Fixed one


“Sooyeon-ah, wake up.”

You opened your eyes slowly when you heard Jangwoo’s voice waking you up.

“We’re here?”

“Yes, finish your problem as soon as possible.”

“You’re gonna wait?”

“No, I’m gonna home. Call if you want me to pick you up, okay?”

“Okay! Bye, oppa!”

Jangwoo waved to you as you got out from the van, you waved to him back and walked with a pounding heart.


And you’re there, in front of EXO’s dormitory’s door.

“Just… don’t meet me for a while. It hurts me so much, I think I can’t meet you for some moments…”

Suddenly Sehun’s last words to you echoing inside your head, you closed your ears to ignore Sehun’s words. It wouldn’t be finished until you meet him and explain everything.

You pressed the bell and heard D.O’s voice coming out.

“Who’s there?”

“Oppa, it’s me…”

Suddenly D.O squealed in ecstasy, “You have arrived!!!” and the door opened to show D.O’s happy face welcoming you.

“Hello!” You greeted him with a wide smile; you got a tight hug as reply.

“Come in! Guys, Sooyeon’s back!”

Your eyes caught Sehun who was watching TV, looked at you with a surprised face, he gave you a sharp stare and immediately walked to his room. You bowed your face in disappointment, you almost cried again if you didn’t try hard to hold it.

“What’s wrong again with that kid…” Chanyeol muttered and shook his head in respond to Sehun’s act. But then he turned to you and gave you his signature smile.

Kai, who knew what’s wrong with Sehun, just kept silent and smiled to you. He heard Sehun’s dialogue with you. And he knew that Sehun cried after ending your call, but he just didn’t want to make Sehun feel worse, so he didn’t ask anything.

“You’re back!!” You heard Baekhyun’s voice, but you couldn’t find the guy. You were looking around when a pair of hand closed your eyes.

You touched the hands and smiled; hands with long and slender fingers, of course it is Baekhyun’s.

“Baekhyunie, my eyes hurt!” You grumbled, but with giggles.

“I’m sorry…” Baekhyun said in a cute way, you hit his arms.

“No need to aegyo.”

“So, how’s Thailand?” Suho asked while muffling your hair.

“Hot. But great!”

The guys smiled, but you couldn’t give a sincere smile as reply since the smiles weren’t complete. No Sehun’s smile there.

“Where’s Sehunie?” You asked them, trying to be heard normal, like nothing was happened. Kai exhaled after hearing your tone.

“He’s inside. Just knock the door loudly, he’ll feel annoyed and opens the door.” Kai said.

You nodded and smiled to Kai, were feeling thankful.


Sehun closed his ears to avoid hearing the annoying knocks. But finally, he felt so annoyed and opened the door. He was surprised to see you in front of him.

“Didn’t you hear my last words to you?” He said coldly.

“Sehun-ah, give me a chance to explain it all, please…” You whispered to him, you really didn’t want the guys know your problem with Sehun.

Sehun exhaled and closed his eyes. After some moments, finally he let you in and closed the door.

“What do you want to explain?”

The condition which there’s just you and him in a closed room made you nervous, but you forced yourself to tell him everything you have wanted to tell.

“Sehun, you know, you can’t force someone’s feeling.”

“I know. I have told you that it’s okay, right? I just need time to heal myself.”

“But not with avoiding me. You… you can tell me everything you want to tell. Just consider that nothing was happened.”

He looked straight at you, “Are you sure?”

You nodded, still felt so nervous.

“Well, I love you. That’s all. But I know that you will not reply my words with the same words. That hurts.”

“I love you, too.” You made Sehun widened his eyes with your words.


“Yeah, I love you too. I love all of you. It’s just the definition of love which is different to each of you.”

“I see.” Sehun exhaled again, he was almost jumped when you said you love him too. But you dropped him again.

“My love to you is like a younger sister’s love to her brother. I love Suho like I love my father. I love Chanyeol as my best of the best friend. I love Kai and D.O like I love my cousins. And I love Baekhyun as…”

“As your love. You love him as a woman, not a sibling, not a friend, not a best friend, and not a daughter.” Sehun made your explanations clear with his words.

“Yes… But I love you all, you got it?”

He nodded. “I got it.”

You smiled to him, “So, I think it’s clear now. Don’t avoid me anymore, promise?”

“I will promise after you do me a favor.”

“Tell me.”

He smiled, “Let me kiss you. For the first time. And if you want, it will be the last, I will not mind.”

You were surprised. You lost your words.


But finally you nodded, made Sehun smiled and leaned slowly. You closed your eyes and seconds after, you felt Sehun’s lips touched yours gently. The kiss only lasted for 3 seconds, and you opened your eyes.

“Thank you. I promise.” He smiled and muffled your hair gently. “Let’s go out, they will be suspicious if we stay here any longer.”

You nodded again with no words, you didn’t even know for how many times.

And you were surprised by the guys standing in front of the door with panicky faces. They have heard everything, and they looked so silly with their smirks and etcetera faces.


“It’s good to see you acting normal again.” Said Kai before closing his eyes, ready to sleep.

Sehun smiled, “Yeah. You heard everything, right?”

Kai just gave him nods and hummed. He heard almost everything.

“It hurts me at first when I know that she only loves me as her brother. But after thinking further, love to sibling is bigger than anything, right?”


“So, it’s good for me.”

“Hmm, good for you and everyone. Goodnight, Sehun-ah.” Said Kai before covering himself with blanket.

“Goodnight, Jongin-ah.”

Sehun closed his eyes with a peaceful smile on his face. Smile of a relieved feeling.


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I don't know why it is marked as M, but I swear this chapter only contains kisses -_-


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Chapter 5: awesome!!!sooyoon was so0o0o0o0o0o0 lucky....T^T.....awesome fics,author-ssi!!:3 goodjob!!keep it up :D
Chapter 5: Good story~^^