Best Gift Ever

Our Baby is an Alien!?!
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A/N: Last chapter... Please comment guys, I want to know your opinions~ Thanks



Everything was back to normal.

Normal is far beyond the real definition of your state.

It’s like that something was taken casually from you as if it’s just a borrowed one that you don’t have anything to do but to give it without any complain.


It’s been two months since Q and Onew left to go back on their own planet.

And it’s been two months since you’ve been acting so well like nothing happened.

It wasn’t the same anymore without the two aliens around. They’ve been a big part of your life and so are they to Kai.

So how was he?

Just like you, he’s back to his old self. Cocky as ever; cool as before – just him but you know behind those smirks and smiles, he hasn’t moved on, yet.

The pain is still there and no matter what the two of you do, you can’t forget them because you miss them a lot.



In the cafeteria, the whole group is their except for the EXO-M whose on the other school just a few walks outside the school.

The group is in chaos due to the unstoppable bickering and teasing of Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Suho’s head is aching already for he could not stop these two boys to fight over the meal they had yesterday. You insisted to pay for the food in a Chinese restaurant since most probably, at the end of the school year, you’re going to have an honor. Chanyeol ate Baekhyun’s food unknowingly and Baekhyun’s out od mood yesterday so he took it personally though the whole gang found it amusing; so until now, their fight over the food eaten continued.


“Don’t you know how hungry I am yesterday? I was about to die that very night but then you just ate my portion.”


“I thought you’re not going to eat it anyway because all you have to do is put on your eyeliner in the rest room while everyone’s having their dinner.”

“But still, that’s not yours Chanyeol.”


“The food is cold already. I know that you’re a type of guy who’s not going to eat cold food unlessit was reheated.”


All of you stared at them as if you’re watching a movie – a romantic comedy, but one of you is losing his patience already.


“Can you just eat Baek? you’re spoiling the mood.”


“You started this.”



“The two of you, can you just leave the table now?”


All your eyes darted to Suho. His façade turned hard and his ever pale white skin appeared pinkish or should you say redder, he’s pissed by the two.

You zipped your mouth and so as the others.




“Baek.” Suho’s voice sounded hard too, low but threatening.


“Suho hyung, we’re sor-“


Chanyeol’s was interrupted.


“Do you want to eat peacefully with us or you’re going to argue childishly in front of us?”


“WE’RE GOING TO EAT PEACEFULLY HYUNG!” both of them said without any doubt.


Right away, they continued eating their food as if nothing happened a while ago.


Suho oppa is really an angel but when it comes to this, his devil side appears. You thought.



The atmosphere became calm after Suho’s rage.  You checked Kai on your side who’s eating quietly as always. He’s always like this ever since Q was gone.

You lean a bit on your side and using your fork, you took the last piece of chicken meat on his plate.

“Mine!” you said as you chewed the meat.

He just stared at you with a blank face then he pinched your nose and said, “You’re getting fatter miss.”

You turned red and fake a slap on his arm, “Kai~”


You didn’t notice your friends whispering with one another as their eyes fixed on the two of you.

“Is this for real or another feigning?” Sehun asked Kim on his side.

Kim just shrugged because even how hard she tried to fathom your happiness, she could not see the sincerity of your smile. Inside, she could feel that you’re smiling half-heartedly just like Kai like now.

“What do you think then?” Kim asked in return.

Just like Kim did a while ago, Sehun shrugged with his lips pouted.

“You know, I could feel that they just don’t want us to get worried about them. They wanted to show the normal and usual side of them in front of us even though deep inside, they are longing for Q’s presence and so as Onew hyung.” Baekhyun said.

“I’m not used to this kind of atmosphere so just like them, I pretend like I’m happy to see them okay.” Chanyeol added.

“No matter what we do, only they could help themselves too. We’re just here to support them. Let them face the reality, sooner or later they’re going to accept it though.” Suho told them. The rest nodded in agreement.



The day passed by so quickly. Before, there’s an excitement whenever you go home. You always anticipate for someone to run towards you and give you a warm big hug. You always expect the smell of fresh fried chickens waiting on the dining table. You always feel your stress being relieved by the welcoming warmth of your home after the strenuous activity in school. Despite of your parents’ absence, these two being never failed to make you feel belonged to a one whole family.

Honestly, you really miss them.

You miss Q and Onew.

The panicky Chicken Alien Onew who always clean, cook and take care of you.

The cute whiny Alien Baby Q who thought you as his mother.

You miss the two of them and you know that aside from you, someone misses them so bad too, that is Kai.

After the day he sent Q away,  he’s back to normal, you tried to talk to him to clear things up and to lighten his emotional loads but he just faked a smile and said that nothing’s wrong.

You couldn’t avoid thinking of them because here on earth, they’re part of your family.


You prepared the Buffalo wings you’ve bought in a restaurant for your dinner. You took a plate and directly put the Buffalo wings on it and add a half cup of rice. Before, there’s three plates laid on the table but now, there’s one for you and nothing else.

You ate quietly and cleaned the plate right after.

The routine was so fast unlike before, the conversation on the table was quite long and after eating, a smile always appear on your face.

Two months of their absence was long enough to cope up with the changes but it’s like it’s just yesterday.


Jiyeon, help yourself up please. You said as you put back the plate on the rack.


You went up to wash to prepare yourself to sleep.

