
Gangsters' Secret

Minji's POV

Ahh, another school day. I sat up on the bed and looked at the clock at the bedside table while I covered my body using the blanket. I sighed in frustration and glanced to my side where Myungsoo was sleeping like a log beside me. "Myung baby, it's time to wake up." I cooed into his ear as I lay back down on top of his arm. "Five minutes..." he groaned slightly and hugged me securely in his arms.

"Wake up now. We have to wake the rest and get ready for school. There is a test today and we need to study for it. If you don't wake up soon, I am not letting you in this room for three months, and that also means no ." I threatened and he shot up immediately, ruffling his bed hair as I got up from the bed and wore the clothes that was thrown onto the floor the previous night, quickly combed my bed hair and went to wake the others up. Myungsoo soon came after me and we walked hand in hand to the first bedroom.

"Sunggyu, Woohyun, wake up. And I won't take five minutes as a reply. Now or I will kick you out." I threatened them. Other than Myungsoo, I will not hesitate to threaten them out of their sleep. They obviously knew I mean what I say. After they stood up from the bed, I went to the next bedroom where Dongwoo and Hoya was sleeping while Myungsoo went to Sungjong's and Sungyeol's bedroom to wake them up. "Wake up or the banana bolster as well as all the purple things in the room will be out of the window. I give you five seconds. 5...4...3...2..."

"Alright! We are up!!" they shouted in harmony as they grabbed their things I was holding in my hands. Well, that was not so difficult for these sleepyheads. I did similar things to the rest of those whom I was waking up as well: 



1- Minji

2- Myungsoo

3- together


Sunggyu Woohyun-3

Sungjong Sungyeol -2

Hoya Dongwoo-1

Taemin Minho-1

Key Jonghyun-2

Onew Ilhoon-1

Kris Tao-2

Lay Luhan-1

Chen Xiumin-2

Beakhyun Chanyeol-1

Sehun Kai-2 Suho DO-1

Sungjae Minhyuk-1

Eunkwang Hyunsik-2

Changsub Peniel-2

Ljoe Niel-1

Ricky Changjo-2

Chunji C.A.P-3


Soon, everyone got up and we quickly got ready for school. I wore my uniform with my blazer ed, shirt untucked and my hair let down, my tie let lose as well as wearing baggy 3/4 pants. Yes, just that bad girl look you can imagine.

The rest of the guys wore similar to mine, only wearing their long pants. We wore our shoes and I stood at the door giving them their box of food to eat as breakfast on the way to their vehicle, the sandwiches that I made the day before and heated it up. We each got into/onto our respective motorbikes or race car (Ferrari) which was parked in the house's underground parking lot, 3 levels of which each level of parking lot consisting of 13 bikes as well as 13 cars, except for the last level which Exo uses, because there is only 12 of them. Well, everyone have a motorbike and a car so that they can choose which to use as their transport for the day.

In the end, Teen Top and Infinite as well as I chose to ride our bikes while the rest took their Ferraris. We got to school and as usual, there were crowds of people, both boys and girls, mostly girls, waiting for us to come so that they can spazz (idk if there is such a word, I used it because I sounds like the right word to use) over us (I know I forgot to tell you this, but all 38 of them go to the same school). We made our entrance in this format:

After we parked our vehicles at the special parking space the students always left for us ever since we started to ride our bikes and cars to school after the our identity was exposed, I got off my bike and walked over to where Myungsoo was, before holding his hand and walking out of the multi-storied parking lot with the rest in this formation, like we always do, since the hallways was big enough to fit all of us:

As usual, most of the students made way for us, only leaving that handful of stubborn people clinging onto us until we shout at them to move, or else they will never move at just kind asking. "Minji-shii, can I talk to you alone for a while? It is important." I turned my head to see the principle looking at me with seriousness in her voice. I let go of Myungsoo's hand and walked a few steps away before I glanced at Myungsoo and he nodded his head, understanding that I wanted them to move to class first. I watched as the group slowly decreased as some of them went into the classroom they passed.  I looked back at the principle and she led me to the general office which was located in the usually isolated hallways. I raised my eyebrows to her as I heard shouts coming from in front of the office.

