Stage Two The Discovery Phase:Popping A Question

Eight Stages [G-Dragon]

Walking through the door around seven thirty to a slightly upset Jiyong, “Hey sweetie, did I keep you waiting?” I ask as he ambles over to me quietly, my face he leads me to the couch sitting me down before kissing my lips gently. It's a bit nerve racking because it's a kiss he's putting his all into, telling me exactly what he feels and that he's clearly very happy to see me.

“I love you.” He whispers against mine. I stare at him wide-eyed, he said IT to me. “I really do, I love you so much.”

“Jiyong,” I whimper as he takes me hands in his, staring into my eyes he smiles happily. “I love you.”

Jiyong tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear caressing my cheek, nodding his head. “We need to get dressed, I made dinner reservations.” He mumbles kissing my cheek. “Nine o’clock.”

Nodding my head as he pulls me up off the couch, gently tugging me up the stairs and into my bedroom, “Don’t take too long.” He whispers into my ear.

Nodding my head blushing as he walks out of my room, and eventually out to his car, “What a man” I whisper smiling to myself. Walking over to my closest I pick out a simple black dress, stopping at my knees, doing my make-up simply, Jiyong does ‘t like a lot of make-up on girls, ‘It distracts from the real beauty girls have.’ He says, putting my final touches together letting my hair fall around my shoulders curling and twisting elegantly. Looking at the clock ‘8:30’, smiling to myself I pull on my black heels, putting on my pink lipstick as Jiyong calls out. “Ready?”

Walking down the stairs my clutch in my hand using the other to run down the railing with a coat clung over it nodding my head.

“You look stunning as always.” He coos into my ear as we head out into Seoul.

Blushing slightly as always I grip his hand. “You look handsome.”

“Thank-you baby,” He says opening my door for me. “Tonight is going to be special.”

I nod my head agreeing, grinning at the thought of us dining together.


Arriving at the restaurant we’re lead to a table under a large chandelier, in the center of the room.  Jiyong’s taken care of everything, wine, orders he’s made tonight amazing, perfect even.


“Do you know how nervous I was earlier when I was telling you 'I love you'?” Jiyong asks holding my hands in his while rubbing them with his thumbs. Shaking my head he answers smiling. “More nervous than I’ve ever been.”

“You were even more nervous than standing up in front of all your fans performing?” I question.

He nods his head. “That’s easy stuff, you though…I don’t want to lose you. Imagining my life without you isn't something I could ever enjoy...” Looking at our hands he smiles happily. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that I saw you at the club that night, I can’t put into words how lucky I really am, I couldn’t even begin to explain how much I care for you.” Looking away as his eyes gaze at my face he sighs. “You know you’re only more beautiful when you do that.”

“Am I?” I as quietly, as long as we’ve been together, it was still a little hard to imagine that he chose me, he loves me, he thinks I’m the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, that he wants to be with me and no one else.

“You’re too humble you know that?” He says laughing quietly. “You always look amazing; you’re only more beautiful because you don’t realize how attractive you really are.”

Blushing I know he’s smirking releasing my hands standing up he walks over to me grasping my face making me look at him. “You’re too beautiful; it hurts to know that you don’t always think so.” He mumbles kissing my lips tenderly, pulling away he kissing my forehead. “Don’t be afraid to carry your head high.”

Smiling at him I nod my head as he takes his seat grinning over at me as our dinner comes, eating our meal talking incessantly, learning about each other again, leaving he takes my hand in his whispering sweet things into my ear.

The drive home he asks me a question, one that shocked me…

“What do you think about moving in together?” 


Sorry for the delay, I couldn't really think of anything for this chapter :/

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myungyeol4life #1
i really liked this i have to read it again
pipsqueak110 #2
Chapter 67: Wow I really enjoyed reading this. Even tho this is from way back, its probably one of my favorites ^.^ now I shall move in to your sequel for this. Thank you for writing this!! ♥
supjiyong #3
Chapter 67: On to reading the last part! Good job, I love this story very much!
Chapter 67: This is excellant! Good job author-nim! :)
Iheartlife #5
tHis was really good :D
Good story!<br />
I really love it
d'awww *throws confetti* how's it feel to be done with another part of the kwon series?
It has come to an end :( well i had a great time reading i enjoy your writing :) thank you
awww! congrats in finishing this! it's really a wonderful story! and realistic one! love it! ^^