Chapter One

One Match


Chapter One


"Rihae-ah!" Yuni yelled as she ran towards her best friend. Rihae was outside Seoul hospital sitting on the bench waiting for her.

"Shh. It's a hospital! Be quiet!,” she responded. It was Saturday afternoon, Rihae's volunteering time. Yuni on the other hand was busy learning different instruments. That's the biggest difference between the two girls. Rihae was academically focused while Yuni was artistic. 

"I don't even know why you bother to come here every week. It's not like there's cute guys or something. And you are done all your hours! " Yuni exclaimed.

"Well, you know me. I like hospitals."

"Sadistic much." Yuni coughed.

"You know I don't mean it like that! I want to be a doctor. And the children-"



“Yuni! You know-”


“Yeah, yeah. Your dream since you were a kid was to help the ill.”



“Now are we going to sit here all day, or are we going to have some fun?”


“Let’s go already! I’m hungry!”


Rihae dragged her best friend’s arm towards the bus stop where they waited for the bus impatiently. The bus seemed to take an eternity for the teenage girls. Of course, reality is always less exaggerated. When the bus did come though, it was sure packed. Everyone was Light the Night-the largest festival of the year. With the same destination, everyone got off the bus. They were greeted with dazzling lights, a large crowd of people, the smell of stinky tofu and blasting music. The sun was setting, perfect timing for a night festival. Dark enough for lights and light enough to see where you’re going. The girls headed to the skewers vendor and wolfed down curry beef balls, fish balls. After a long line up for bubble tea, the girls sat down below the stage to watch some performances.


“Look, that guy is so hot!” Yuni whispered excitedly as she nudged Rihae. Rihae rolled her eyes. There were only a certain guys she found “good-looking”, and this was certainly not one of them. The two girls have very different opinions on everything.


“Didn’t you say that to the guy that sold us the beef balls?”


“Yes, but this one is better! Look at his shirt! It fits him perfectly! Let’s go!” She grabbed Rihae’s arm and dragged her towards the “hot guy”.


“Hey! What are you doing? Let me go! I am not going to go boy sighting with you!”




“No way.”


“Fine. But you have to go buy those cute buttons with me!” Yuni pouted.


“That, I can do.”


The two girls headed to the tent that sold various cute buttons, t-shirts and mugs.


“Which one should I get? The cherry or the watermelon? The strawberry?” Yuni debated.




“But I like the watermelon one more.”


“Then get the watermelon one.”


“Can I have this one please?”


“Sure. One dollar please.”


Rihae looked to the left. The donating tent. Volunteers were asking people to be tested but it seemed like no one wanted to be tested. Rihae debated in her head. Wouldn’t it be just awesome if you could help save a life? To know you saved someone from death? To be their miracle?


“Rihae! Rihae!” Yuni waved her hand in front of her face. “Are you okay? You seemed a little out of it.”


“Remember how we were asked to donate stem cells and blood a couple years back? And we were offended because they practically said that we look old?”


“Yeah! I was really pissed off! We were only 14! So, what about it?”


“I’m planning on donating.” Yuni’s eyebrows raised.


“Are you sure? What if you have to do surgery? What if you die?”


“Relax, Yuni. I’ll be fine.”  Yuni grabbed her arm and gave her the most serious look Rihae has ever seen on Yuni’s face.


“Are you positive?”


“I’m sure.”


“Okay, then. I hope you know what you’re doing.”


After filling in the forms, Rihae was swabbed with a cotton swab inside her cheeks.


“All done. Thank you very much for donating! You will be notified if we find you your match!”


“Your welcome!”


For the rest of the night, the girls walked around the festival and enjoyed more skewers goods.


A/N Hey guys! Was this too boring? For me, all beginnings are boring. Tell me how I can make it more…interesting. ;) ‘Night guys! Happy bias dreams!

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hey, the first chapter is nice :D
tell us more about their life, About rihae's and about baekhyun (maybe before he got into hospital :P)

>__< so baek will meet her at hospital and she'll be the one who entertain him x)?
ooh, the blood she donated will lead them to meet :0?
Poor baekhyun :(~
I like the story description and I'm curious how will they meet :D
I'm waiting for the first chapter :D