"Well, some of the new students that got transferred in because their school closed down as well as some other old students are protesting because they thought that the school is below their standards and was too uncivilized than they thought, with all the graffiti on the walls everywhere and other stuff, and they are protesting to transfer schools again, but we can't since there is no other spaces in other, and even the fiercest teachers cannot stop them. We really need your help in dispersing them." I thought a little and smirked.  "What will I get in exchange if I can disperse them?" I asked as I smirked at the evil thought. "We will give anything you want as long as it is within our reach." she immediately replied, looking even more nervous than ever. "Fine with me." I bluntly said as I strode into the noisy scene.

"Yah! You are all so noisy! Who do you think you are?! Acting all so big and what, think we are too low a standard?! You have any problems with this school come to me, not the principle, because I own this school! You want to solve it physically? Fine, come to the field after school. We shall settle it there." everyone suddenly became quiet until we could hear a pin drop as they turn around to face me. All those old students heard that I owned the school and ran away while the remaining 80 new transferees agreed on meeting at the school field after school and dispersed off.

The principle came inching in slowly into the hallways from one of the few old classrooms that were now used as storerooms and quickly ran to me and held two of my hands tightly. "Oh thank you, thank you. What can I do in exchange?" she said as she looked up to my height.(the principle was 150+cm tall while Minji was 165cm tall.) "Just give me the school deed and I will become the owner of this school while you can remain as the principle." I replied quickly as I read the message Sungjong sent to me:


Noona! Quickly come back to class! L hyung is sleeping like a log and there is numerous girls taking his photo and even one new girl on your seat touching him like literately everywhere! (Luckily not his 'there') Pali! Pali!



I looked up from my phone and quickly grabbed the deed which was in the principle's hand while signing on the contract that she made- hopefully, honestly- and ran out of the office to the classroom fuming mad. No one, and I really mean no one can touch my boyfriend like that except for me. Whoever does that shall have a taste of my power. I reached the classroom and slammed open the door to see the new girl trying to find a way to kiss him. "Don't you dare to touch another strand of his hair or else!" I shouted without any difficulty despite running all the way back, and stormed my way to the back comer of the classroom while the weak Sungjong quickly joined me behind.

 "Who do you think you are?! I can do what I want with the guy I love. If you are thinking of scaring me off because you want him all to yourself, then I rather you go away. I am sure a guy that handsome like him won't accept such a tomboy like you. Look at yourself. Baggy pants and all. Didn't your parents teach you how to even dress properly or manners not to barge into people's business? He would only like girls like me so scram!" she said ever so girly and annoyingly. "Don't you date talk to noona like that!" I saw Myungsoo finally waking up dreamily before I couldn't keep my anger in anymore...

Myungsoo's POV

I woke up from my nap only to see Minji glaring at a girl with anger in her eyes, before I decided to read others' mind to piece everything together to get what was happening.(For your information, Myungsoo also have a little bit of power since he is Minji's so called soul mate.) I finally realized that Minji was angry at the girl for touching me and talking bad about her parents. Oh, I get it, she is mad. That is all to it... Oh no. NO! ! She shouldn't hear anything about her parents! Even worse bad things about her parents! She did not like people to talk about them as it rakes up her past!

I looked at her eyes trying to send some messages through my mind but it would not work since her mind is filled with anger. Then I heard everyone gasp in shock and horror, except Sungjong. I looked up to see Minji's eyes turning to rainbow colour as her hair grew longer and had multiple stripes of colours on her hair while the elements of fire, water, air and earth appeared near her.

My eyes grew big as I quickly ran to her, knowing that if I don't stop her, no one will be able to and the whole school will disappear in almost an instant. I stood next to her and slowly reached for her hand. I tried to enter her mind, but I can't because of her angry state, so the only way to calm her down is to enter her mind by getting into contact with her. I took her hand slowly in mine, interwinding it and pulled her into my embrace. I whispered calming words into her ears and gradually talked to her through her mind.

