chapter nine

the king's illicit love



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"wife?" se-hun asked. hee-song kept her eyes off of se-hun and jong-in, and clenched her hands into tight fists. she knew this day would come soon. jong-in raised an eyebrow, "yes. she's my wife." he eyed hee-song, but she shrugged off his grip on her. 

se-hun chuckled, his eyes saddening, and he looked at hee-song and jong-in, "so, all this time, i have been in love with my best friend's wife? had she been playing with my heart all this time?" he asked. the king couldn't tolerate this anymore. his head was getting dizzy, and now he didn't know if hee-song really loved him anymore. 

hee-song felt the urge to run out and go home and cry in her room, but she couldn't hide it anymore. 

"yes. chona, i have been a married woman, and yet you toy with me and my heart. i couldn't help, but let myself get carried away in this situation. if you are troubled, just take me to prison. i deserve the consequences." hee-song replied. jong-in widened his eyes at the palace maid, and se-hun's jaw tightened. 

"take her away. she'll be questioned tomorrow evening." 



hee-song listened to the groans and moans of the other prisoners in the dirty cells. the disgusting smell from the dirty criminals made her crinkle her nose, and she was roughly pushed into another dark cell at the end. the cold stones grazed her ankle as it dragged along the ground, and she clenched her teeth at the pain. 

the guards loudly shut the cell door and locked it. se-hun kept his eyes off of her, but his eyes were already wet, "i'm sorry." he quietly apologized. "you don't have to. i'm the one to be sorry." hee-song replied as she held tightly around her ankle. the blood slowly ran down her foot, but she hid the wound under the skirt of her dress. 

se-hun held onto the bars of the cell, "you can just marry me. i can get ji-young to disappear, and we can marry each other and be happy." he said. the palace maid looked away, "no. we can never be happy together." she said wiping her tears.

the king banged on the cell door loudly and scowled as tears fell, "why are you doing this? it isn't him you love! i thought you loved me! how can you suddenly fall in love with him?!" he shouted. hee-song jumped at his loud voice, but calmly smiled and turned to him, "i cannot fall in love with him because i love you, but we aren't meant for each other, oh se-hun." 

the young boy stormed from the prison, and hee-song was left sitting on the dirty ground, weeping her eyes out. she was hurt. not her ankle, but her heart was torn in two.

se-hun blinked away his tears and wiped his cheeks that were stained of wet trails. he cleared his throat and sniffed. hee-song could no longer be his. if she had believed their love wasn't fate, then he would too. there was no stopping him now. 



"why did you throw her in the prison? she did nothing to deserve this!" jong-in protested. se-hun kept his expressionless face and glared at the namin, "she had been caught courting with me. isn't that agaisnt the marriage laws?" he asked. 

jong-in scowled, "we aren't married yet. she had never accepted the proposal!" se-hun's eyes softened, "what? you two aren't married?"



hee-song winced in pain, and tried to act like the pain was nothing. blood was spreading throughout her clothing, but she ignored it. her teeth tightly clenched, and her hands balled into tight fists that dug into her skin. 

"did you, or did you not, court with the king?!" a man shouted. hee-song knew what was coming, but she tried smiling through her pale white face, "i did." she answered and a paddle quickly hit her thighs. she screamed in pain, but tried to endure it. 

as the second hit was about to come, a voice shouted something, and she closed her eyes. the pain. the dizziness. hee-song's eyes rolled to the back of her head, and the world became black. 

author's notes:

this was short, but it gets really dramatic. you could say it's sort of like Moon Embracing the Sun, and a lot of other historical dramas like Princess' Man... but i think it's really sad right now! haha, please comment! author's love their comments.

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I'm rewriting this on my computer on Word. I really need to update this and all of my other fanfics >


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Author nim update soon....
when i first clicked on this, i saw the tags and immediately assumed there'd be a sekai love affair xD
SeKai94 #3
I srsly love this! Cos I'm totally imagining Sehun as Kim Soo Hyun in the drama ♡•♡
Chapter 12: woow 2 comments in a row, i feel weird, but i really wish you would update sooner!
this is too gooood i need moooooooooore :D
I love your story
philphil #7
The best chapter yet !! Update soon !!
haaaa~!!!i knew it!!the king is dead!!!
sehun don't marry ji-young!!
i just..don't like her...
philphil #9
Omg i love this fanfic so much!!! update soon!!!