
Gangsters' Secret

Myungsoo's POV

Aish... Can't resist her... Might as well punch some guys in the face and stretch some muscles...

Just when Minji and I were comfortable position to sleep in class, our phone vibrated in our pockets at the same time. We fished it out of our back pockets and walked out of the class from the backdoor without bothering what was the teacher's reaction to answer the calls. We stood leaning on the wall just outside the classroom after closing the door and pick up the call, only to hear the exact same thing.

"So it seems like you have found out the camera installed at my spy an destroyed it huh... You can either return her to our side or destroy her whatsoever. She is useless anyways. Anyways, evidence is in my hands. If you want to get it back before I leak it out to the whole world, I shall only meet both of you, with no one else. And I will station one of my men to upload it onto twitter through my twitter account, if you ever appear with anyone else, or you use your powers... You, L, on the other hand can come along as I know a girl won't be able to handle 100 of the few strongest guys in Seoul without her powers. And plus, only Lightning can use weapons, while the rest of my side can use all their weapons. Take this deal, or I shall leak the video out immediately." The voice said through the speaker.

There is only one possibility; Lee Joon. I looked over at Minji and smirked. It seems like what they saw through the video is only part of her powers, that is why they are underestimating us. Me without my weapon, but with my powers is beneficial as I can concentrate on reading their minds and send Minji signals where they were going to move, just by sitting by the side. We agreed on meeting at our usual fight site in a month so that they could prepare themselves and cut off the line, smirking as we laced our hands together and walked back into the classroom, settling ourselves comfortably before falling asleep to pass the time before we go for the super easy fight, which I am sure will end in seconds with us winning.

Minji's POV

After a full day's of lesson (well more like sleeping), the bell finally rang and I woke up from my sleep just in time to dodge the most hateful thing in the universe; Woohyun's and Sungyeol's combined hugs. Myungsoo's eyes opened wide because of the vibration and noise caused by them crashing into my table while I have already jumped out of my seat to the doorway. "Hey! How many times do I have to tell you not to try hugging Minji?! I will put you in charge of making sure the students won't hurt themselves by barging into the scene instead of fighting if you do it again!" Myungsoo shouted at them and their childish fight starts again.

"Yah... I am leaving you all locked in here if you don't stop fighting." I said calmly as I started to walk out of the classroom. Somehow or another, that sentence worked on them like magic that was already done for a million times. They immediately shut their mouths and followed behind me in their formation as we went to fetch the others from their respective classes while Myunggie came up to me and held my hand. We walked through the halls and soon, our team became complete as we reached the field to see tons of students crowding around just like we expected.

Exo, Teen Top, BtoB, SHINee, all dispatched from the group and pushed all the students back as Infinite and I got into the field where the 80 new students were already in their position. As we got into our position, Myungsoo and I at the front while the other six behind us, we heard the 80 of them snickering. "Oh my... It seems like when you said to go against you physically was to have you lose. To think that I thought you would be a difficult opponent because you might have a whole gang of maybe 10? But it seems not... What a disappointment..." the leader of the other group said as he shook his head in 'disappointment'.

"Ah... It seems like I have not introduced myself and my group as well as full gang yet, that is why you are mistaken. I am Lee Minji, also known as Lightning, and this is my boyfriend, Myungsoo, or L, and Infinite. You see those people pushing the people away from this field? They are my other part of my gang, namely: SHINee, Teen Top, BtoB, and Exo. What about you?" I asked as I smirked, but upon hearing their answers, I laughed together with Infinite, so hard, that some of us were clutching our stomach as the pain started kicking in.

"Hah. Such weird people, trying to act like the best gang in Seoul. My group is called Dragon flame. I am Jinyoung, leader of my gang, B1A4. And this is BAP. Wait for us to beat you all. Anyway, it is 80 to 8. If you admit defeat now, since it is obvious who will win, we will consider if we are going to criticize your school or not." he said in reply, not knowing that the one he was going against was the best gang in Seoul, or better say, the whole world. "Why would we admit defeat when we will win? Let's stop our introduction first and start the fight." I said as I smirked, trying not to lose myself too much from laughing. As soon as I said that sentence, all of the other group started to run towards where we were standing, ever so calmly.

Once they reached us, 10 of them pounced onto each one of us, but it was not bad, counting that all 8 of us ducked immediately and began sending flying kicks and punches towards the opponent. After a minute, there laid a pile of unconscious men at my feet, same goes to Myungsoo, who was almost done with his last man. I walked over to Sungjong and started to help him, knowing that he can only use his whole strength when he uses knives, and was considerably weaker now in a sense. Another minute passed and we piled all of our opponent together, with only the main gang, B1A4 and BAP were consciously awake, trying to stand.