It took you thirty minutes inside the bathroom unlike before; it only took you three to five minutes because there is Q who’s waiting impatiently at the door anticipating his mother to play with him.

When you got out, you let your hair laid on your back, letting the water dripped on the floor while you wrapped your body with your blue bathrobe.

You wore your Pororo pajamas and then tucked yourself inside your comforter. Like the rest of the days, this night would also be a cold night.






You sat on your bed as your eyes adjusting on your dim lighted room.




You’re sure you’ve heard something’s hitting on your glass window so you stood up right away and walked towards your window. You opened it and boom! A small piece of rock landed on your nose.


“Aww! I’m going to punch you once I get down there!” you shouted from your room.




Someone shouted downstairs. As you wrinkled your nose and slightly massaged the aching part of it, you leaned down and saw Kai still wearing his uniform.


“K-Kai? Why are you here? It’s late already.”


“Well, it came out already from you that it’s late. Can you let me in first before your neighbors throw me stones here?”


“Okay just wait, I’m coming down.”



After a minute, you managed to open the gate right away, letting your friend get in your house. You the lights in the living room as he threw his sling bag on your couch.


“Want some drink?” you asked.


“Maybe just water.” Kai answered as he took his seat.


You came back with two glasses of water. You put it above the center table and watched Kai wipe his sweat off with his towel.


“Is there dirt on my face?”


You shook your head and worn a smile, “Nothing. Are you from practice? But I’ve heard from oppas that you don’t have any practice today.”


“I practice alone.” He answered and then he took the glass of water and drank it straightly.


There’s an ear-deafening silence in the four-cornered room of your house. You knew him for a long time so you know that whenever he wants to be alone, there is something bothering him.


“Tell me Kai, what’s the problem?”


Again, he just shook his head.


“Kai, I knew you so well that I know when you hide something from me. Tell me, what is your problem?”


Kai sensed your worry on your tone so straightened up his back and looked at your eyes straightly.

“Nothing Jiyeon, thank you for your concern.”


You stood up and went to his side. You pinch his ear and said, “So, you’ve waken me up this late just to bother me with nothing? Don’t you know that we have a test tomorrow?”


“Aww Jiyeon! Stop! I just wanted to see you before I sleep.”


You stopped but you kicked his leg, “Sweet talker! Be honest or else I’ll send you out of my house now. At the count of three, one… two…”


“I’m sad jiyeon.”


Suddenly, your annoyance disappeared.


“Kai.” Your voice softened as your face softened too.


He broke down into tears but he tried so hard to wipe off every tear streaming down his face.


“I hate to feel strong. I hate to feel I’m okay. I hate to pretend that everything’s fine for me. Jiyeon, I felt that there’s a piece of me missing.”


Kai couldn’t help it anymore. All you could do was to caress his hand just to comfort him.


“I’m waiting for you to open up for a long time Kai. I’m glad you finally admitted it.”


“I’m not as manly as before now.” He said.

You chuckled upon hearing it and lightly pat the back of his hand.

“Crying doesn’t make you less of a man but rather proves a real heart of a man. Kai, this is the real manliness, admitting your weakness.”


Kai rested his eyes on your face. Though it was red and puffy already, you could see the sincerity of it. For a while, both of you just gazed on each other savoring the silence to calm each other’s emotions.


“Jiyeon, thank you.”


You smiled at him, “You’re wel…”


Kai kissed your forehead. It was so warm and it made your heart leaped a mile from your heart.

It happened so fast that all you could only do was to purse your lips and to close your eyes.


His lips stayed there for several seconds before he tore away from you. He stood up and took his things.


“I’m going home now.”


“Are you okay now?” you asked him as you followed him on the door.


He nodded with a thin smile on his lips.


“Want me to walk you home? It’s already dark outside.” You took a flashlight on the drawer beside the shoe rack.


Kai snatched the flashlight from your hand and said, “I know it’s dark outside, I’ll just borrow this one. Bye.”



“Go back to sleep Jiyeon. Good night.”


He waved his hand and the flashlight.


You turned your back at him and went back ins

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update is coming.. wait for it guys


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Xiou_Luge #1
Chapter 50: i love it-
Chapter 49: Awwwwwww was best story!!!!!!! Was beautiful beautiful ^^ I love it this is story!!! Congressional author-nim!!!! ♥
Chapter 50: I never missed any episode of UFO baby! i missed the anime so much
this just make me remember the story xD
Chapter 50: i love this story!! :)
Chapter 50: I'm so gonna read all of your other fanfics now..i was listening to four times around the sun by nell while reading this and this is alien stuff and that is kinda like solar system so it fits...err...I think just forget about what I just said..or was it wrote..whatever..You're awesome.. ^-^
Chapter 49: Aww..that was the best birthday scene ever..I'm in tears.. T-T
Chapter 50: i hope you make a part 2
jonginlulubaek #8
Chapter 48: why this is so sad? omg ;;
Chapter 48: OMO!! So fast..This is too much for me to handle.. *joins EXO at the back crying buckets already* Please update soon..It really hurt my heart to see Kai trying so hard to let go of Q..I can't take it.. *sniffs* Author-nim please make it a happy ending.. T-T
Chapter 47: Noooo..This is so sad..I'm gonna cry..too late already crying.. T-T Please update soon!! ^-^