Stage Two The Discovery Phase: Learning the Ticks

Eight Stages [G-Dragon]

To say the least breakfast was a bit awkward, between me being nice and friendly with Taecyeon while Jiyong proceeded to prod about what he knew about me. The others also joining in, until I give them all looks, Taecyeon leaves for a schedule, after I hug him goodbye, feeling five pairs of eyes on me with my back turned. “Sorry about them, they don’t normally do that.” I whisper into his ear.

“Its fine, Jiyong’s just nervous.” He mumbles, at least I think that’s what I thought I heard, shortly after they leave we follow suit paying we go our separate ways.

“Jiyong,” I hiss while we’re walking out hand in hand. “That wasn’t necessary!”

He looks at me gripping my hand forcing me to walk faster to the car. “I’m your boyfriend; he’s trying to make a move on you, my girlfriend.”

Rolling my eyes I get in his car, “We’re dating, he knows that besides we only know each other because I’m helping teach some of 2PM English, I told you that.” I tell him crossing my arms.

Driving me home he’s completely silent, fuming no doubt, incredibly jealous… of what? “He’s hoping for a lot more than you’re thinking.” He mumbles out pulling up to the curb outside my house. “I have a schedule, I’ll call you later.”

Pausing, I take Jiyong’s hand, I didn’t like for him to go into things angry. “Sweetie,” leaning in I kiss his cheek. “I love you; you know that, you don’t have anything to worry about at all.”

Sighing he pulls me even closer. “I do know…” Kissing my cheek in return he holds me close for a little bit. “I’m scared of loosing you Melissa; I don’t want you to walk away from me.”

I’m completely surprised, holding his face between my hands I kiss his lips tenderly. “I’m not going anywhere.” I mumble against his lips. “I’m staying right here with you; you don’t have anything to worry about Jiyong.”

Pulling away I smile at him getting out. “Have a good day.” Nodding his head he smiles at me, looking more relieved and less pissed than before, but still irritated.

Sighing I walk into my house, grabbing the twenty files of applicants I go through them, all but one being a waste of time, looking at the clock I realize how long it’s been, four hours of going over the files, looking at my phone and picking it up I text Bom.

‘Jiyong asked me to move in :/’
Waiting I look out the window until my phone goes off.
‘what did you say?!’
‘yes, but wait a while’
‘that’s BIG, Jiyong walked in looking pissed?’
‘breakfast with him and the guys plus Taecyeon’
‘That’s the one’
‘he’s smoking ;D ’
Chuckling I text her ‘I guess, but he got Jiyong POed’
‘he shouldn’t be worried, it not like you fall head over heels for every idol’
‘what are you going to do?’
‘Dunno, hope he gets over it I guess it isn’t like I won’t be seeing him again’
‘wait, whut?’
‘I’m helping 2PM with their languages before they go touring again’
‘no wonder he’s so pissed, you’ll be seeing them for a while’
‘pretty much, I’m gonna head out, ttyl’
‘don’t stay out too late you have work tomorrow ;D’

Grabbing my bag and the files I was looking over, setting all my stuff down in my car I drive to JYP Entertainment, might as well go over some more files. Walking in smiling at the desk clerk, and the few people that I do actually know I take a seat in my office looking over more applications for the jobs. Sitting on my chair cross-legged, flipping through pages, loosing track of time, and picking out a couple of applicants.

I don't get why he has to be so jealous, it isn't like we're doing anything, and besides I'm not even the one helping Taecyeon! David is, Jiyong doesn't see me getting worked up when ever he talks to another girl. GAH, this is so frustrating. He's only pissed because we hugged... Stupid Jiyong, stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID. Fuming I look at the picture on my desk, the two of us smiling and looking at each other, cliche couple picture. Interrupting my thoughts a knock comes to my door. “Come in!” I call spinning around.

“What are you doing here?” David asks curiously. “It’s like 3 am.”

Furrowing my brow “Really?”

“Yeah, the desk clerk called me saying she was worried, you’d come up here around three in the afternoon and haven’t came out, what have you been doing?”

“Going through applications, spacing out, keeping busy you know, the usual.” I say shrugging my shoulders.

“Let’s get you home,” David says sighing while helping me out of the chair. “You know, it isn’t good to just throw yourself into work right?”

“I wasn’t I just lost track of time, it happens.”

“For twelve hours?” He asks me skeptically. “I doubt it.”

Driving me home David is silent. “Did something happen between you and Jiyong?”

“Yeah…” I tell him staring out the window. “But nothing too bad, I just sort of forgot to check the time is all.” I mutter giving him directions.

“Staying in that chair for twelve hours reading through applications isn’t being forgetful, I have a feeling it’s what you do when you don’t like something happening in your life.” David says pulling up to my house, Jiyong sprints out the door worry on his face.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I tell him getting out. “Bye, David.”

“Sure, have a nice night.” David says driving off, turning to face Jiyong he hugs me tightly.

“You can’t do that to me.” He mumbles into my shoulder as I wrap my arms around him. “I thought you weren’t coming back.”

I nuzzle closer to his body as we stand out in the night. “I’ll always come back, no matter what."

I'm trying to slow it down, since the next chapter is the last chapter for this stage, it'll be a time skip probably a few months or so, to be honest I haven't started it yet :/ Umm...

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myungyeol4life #1
i really liked this i have to read it again
pipsqueak110 #2
Chapter 67: Wow I really enjoyed reading this. Even tho this is from way back, its probably one of my favorites ^.^ now I shall move in to your sequel for this. Thank you for writing this!! ♥
supjiyong #3
Chapter 67: On to reading the last part! Good job, I love this story very much!
Chapter 67: This is excellant! Good job author-nim! :)
Iheartlife #5
tHis was really good :D
Good story!<br />
I really love it
d'awww *throws confetti* how's it feel to be done with another part of the kwon series?
It has come to an end :( well i had a great time reading i enjoy your writing :) thank you
awww! congrats in finishing this! it's really a wonderful story! and realistic one! love it! ^^