Chapter Two

One Match


Chapter 2


It was dark out. Baekhyun had just woken up from his slumber in the hospital. He faced four walls of emptiness, day and night. He felt tired and sore even though he has just woken up from a long nap. He sighed as he rested his head back on the pillow. I wonder how many people slept in this room, used this bed, these clothes before I did? He thought.  A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts.


“Come in,” he said weakly. In came Park Chanyeol, his best friend and Do Kyungsoo, otherwise known as D.O. The boys had an amazing past together. Dancing. Singing. Laughing. But now, it was less Baekhyun involved.


“How are you feeling today?” Chanyeol had a smile hanging on his face, like always.


“The usual. Aching, pain, boredom. How’s the preparation for the comeback coming along?”


“You know, countless practicing. Trust me, I rather just be you sleeping all day.” D.O. tried to make his career sound as boring as possible. He didn’t want Baekhyun to feel as if he is missing out on anything. After all the duets the two sang, he just knew that his duet buddy couldn’t help but feel left out and depressed.


“Oh yeah? Let’s switch then. You can be here sick while I go out there can chase my dreams.” The after a short moment of silence, Chanyeol coughed and tried to clear up the atmosphere. It was weird. Making a happy atmosphere was always a job the two did together. Now that Baekhyun is gone and nothing was the same anymore.


“D.O. made some amazing kimchi fried rice for you. He knew how you’d hate to miss his cooking.”


Catching on, D.O. replied “Yeah! Eat lots! I made more for you this time. You people eat this stuff faster than I can make it. ” He shook his head. Baekhyun couldn’t help but smile. He missed the days he spent training with the guys.


“I will. Thanks D.O.”


“I’ll leave it in the mini fridge. Tell the nurses to heat it up when you’re feeling hungry.” D.O.’s mothering skills were always handy.


“You know, Baekhyun you should go find a hobby to do or something,” Chanyeol urged.


“Like what? There’s nothing to do here though.” Chanyeol scratched his head.


“Maybe you should go talk to some hit on nurses or something? I don’t know, but make your time here worthwhile. You’ll be doing lots when you get out of here.” Yeah, if I make is out alive that is. Baekhyun’s thoughts weren’t positive theses days. Everything just seemed so negative as all hope was lost. However, he put on a weak smile for his friends.


“I don’t think it’s appropriate to hit on workers, Chanyeol.”


“Well, that’s all I can think of right now.” The tower tried to think of what he would do if he was in Baekhyun’s position. There just seems to be nothing to do.


“Anyways, we have go now. Manger will scream at us if we’re late.” D.O. checked his watch. It was almost time for their daily dance rehearsals.


“Bye guys! Visit me soon okay? It’s so boring here.”


“We’ll be back,” the two chorused. With that, Baekhyun was left alone again. He didn’t feel like eating or sleeping again. Instead, he thought about what Chanyeol said earlier: finding a hobby. What entertainment can you find at the hospital?


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hey, the first chapter is nice :D
tell us more about their life, About rihae's and about baekhyun (maybe before he got into hospital :P)

>__< so baek will meet her at hospital and she'll be the one who entertain him x)?
ooh, the blood she donated will lead them to meet :0?
Poor baekhyun :(~
I like the story description and I'm curious how will they meet :D
I'm waiting for the first chapter :D