Mir - Amusement Park

MBLAQ Scenarios

requested by anon (tumblr)

“JAGIYAAAAA!” Mir yelled, somehow energetic even at 8 AM on a Saturday.

“BANG CHEOL YONG! I’M TRYING TO SLEEP!” you yelled back, throwing your pillow over your head.

All was silent for the next few minutes. You were slowly beginning to fall back asleep, when you suddenly felt his arms around you.

“Babyyy, it’s time to get uup~” he sang, kissing you lightly on the forehead. You sighed. It still mystified you how he could go from hyper to calm and sweet in the blink of an eye. It was kind of cute.

“Miruuuueeeee…” you grumbled, looking up at him with puppy eyes. “Lie with me here a little more? I need to sleep…”

“Ne…” He lay down, and was out like a light. You chuckled, and snuggled deeper into his embrace, falling asleep quickly.


When you woke up again, light was streaming through the window and Mir was still asleep. You stretched and yawned, then turned to look at the clock next to you.


“Mir~” you shook him gently, knowing that he really did need the sleep, but you were curious to know what he was up to.

“Nygerh…” He grumbled for a bit, then shot straight up. “AH!”

You jumped back, startled by his sudden outburst. “Huh?”

“We’re late! Go get dressed!” Mir jumped out of bed and ran out the door. You just stood there, bemused. You shrugged, and went to go get changed.


“Hyung, do you think he forgot?” Cheondoong asked, as he stretched out on the dorm sofa and played with his PSP.

“He’s probably sleeping,” Seungho chuckled as he ate his snack; today’s being a large bowl of Frosted Flakes.

“Just wait for him to text us, Doongie,” G.O sighed as he flipped another page of his book.

Joon emerged from his room, rubbing his eyes and yawning. “Did Mir call yet?”

“No, we think he’s sleeping,” Cheondoong replied as he shut off his PSP.

Suddenly, G.O’s phone went off, playing ‘G.O.O.D Luv’ very obnoxiously loudly.

“Hyung, you should turn your ringer down,” Joon grumbled as he plopped himself down on the sofa, nearly landing on Cheondoong’s feet.

“Yobosayo?” G.O asked, putting the phone on speaker.

“Yah! G.O-hyung! I fell asleep!”

Everyone laughed; of course their predictions were right.

“We’re about to leave, jagi’s still changing so I snuck out to call you. I guess you can set it up soon.”

“Alright. See you later, Cheolyong-ah.”


G.O laughed, and hung up the phone. “You heard the man. Let’s go.”


You didn’t ask where Mir got the car from or when he learned to drive, and something told you that maybe you really didn’t want to know. Eventually, he pulled up in front of that new amusement park that had opened up last week. The both of you had wanted to go, but with his schedule it was often difficult to make time.

“Mir… you’re really taking me here?” you asked him, eyes widening as he pulled into the parking lot.

He smiled his adorable toothy smile. “Yup! We didn’t have any schedules today and well… let’s go.”

He took your hand and led you through the gates.


“He’s here now, right?” Joon grumbled. The other members had managed to shut him up with some food for the time being, but he was known to get a little… meh.

“Yes, hyung, he’s here. He said he wanted us to set up at around 6. It’s 2 now. So I guess we still have time,” Cheondoong remarked as he tried to find a shady place to play his PSP.

“Cheondoong-ah, put away the game!” Seungho tsked. “Knowing G.O, he’s gonna try and perfectionize everything. So—is that pizza they’re selling over there?”

G.O showed up with a large bag, only to find Seungho not there, Joon tanning (aka showing off his abs), and Cheondoong hiding under an umbrella.

“Yah! What’s wrong with you guys?” G.O yelled, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Am I the only one who wants to help the maknae?”



You and Mir spent the day running around and essentially reverting back to the sort of things you did ten years ago. Rollercoasters, random games that everyone knows are rigged, taking pictures with the people in costumes, the works. Eventually, the two of you had to take a break, so you sat down on a bench.

