` Teaser o3 `

Honor Among Thieves [Apply Open]

Teaser Three

SHINee, new detectives

The sun suffocated the citizens of Aelshire. Many tried to hide under awnings or inside buildings, but the heat was oppressive and persistent. It sought them out and wrapped itself around them in a sticky embrace. Summer was in full swing in Kalsem and with it came a seasonal lethargy. The people were, of course, excited about the beautiful scenery and their crops growing, but they were probably more excited about the Midsummer Festival that would take place in just a few, short weeks time. However, the weather was stifling. Those who had lived in Kalsem for quite some time were accustomed to the oppressive heat. They didn't necessarily enjoy it, but they knew how to defend themselves against the heat wave.


Tailors and seamstresses in Kalsem prided themselves on their ability to produce a large variety of garments. Not only were the summers blistering hot, but the winters were bitterly cold. This constant flux has made the people hardy and durable. But, they were only as tough as the garments they wore. In the summer, the people sported a nice, fine wool that was highly breathable. This fine wool keeps people from keeling over and fainting due to the rising temperatures. Only a fool would be caught dead in anything else. Fools and visitors.


A group of men walked down the main street of Aelshire fashioned in heavy garments that clung to their bodies and left little to the imagination. Each of the men had sweat dripping from their foreheads as their hair laid flat and stuck to their skin. A few of the men fiddled with their sleeves or collars as if the inch of space between their skin and the fabric would provide them with relief from the heat. The group was trying to tacitly decide whether they wanted to hurry to their destination - and get even hotter from the quick pace - or to take their time and produce as little effort as necessary.


"What type of new hell is this?" one of the taller gentlemen asked with a roll of his eyes as he tried to elegantly wipe away some sweat from his forehead, "Why did we agree to this again?"


"We can't really turn down an offer from the King, Key," a man at his side with blonde hair responded with a roll of his eyes.


"No, we can. You just decided to open your mouth before thinking again, Jonghyun," 'Key' quickly responded as his eyes cut towards the other man.


"It doesn't matter now, guys," a third man added softly, "We agreed and here we are."


The aforementioned Key and Jonghyun glanced at the other man who had hair a shade or two darker than Jonghyun. Their gazes softened and their arguments died before they could be made. Neither of the two could remain angry when faced with their unofficial leader. It was hard to redirect one's anger towards someone who was possibly the embodiment of sweet and caring.


"Do you know where we're going, hyung?" the youngest of the group questioned after a moment of silence as the gentlemen continued down the street.


Even though there was nothing harsh about the youngest's tone, the oldest feigned offense, "Yah! Of course I do! It should be right up ahead."


The younger man gave a simple roll of his eyes as a smile creeped onto his face. No sooner that the oldest mentioned their proximity to their location did they actually arrive. The group halted for a moment to take in the lackluster and unimposing stone building. The only thing that diffentiated this building from the others was a plague by the door with an eight-pointed star with the word 'Constable' written inside. Taking not even a second more to escape the heat, the group of gentlement shuffled inside and were quickly met with a heat that wasn't as oppressive as the one outside, but no more enjoyable. They looked around the building and noted a dozen or so gentlemen lounging about. No one resided in the cells in the back except for one man. The man was dirty and missing a show. A pile of vomit was no more than a foot from him and the stench permeated the building, but it seemed as though it didn't bother any of the others.


"This is what we're working with?" Key quickly sneered, upset about the conditions, "No wonder the King wanted our help."


A man who had been seated at a desk with his feet propped on the desk finally noticed the five newcomers and approached them, "Can I help you gentlemen?" The man's tone indicated he would prefer to not be dealing with them.


The oldest of the five men, Jinki, stepped forward and brandished a medallion of sorts with the King's seal, "We're here on behalf of the King. My colleagues and I are detectives from Lunura and the King has hired us to assist his forces."


The man reached for the seal, but before he could touch it, Jinki pulled it away, "Assist us? Why would we need your assistance? We have things under control."


Where Jinki was professional and the voice of reason, Key was the one who got down to business, "The King is worried that your lackluster performance over the years will put the Midsummer Festival in jeopardy. He didn't want a repeat of last year. So, he needed some assurance that the royals and nobles will be safe from thieves and cutthroats. Your track record is something that's less than desirable."


Jinki sighed heavily, wishing Key could be a little more professional and not so abrasive. His words had cut every man in the prescient and not the oldest of the detectives would have to pet their egos. It didn't help the group if the men they were trying to help refused their help. Jinki knew this was going to be a long summer as he rubbed his forehead before putting a smile on.   


authors note

Here we are! A bit later than a week, I'm aware lol I wanted to introduce our detectives this time around, and I'm going to be using the "Everybody" era looks for the story. It's going to be easier for me (since they change it so goddamn much! lol) I really think the looks fit them during this time. But anyway. Thank you Lydine for applying! It gives me hope for this story lol Well, until next time. If you have any questions or what not don't be afraid to ask.

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Honor Among Thieves: Teaser for Stella Belladonna is up. I hope I get some more applications :)


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Chapter 7: Oh I have an idea, though not certain it will be alright with you... give me some time... I think I take reaaaaally long to write.
jocelyn473 #2
Wow this idea seems so cool! Def applying as a thief. Seems like it would make the story more interesting for my character lol
Chapter 7: Oh wow! That is such a great surprise! I love this. I really do! Thank you for taking the time to write that. Now even if I'm not chosen, I feel like writing her was not a waste :D
Wow~ Old subscriber here~ Kudos to you for reviving this, not many people revive their old apply fics. Good Luck!
Chapter 3: I added the three things you pointed out :) I do think it's always good to have characters who do not really get along. If yours more the silent and deadly type? If so, I think rivalry could be cool :)
1stbase #6
oooh. this looks really good!! look out for my app!
Oh this looks interesting! I'll definitely would love to apply for this c:
You did it !! YOU DID IT!! I'm sooooo excited !! Count me in right away, I'll definitely apply again.
Would it be okay if I revamped my app ? I really liked my character (as petty as it sounds) and I loved Yongguk c:
I still care OuO /patientlywaiting