Minji, it is not your fault at all, you did not kill your parents. It is fine, everything is fine. Relax. Close your eyes and release the energy flow. 

I felt her relax as her body weight fell on me a little.

Now stop time for a while.

I said mentally to her as I realized that the whole class was staring at us. As soon as the whole glass except for Sungjong, the girl and us two were frozen in time as well as the garden outside (the classroom was on the first story), Minji opened her eyes slowly and stared into the girl's eye with daggers shooting out of them. "I am sorry... Please don't kill me... I was only doing my job. The evidence of your powers is with my boss. He told me to do it. Please... Don't kill me... Go for him if you want!!..." she said immediately before Minji could utter a word.

"Who are you and who are you working for?" Minji inquired as her eyes grew into a frightening stare as she bent down to the girl who was crouching at one end of the room as I released her. "I am Park Jiyeon. It was Mblaq Lee Joon. He was the one who ordered me. He said to flirt with L until you get very angry and show your 'true colours'..." Jiyeon said trembling. "So there is evidence that I have supernatural powers huh. Alright. I will let you off if you agree to change sides and help me. Any amount of salary to work as our spy can be paid, but not the first mission." Minji sat on a table nearby and swamy her legs back and forth a little, her gaze never leaving Jiyeon's eyes.

"Alright... I will help you." Soon, we explained everything we wanted her to do and erased the whole class memories of the powers, as well as telling Sungjong the truth about Minji's secret...

Third person's POV

"Ohhh... I get it. So you are actually the daughter of God, and you were sent down to help the earth from destruction from the years to come war and disasters, but because you wanted to have a normal person's life until the war came so you came down early. That makes sense. Anyway, how are you going to continue time here when the first thing they look at is at this place, and you cannot act as though nothing was wrong since they still remember the part before your powers showed up. What are you going to do?" Sungjong said in a quick pace like he always does while glancing around.

Minji got into a position and pushed everyone into place before mentally unfreezing time. Well, the whole position and plan came out well, with the class beliving that Minji only scolded Jiyeon and slapped her on the face before forgiving her, and they continued their lesson as usual, with the two love birds at the corner of the classroom talking to each other like no one's business (It was really none of anyone's business since they were talking through the mental way...), and Jiyeon off at the other end of the classroom.

Myunggie... You know very well that we can defeat them. So let's just go for the fight aye? Why do you want to retreat out first? This is officially my school anyway. No one can stop us from doing what we want, especially when we are in fights against protesters. Plus, even if I can defeat all of them by myself, people will get suspicious of my skill in fighting since I can defeat all 80 men all by myself.

Minji persuaded Myungsoo to go for the fight after school, which he did not want to go for because he knew that Minji's powers might become unstable again. 

Alright... You win. Anyways, it has been long since I kicked some butts. Ten of them to one of us aye? Perfect. But one thing. Your powers better not get out of hand again, alright?

Minji nodded her head and smiled warmly, lying her head on Myungsoo's shoulder, not caring a thing on what the teacher was talking about, nor what the teacher thinks about them, waiting for the fight to come...













Alright... I know I said that it would be a very long chapter right? But i can only think of this now since i really have a bad flu and Writer's Block!!! Oh well... I have decided to change my way of writing so that it would be easier for you all to read. the italics only words are either thoughts or messages, which messages have spaces in between to tell the difference, and the italics plus bold is what they are communicating between themselves.

I will try to update often alright!! I typed this all day (literately) despite my exam being held tmr... gonna die... Well... Good Night!!!!!

Saranghae to all my subbies!!!!!!!

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SeoBaby4ever #1
Chapter 8: Update soon~!
My mum's going but im not xD No offence Singaporean Shawols freakin scare me sia o.O JinChan omfgd!!
SayHunHanMinSoo #3
Woaaaa!!!Update soon please