Chapter 2

Forgotten Promises


*10 years later*
*briing briing briiing*
"I know I know! Calm down, Mr. Lee broke his leg remember? It's gonna take him ages to walk to class." 
"But still! Hurry up! Junsu's probably already there!"
I rolled my eyes at Yoochun and quickly shut my locker. Since when did he care about being late to class? Or was it because he wanted to sit next to Junsu. I wasn't excited about sitting next to anyone in class, since Jaejoong and I were in different classes. I let out a long sigh when Yoochun opened the classroom door to see Mr.Lee standing next to his desk, arms crossed with a frown on his face. 
"Sorry, Mr.Lee" Yoochun scratched his head. 
"Sorry?! Thats all you've got to say?! I will ask once more. WHY ARE YOU LATE?!" 
"Because the bell rang before we got here. Simple." I replied, and turned my back to him and walked to the seat next to Changmin. Mr. Lee didn't say anything else afterwards, he just told me and Yoochun to attend detention after school and clean the sports shed. I paid no attention in this class, or any other class, I just wanted to run to Jaejoong, and tell him everything, but how? I grunted, and Changmin turned his head and looked at me. 
"Are you alright? You seem pretty lifeless today, something happen?" 
"Nah, its nothing, just a little tired." 
Changmin frowned, but decided to leave me alone so he went back to drawing pictures of food into his book. This was all Jaejoong's fault, the reason I'm like this, he's slipping away from me. We aren't that close anymore, compared to years ago. Jaejoong now hangs out with other people and we're only together occasionally. I feel that people are stealing him away from me, my heart aches whenever I think about what happened two days ago. Some named Hana in his class kissed him on the cheek, and from the moment I saw that, my heart broke to pieces, that was when i realised it was too late for me and Jaejoong, he'd already liked someone else. 
how long has it been since i've called him those names. i let out another huge sigh and buried my face in my desk, and because i didn't look up again, i didn't notice someone staring at me through the classroom window. 
"eh...what's wrong with yunnie?..." jaejoong whispered silently too himself. 
"yah, yunho. get up. schools over, go clean the sportshed with yoochun." it was changmin that woke me up.
"oh really?" i said lifting my head off the desk, " alright i'll go meet yoochun there then." 
I slowly walked to the sport shed, thinking deep in my thoughts when Yoochun jumped infront of me.
"It's junsu! he's staying back for soccer practice today!"
"don't tell me...."
Yoochun looked up at me with puppy eyes, and it felt like they were staring right through my soul. I pushed his face away.
"alright alright, don't look at me like that. I'll clean the shed myself while you go play in the pond with that duck ."
"omg! really hyung?! really?! i love you, i'll buy you food next time! okay! byeee!!" he was squealing and skipping happily all the way to the oval where Junsu was. I couldn't help but smile at how stupid Yoochun looked when he was skipping.
 I let out a deep breath and slowly walked to the shed, I opened the rusty metal door and was greeted by an overflow of dust. Tears were filling up my eyes because of the dust and I was coughing like crazy. Still, I walked into the dusty mess and started sorting things out, while humming a small tune that I used to sing Jaejoong to sleep with. 
"I remember that tune..." 
My heart skipped a beat, that voice was Jae's.... I swiftly turned around to see Jaejoong looking at me from the door. 
"H-he-hey..." I stuttered, urgh, i felt so stupid, I couldn't even say hey properly and was stumbling over my words.
"Are you alright Yunho? You seemed pretty down today, let me help you out" Jaejoong offered. 
I didn't say anything, i didn't want to embarrass myself anymore, so I just nodded and went to the other corner of the shed. 
I stopped dead in my tracks, what was Jaejoong trying to do? I heard his footsteps walking towards me.
"Yunnie. Are you avoiding me? Turn around."
"I-it's n-nothing, w-w-hy?" i stammered.
"You're acting weird, and you are clearly avoiding me, do you have any idea how much i missed you?"
huh? Jaejoong missed me? But, we barely talked anymore, and only exchanged hi's and wave's, and wasn't Jaejoong going out with Hana? My head was spinning, what was Jaejoong saying? I decided to ignore Jaejoong and just tell him I wasn't avoiding him.
"I-i'm not avoiding you"
"Then why do you always look away from my eyes! You don't even look at me when we say hi! What happened Yunho?! I-it really h-hurts, when you ignore me and avoid me, it hurts a lot."
"I'm sorry...You just seemed so happy with new friends and everything, and your girlfriend too, so I thought it'd be better if i left you alone."
"M-my what? Girlfriend? Since when did i have a girlfriend?" Jaejoong said confused
"H-hana....isn't it?"
"What? No. She's just some in class that likes me, i never liked her back and never will."
"Why not?..."
"Are you stupid?! Yunho-ah!" Jaejoong let out a long sigh, "I like you idiot." said Jaejoong under his breath, but I couldn't hear him properly, and I just felt startled from Jaejoongs shouts. I wanted to cry, I had no idea what Jaejoong was trying to tell me and I couldn't tell Jaejoong my feelings, ever, because I feel like he would never accept them. So I started walking towards the door when Jaejoong pushed me back into the corner. 
"I'm not done talking! See! This is what i'm talking about! You're avoiding me!" 
I kept my head down and didn't say a word, afraid that if i looked at Jaejoong I would break down into tears. 
"Dont' you remember our promise? 10 years ago?" Jaejoong pouted. "You're breaking that promise Yunho, and you've forgotten that promise too!"
"I've never forgotten that promise! I've never forgotten any of our promises!" 
Jaejoong sighed again and took several more steps towards me, my heart was accelerating. 
"Prove it, prove to me that you remember our promise."
I was frozen, I knew very clearly, like we made that promise yesterday, I needed to hold him, tight in my arms, but i couldn't, my body just wouldn't co-operate with my mind, so i just stood there, looking down at Jaejoong.
"I get it now, you've forgotten me long ago haven't you?" Jaejoong said tears rolling down his cheeks. 
Jae was crying, my heart ached so much, i felt so mad at myself, why wasn't I doing anything? I was screaming in my mind, but yet, i looked emotionless outside. Jaejoong turned around and headed towards the door, I wanted to punch myself as I just stood there.



waah~ i feel like i haven't updated this in a while, but yeah, i try my best to update as soon as possible and finish this, like, tomorrow ^_^ 
okaayy, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and leave comments! That would help alot! ^~^

Thank You! <3


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Chapter 3: lol such a cute and sweet story love love this ^-^

i'm glad things went well to yunjae and its yun how avoided jj aigoo XDXD
Chapter 3: haha
cute yunjae and duckbutt forehead moment
Chapter 3: (>̯͡⌣<̯͡) the story is so sweet
Chapter 2: Yaaaah! Yunho u were the who avoided jj :(
Chapter 1: Awwww... Wae so sweet ><
Chapter 3: Aww that was so sweet >w< thanks for the story!! <3 <3
Chapter 3: Sweetttttt
phinea2009 #8
Sweet story.
ohmyy this is so sweet.
Oh my! YooChun what a bad timing? aish!!! XD that's cute! I like it!