We stood in front of them with not even a scratch or a bruise on us as we breath normally, without panting. "So, Jinyoung-shii. Who is the one to lose?" I asked him sacarstic-ly.  "Who are you guys?! How can one person beat ten people like a piece of cake?! And plus, there is a girl!" he shouted in reflex, as he stared at us like he just saw a ghost. "Like I told you. We are the best gang in Seoul, or let's say the whole world as a matter of fact. And you have not answered me. Who lost in the end?"I replied, irritated at the fact that he still did not answer me, but also disregarded our tittle.

"We've lost. We are sorry for not recognizing you earlier and declared a fight. We are truly sorry. Can we become your allies and have you to train us? We really admire you. Please agree to train us and let us be your allies. We will do anything." B1A4 said together with BAP.

Third person's POV

Minji looked at them on their knees and glanced at Infinite. They looked at her, with pitiful looks on their face, obvious to Minji that thy wanted to forgive and train BAP and B1A4, both who were newbie gangs that were made not long ago. "Alright. We will train you, starting from today. And you shall move to our mansion as well. Only you two groups. Get your stuff packed and meet at XXX cafe at 6pm. You have two hours from now. If you are late, punishment is given." Minji said sternly, like she did to all the other groups except for Infinite, since they were already on their way to the tittle of best gang when she met them.

Two hours later Minji sat at the corner of the cafe with Infinite, as they played around while she sipped her coffee and 'communicated' with Myungsoo quietly. Just as Minji was going to start counting the time that BAP and B1A4 was late, they barged into the cafe with their luggages panting. Minji stood up from her seat and walked to them, with her usual poker face that she always had towards strangers or fans.

"When I mean on time, I mean each and every one of you in the cafe by that time. But for your case, one of you stepped into the cafe a second late. One second late, 10 upside down sit up. Let's go to the house first." she said as she stepped out of the cafe with Infinite tagging behind, still playing and quarreling among themselves as Myungsoo walked hand in hand with her. BAP and B1A4 gaped at her with mouths hanging open, and soon recovered from their trance, quickly following them.

They reached the mansion which became bigger because they needed more rooms and levels. Yes, you got it. The house became bigger in just two hours. Minji's job. BAP's and B1A4's eyes grew big at the sight of the house and their mouths hung wide open. Infinite went up to them and closed their mouths for them while dragging them into the house while Minji went to check the new cars and bikes that had just arrived at their new underground parking lots. As soon as they finished packing their newly assigned rooms, Minji immediately started training them alone with their punishment at the rooftop, while Infinite took care of Exo's soon to finish training.

Each of them were forced by Minji to hang upside down from the railing that secured the rooftop, a scary thing to start with. Then, they started doing sit ups as punishment, before Minji pulled them by their legs back onto the safe rooftop basic training grounds. At first, they laid on the ground looking shocked at the experience and yet tired, but after finishing 6 hours of non stop training for fighting skills, they finally realized that getting trained by the most skilled gangster in the whole world is no easy feat, even if she was a girl. All eleven of them went into their respective rooms:


Jinyoung Gongchan

Sandeul Baro CNU

Youngguk Youngjae

Zelo Himchan

Jongup Daehyun


and fell flat on their beds after finishing their late night dinner. While everyone in the house went into dreamland, Minji stayed awake as she started to foresee the future and saw their fight against Lee Joon, and she begin worrying, as she knew that even if she won the fight, her secret will still be leaked as she has to save something or someone, maybe even more, that is close to her...






















Here's a short update!!! How is it? I decided to put B1A4 and BAP in as two of my bias are in there, but more importantly, I can finally visualize what I want in the next few chapters, so I had to add them in to continue. Well, I am not really good at writing fighting scenes, so bear with me for the next few chapters though. I promise that the other chapters I will try to make them very long to make up for all the waiting you have to bear with while I slowly type out the chapters as I want the best quality work for you to read although I have writers block. I even put my first story on hiatus to be able to think better for this story...

Jumping to some random stuff, anyone from Singapore? Anyone going for the SHINee World Concert 2? Cos I am!!!! I finally persuaded my mum to get me a ticket to watch it with my sister... Took me 2 hours of begging on my knees to get her to buy it for me... How bout you? Do comment and tell me!!!! Saranghae!!!!!!

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SeoBaby4ever #1
Chapter 8: Update soon~!
My mum's going but im not xD No offence Singaporean Shawols freakin scare me sia o.O JinChan omfgd!!
SayHunHanMinSoo #3
Woaaaa!!!Update soon please