Personal Message

Always Keep The Faith!

About Me

~ Cassiekinz ~


★ I'm not really fond of my real name, so you guys can call me Mack.

★ I'm Canadian. My first language is French so excuse me for any mistakes.

★ I'm a proud Cassie since the winter of 2007-2008 and forever will be! I support all 5 of them. 

★ I'll be honest, I'm not a great writer, but if even just one of you likes my stories, I'll be happy. ♥

★ YunJae will forever be my number one OTP, and the only one I'll ever write about. 

★ Jaejoong is my ultimate bias *^* 

★ Don't be afraid to say hi anytime! I love to talk and make new friends. :')



Let's never lose hope, Cassies!