chapter eight

the king's illicit love



playlist of historical drama osts



"are... are you still in love with the king?" jong-in asked. hee-song clenched her jaw and raised an eyebrow, "what made you think that i'm in love with the king?" she asked suspiciously. she didn't know jong-in knew se-hun. 

jong-in chuckled, "oh. um, well, never-mind. forget about it. i thought he was talking about you when he said that a palace maid came back to attend his sister, and you just came back and... he added she was his first love." hee-song bit her lower lip and sighed, "jong-in, if you really want to marry me.... do you really want to?" she asked.

the namin sniffed and looked away. he avoided her gaze and then locked eyes with her, "ne. i really, really want to marry you. so please, just this once, please accept my request." he asked and began to kneel on one knee. 

hee-song's lower lip began to tremble. how can she be married to a man who loves her, but be in love with another man that is in love with her, and has a wife? she tightly held onto her sleeve and breathed out as jong-in looked back up to her. his eyes shining like the stars in the night, "heo hee-song, will you marry me?" he asked. 

the girl felt tears coming to her, but she bit her lower lip to stop them from falling. jong-in gave her one of his charming smiles. he wanted her. throughout his whole life, his love for a girl was never this fiery. and now, he just might get what he wanted.




"chona, the consummation has been made tonight." se-hun's enuch intructed. se-hun rolled his eyes and sighed, "why should i care? can i just blow her off again like i did the other time? she didn't care." the eunuch tried to hide his smile, "chona, but you must. your father would want you to, if he was alive."

"usually, parents tell their children to stay away from , but mine is encouraging it?!" se-hun mumbled. the eunuch raised an eyebrow, "what?" se-hun smiled, "never-mind. nothing. let's go."

se-hun loudly opened the doors to the room, and the queen jumped. ji-yeon was afraid. she didn't know how to do this! she tried reading all the books on consummations, but she still didn't know how to do 'it'. se-hun smiled, "good evening my queen. jumpy might i say?" he mocked.

ji-eyon smirked and se-hun stared at the food on the table, "do they want us to eat or have a child? don't eat too much. i heard if you eat a full meal you will get sick afterwards if you do an excerise." se-hun joked. the queen looked at the king worriedly. 'why is he ready for this?' she asked herself. she stared at the food.

ji-yeon was starving, but she couldn't eat. why? she was insanely nervous. even if she touched the food, she felt like she would throw up. se-hun smiled at her, "my wife, are you ready for this? i say we should do my favorite position..." he looked at her. ji-yeon scooted back and held tightly onto her skirt.

se-hun raised an eyebrow, "are you alright? you seem very jumpy. my queen, shall we start?" se-hun asked seductively. he scooted closer to her, he slowly pressed his lips on her lips. ji-yeon's hands began to shake tremendously, and she pushed him away and stormed out of the room in tears.

the king snickered and wiped his lips with the back of his hand. so, jong-in was right. to scare a girl, you must explain the different position used. se-hun laughed, he had no absolute experience, even in the future he never knew. he wasn't that into back then.




"chona, i'm getting married soon." hee-song said. se-hun tightly held onto the table in front of him, "what?" he asked. hee-song didn't look up, "i'm getting married soon, to a namin." "what's his name? tell me. i can't let you marry another man." he protested.

the palace maid's shoulders shook, "chona-" "hee-song, stop calling me that."

hee-song looked up, "se-hun, if i could, i would have stopped you from marrying the queen, but i didn't. let's just let go of our relationship. we weren't meant to be. that's why we must have come back. we aren't for each other." she explained.

se-hun clenched his jaw and sighed, "i avoided the consummation date for you, hee-song. can't you see how much i love you? i can't stay with that evil witch forever! please, hee-song, just cancel the wedding."

"i can't! this person will be heart-broken if i break it off and tell him the truth. he almost found out our secret last night, se-hun." hee-song cried. the king glared at hee-song, "who is it?"

jong-in opened the doors to the king's room and saw hee-song on the floor crying. he looked at se-hun, "what did you do?" he shouted immediately running to hee-song's side. se-hun raised an eyebrow, "what?"

"this is my wife. what have you done to her?" jong-in asked wrapping his arms around hee-song. se-hun's lower lip trembled, "did you just say... wife?" 

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I'm rewriting this on my computer on Word. I really need to update this and all of my other fanfics >


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Author nim update soon....
when i first clicked on this, i saw the tags and immediately assumed there'd be a sekai love affair xD
SeKai94 #3
I srsly love this! Cos I'm totally imagining Sehun as Kim Soo Hyun in the drama ♡•♡
Chapter 12: woow 2 comments in a row, i feel weird, but i really wish you would update sooner!
this is too gooood i need moooooooooore :D
I love your story
philphil #7
The best chapter yet !! Update soon !!
haaaa~!!!i knew it!!the king is dead!!!
sehun don't marry ji-young!!
i just..don't like her...
philphil #9
Omg i love this fanfic so much!!! update soon!!!