the one who apologize first.
Bom’s arms were still crossed on her chest as he pulled out from the kiss. Bom smiled.

“Buy me corn later.” She said.

“Alright!” Jiyong hyped up and jogged to sit on the nearest chair available. Dara was still on the floor, looking at both of her friends with a complete awe.


-Seungri’s POV-

Haahhh.. it feels so empty, and I feel so alive again. Ohoho, I’ve been hold in this feeling since the class started. Now everything has out. The feeling! Haaahh! I stole a glance at the mirror and washed my hands. Handsome Seungri, you’re forever mortal murderer. Girls would kill just to get on my foot. Well, you can’t blame me for being such a handsome punk.
I get in the class and found the tables scattered. Bominator was here. I know for sure. And the look Jiyong hyung has already explained it all. He’s grinning so wide that I swear, I can see my reflection from his teeth.

“What did you do wrong again this time, hyung?” I asked casually, taking a seat near the only one who has an immune with my charming face, Park Bom.

“He hit my forehead like a sack of sand! It’s hurt Seungri-ah~” she leaned on me and I’m started to blow some air to her forehead. This friend of mine has a weird attitude, I told you. You could find her cute and scary at the same time.

“Don’t be exaggerated! I’ve kissed it so the pain must have gone away.” Jiyong shot. I looked at him. He kissed her? Again?! Why don’t they go out already?! Oh yeah, Bom is such a block. She could sway your feeling as much as she wants. Believe me, every man has already fall for her trap.

“It has no effects, stupid jerk. Thank you, panda. But you smell so bad.” She said. I told you!! She’s evil in disguised! Nobody, I mean, NOBODY would ever speak to me like that! Boys respect me, girls bow at me!! I pulled her away from my embrace once she said that and pout. My heart is also being played with this evil!
Bom and Jiyong chat while I feel someone stared at me. I looked aside and found Dara is starring at me. Haha, she’s been captured by my charm, eh? My pout is famous by its spell, you know. She’s new, so I bet she is still searching on good friends and fall in love.

“Why? Am I that handsome?” I asked her and she went out of guard. She combed her hair with her fingers and bit her lower lips. Hmm, for a newbie, she’s quite hot. I heard she’s moving from Philippine. Guess there are a lot of hot girls there?

“Ah.. No.. That’s…” now she looks everywhere but me. How cute.

“Nah, that’s okay. Just tell me if you like me. I’ll appreciate that.” I winked at her and her jaw slowly dropped in awe.

“Seungri, stop flirting with her.” Bom warned me as I hang my hand on her shoulder but I end up getting a slap from the jerk.

“Don’t touch her.” he warned. Oh puhlease, Kwon Jiyong.

“I can’t touch her but you can kiss her?” I snapped and clung my hand over her shoulder again. She smiled sweetly at him and looked at me, winking in eyelids on purpose. I smiled at that. For your information, it’s really good if I have a girlfriend like her.

“Don’t argue with me.” He slapped my hand away again and glared at me. I chuckled and get my hands away from Bom. Well, I don’t want my wife to explode. I don’t want to sign on a divorce paper yet.

“Alright, alright.” I said. Jiyong hyung then sat between me and Bom.

“So, why do you want me to wait for you?” He asked, hugging Bom by her shoulder.

“Yah, don’t touch her.” I warned. He just glared at me by doing that and now he does it? They don’t even get in a relationship!

“I can touch her whenever I want.” He answered.

“Stupid jerk.” I hissed. Bom laughed her off and offering her hands for a high five.

“Yah! What’s with the high five?!” Jiyong yelled.

“Seungri and I are soulmate, you know! We call you a stupid jerk, and I like it that way.” She said.

“Gahd, I’m totally speechless to see you guys acting like that.” I heard Dara said. Oh, I forgot she’s still here. I thought she was fast asleep or gone home already.

“Why? You want me to touch you instead?” I teased as I grabbed her sleeve. Her face got red like tomato and I smiled over her cuteness. I pinched her cheek and cooed. “Aigoo, you’re cute.” And she blushed even more.

“Okay now, tell me what’s up?” Jiyong asked, his hand still on Bom’s shoulder. I scoffed, I don’t really like to see them too close like this.

“Tomorrow will be the start of our holidays. I want to ask you guys if we could go to Dong Yuan village for a 2 days vacation.” I announced. Dara’s eyes sparkling as I mentioned the word Vacation. “I guess Dara already said Yes?” I teased. She looked at me and smiled. Oh, that smile is cute!

“I’d like to join you guys.” She said.

“Dong Yuan? For 2 days? Why don’t we go to Paris or Bali?” Bom suggested.

“Yah, we already go there when we’re high school! Try something new, Bom. Duh.” I said.

“You guys go to Paris in high school? Woah..” Dara said. Jiyong hyung chuckled at her cute expression.

“Dara, I know you’ve ever been there too.” Bom stated.

“Yes, but never with my friends. My parents always stick with me.”

“Alright, so since Dong Yuan is not really far, I think your parents would allow you to join us.” I said.

“I hope so!”

“Okay, all set. We’re going to Dong Yuan the day after tomorrow. Be prepare!”

“I will call Minzy and Chaerin to join us.” Bom added. My eyes grew wide after hearing someone’s name. The hair on the back of my neck standing furiously because of fear.

“No way! Don’t ask her! She has another things to do better than this.” I yelled.

“Aigoo, is that concern that I heard?” Bom winked at me and slowly pulled out my phone from my pocket. She started to type on something and I think she dial a number.

“What are you doing? Give me that!” But my Jiyong blocked me away from her. “Yah! Stupid jerk! Go away!”

“What?! You treat your wife like that?!” he yelled. Oh you, wife! I need to snatch my phone away before the person that Bom’s calling pick up.

“Park Bom! Give me tha-“

“Chaerin-ah!” Bom squealed while pulling out her tongue at me.

Another girl who got an extra immune to me is joining the trip. Lee Chaerin. I’m dead.

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lily-leo-vvip #1
Chapter 7: Hope you make more please fighting
Chapter 7: Yup, something bad... bom gonna fall for seunghyun ^_^
Chapter 7: I hope bom will be fine .. I like ur story *new reader* I make sure click the subscribers button ..
See a soon XOXO
Chapter 7: Omooo! Ji, be careful! Seunghyun is surely gonna fall for our Bom! Kkkk update soon authornim. I'm in need of topbom moments (*¯︶¯*)
Chapter 4: Me?topbom 4 sure..their weirdness really funny..
Chapter 4: OH GOD!!!! i want bommie with jiyong author nim.. he obviously in love with her..:D
andiee #7
hey dongsaeng i'm here to fulfill my promise. i actually got a little bit boring in the first chapter but after i read the rest i think this is a good ff. i'll wait for your update, just an advice though i'm not a writer, make the story real "ga terlalu over sama khayalan", so the ff will be like a real life.
dtaries_ #8
Thank you for your comments guys! There will be a daragon later, I promise! But this story's main role is SpringTempo ^^
Thank you guys! Enjoy the update!