` Teaser o1 `

Honor Among Thieves [Apply Open]

Teaser one

Children of the Night

Eons upon eons ago, the Earth was considered the ugliest place throughout the universe. It was devoid of anything and everything. God decided to send his two brightest and most powerful creatures to decorate and illuminate the Earth. These creatures were known as the Sun and the Moon. However, they were not equal in power. Their power was unevenly distributed, so much so that the Moon was named as the second most powerful creature. She was considered nothing when compared to her husband, the Sun.


In the beginning, the couple got along well. They worked together to change the dreadful planet into something beautiful. It was the Moon who came up with the idea of plants. She went to her husband, the Sun, and asked him to use his power to create them and the Sun agreed. At once, the Earth was covered in a variety of colors and the softness of grass. God was pleased by this.


And so, every day, the grass thanked the Sun for giving it life. They never thanked the Moon for having the idea. The Moon stayed quiet about the lack of gratitude she received. Every day, the trees thanked the Sun for giving them power and stength. They never thank the Moon for willing them into being. Again, she stayed quiet about the lack of gratitude. Every day, the flowers thanked the Sun for giving them beauty. At this point, they didn't even notice the Moon. With their praise, the Sun grew brighter and brighter. The Moon became upset as she was cast into shadows. She envied the power and the radiance that the Sun had while the Sun accused the Moon of being too emotional. He began to ignore his wife's feelings of anger and sadness as he became busier. The Moon becoems lonely and begins to wonder if the Sun still loves her or if he even needed her. She felt so useless as nothing relied upon her.


One day, the Moon refused to go home with her husband, the Sun, and chose to stay on Earth alone for awhile. The Sun went home and he never thought of the Darkness that would emerge. The Darkness fell in love with the Moon at first and vowed to do anything to please her. The Moon adored the Darkness as well. When she was beside him, she appeared as radiant as the Sun. The Darkness asked the Moon why she was so sad and she told him why. The Darkness came up with the idea to create humans who were born terrified of the Darkness. He requested the Moon to return the following day and she obliged. This became the first night. The Moon heard the praise and love the humans bestowed upon her and she felt as though she was almost as important and powerful as the Sun.


People praised the Moon for keeping the Darkness at bay. No one seemed to understand what it meant though for the Darkness. He wanted nothing more than to make the Moon happy for he loved her so. The Moon, however, could not allow the Darkness at her side. As more praised her, the brighter she became. The Darkness could not grow close to his love. However, the Moon was able to dim her glow every once and awhile and would almost disappear in the night sky. It was during this time that her lover was finally able to embrace her. They decided to create children of their who would deliver messages between the Moon and the Darkness as they waited before their next embrace. These children took advantage of the fact that they did not fear the Darkness as others did. Though they always loyally delivered the messages, they also saw it as their birthrite to do as they please under their father's cover. They were children born of the Moon and the Darkness. They were Children of the Night. 


authors note

I have no idea where this came from. The idea of the myth came from here but I've obviously tweaked it a bit for the story. I've always wanted to use a myth or lore to start a story, so here it is lol This is just setting the scene, in a way. I'll probably delete this chapter later on, but I wanted to have lore to explain why there were children of the night. So, I haven't decided on a deadline for applications. Which is a good thing considering I haven't received any lol 

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Honor Among Thieves: Teaser for Stella Belladonna is up. I hope I get some more applications :)


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Chapter 7: Oh I have an idea, though not certain it will be alright with you... give me some time... I think I take reaaaaally long to write.
jocelyn473 #2
Wow this idea seems so cool! Def applying as a thief. Seems like it would make the story more interesting for my character lol
Chapter 7: Oh wow! That is such a great surprise! I love this. I really do! Thank you for taking the time to write that. Now even if I'm not chosen, I feel like writing her was not a waste :D
Wow~ Old subscriber here~ Kudos to you for reviving this, not many people revive their old apply fics. Good Luck!
Chapter 3: I added the three things you pointed out :) I do think it's always good to have characters who do not really get along. If yours more the silent and deadly type? If so, I think rivalry could be cool :)
1stbase #6
oooh. this looks really good!! look out for my app!
Oh this looks interesting! I'll definitely would love to apply for this c:
You did it !! YOU DID IT!! I'm sooooo excited !! Count me in right away, I'll definitely apply again.
Would it be okay if I revamped my app ? I really liked my character (as petty as it sounds) and I loved Yongguk c:
I still care OuO /patientlywaiting