“Yahh, I’m so tired,” you groaned, sipping from your bottle of water. Luckily, you had worn a pair of sneakers so your feet weren’t all too sore.

“Almost done, jagi~” Mir stole your water and chugged half the bottle down.

“Mirueeee, give it back!” You pouted at him, giving him the puppy eyes.

“Aigoo, what to do? I’m thirsty, but…” Mir announced dramatically, looking between the water bottle and you. “You have to catch me!” He leaped up and ran off somewhere.



You ran around the park, trying to find him again. Eventually, you just gave up from exhaustion and plopped down on a random bench. Suddenly, your phone made a pinging noise.

its g.o! youre probably wondering where mir is right now. go to the picnic area ^^ we’re holding him hostage >:D

You sighed, getting up again. Luckily, the picnic area wasn’t too far away.

By the time you got there, the sun was beginning to set. There was one table among the others that had twinkling lights strung along the edges of it.

“Mir!” you called out, seeing him sitting at the table. He got up at the sound of your voice and walked towards you.

“Hey baby! You finally got here!” He grinned, took your hand, and led you over to the table. “I dunno if this’ll work out okay, but it seemed to work out in my head.”

“As long as nobody dies here, we should be fine,” you remarked as you sat down. There were assorted covered plates lying around, as well as some paper plates and plastic cutlery.

“Did you do this?” you asked, partially skeptical and partially awed.

He scratched the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly. “The hyungs helped me set it up. But it was my idea! All mine!”

You laughed at his attempt to appear manly. “Thanks, Mir.”

The two of you ate cold sandwiches and chips as you watched the sunset. It may not have been the most romantic thing to others, but to you, it meant the world.

When you had finished eating, Mir got up and pulled you up with him. “There’s one more thing I want to do.”

“What about the trash?” you asked, looking around.

Mir mumbled something along the lines of ‘hyungs,’ and walked off.


Eventually, you stopped at the Ferris wheel. The two of you got on, and the attendant started the ride. You looked out the window of the small compartment, amazed at how things looked so different from high up.

“Jagi… I have a confession to make.”

You turned to Mir, who was biting the side of his bottom lip.

“Hm?” you asked, slightly disinterestedly.

“I read this paper that you wrote one time… not sure if I was supposed to read it or not, but…”

You turned to your boyfriend, one eyebrow raised. “What did you do this time?”

“The title was in English so I didn’t get it at first, it said… uh…” His face turned into a confused expression. “Bu-bucketu ristu? Yeah! That was it. Then I looked it up. It’s like a list of things you wanna do before you die…”

“Uh… huh…”

“So here’s one I’m eliminating from it right now.”

He leaned in to kiss you; right as the Ferris wheel reached its peak. You would be mad at him for looking at your stuff later. For now, you would just savor the moment of his sweet lips on yours.


“‘Dya think he did it yet?” Joon asked, as he and the rest of MBLAQ ‘hid’ behind a bush.

“Probably, unless he got the timing wrong,” Cheondoong remarked as he tried to find them with a pair of binoculars. “Ah-ha! I got it!”

There was a sudden mad scramble for the binoculars; eventually G.O ended up with it.

“Aww, how sweet! They’re really cute,” he sighed.

“Hey, where’s Seungho-hyung?” Joon asked, looking around. He had been with them a few minutes ago, but now he was nowhere in sight.

“Did they kiss yet?” Seungho asked as he approached, a container of popcorn in hand. “I got hungry…”


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abdb923 #1
omg I just read all of these and just <3
moonlover23 #2
Cute I love the squishy part ^_^
moonlover23 #3
Aww so cute but I will be so sad when they actually do enlist though
chenle #4
Message to My parents in the Mir scenario..

STOP USNG HER MONEY WORTHLESS ____ PARENTS! THIS IS ____ING BAD FOR HEALTH! YOU LITTLE ____S! ____ YOU! -Ehem well good Mir one! update soon Author-nim! I love your Scenarios! FIGHTING!
RamenLuver118 #5
Really Cute :)
Update soon !