Chapter 6

Masque'd Memories



Sis, you know about him, right? I really like him. He gave me this ring!

Yah! I don’t know him at all. You’re still young and you already like a boy.

Nina woke up sweating. Sister? She thought to herself. She doesn’t remember having a sister at all. And so, why did she have that dream? Wait, it was more like a nightmare.

Her phone vibrated and found a text message. It was from Joon.


FROM: Joonie

SUBJ: ^o^

MESSAGE: I forgot to tell you that you looked very beautiful tonight. J♥

She smiled. But something in her heart ached so much. She started crying quietly. She curled up on her bed.

“Why?” she sobbed. “Why can’t I remember anything? What happened?”

With her crying, she slowly went back to sleep.


The boys were knocked out. It was leader who went to sleep last. He went to sleep last. He went to the kitchen and the other two’s room was ajar. Seungho found Joon still up and was smiling at his phone.

“Joonie-ah, go to sleep.” Seungho called to him.

“Fine…” Joon replied.

The leader closed the door and walked to the sofa. He sat there, drinking coffee.

“Good thing it turned out to be only admiration. Or else…” Seungho told himself, sighing.

“Or else, what?” Byunghee pooped out from nowhere.

The leader almost spilled his coffee. “Oh gosh. Byunghee-ah!” Don’t freaking do that!”

Byunghee laughed and he asked him again.

“Well, about that girl. I liked her because we share the same passion. But she wasn’t right for me. She only looks at Joon and same goes for Joon.” The leader sighed again.

He might as well give her up rather than have a fight with Joon. Right after he saw Nina kissed Joon, and holding hands, Seungho knew right then that he shouldn’t bother them.

“I’m such a good person.” Seungho said.

Byunghee smirked. “No, you’re just a nice person who looks out for other people.”

They sighed together and started laughing. Seungho thought of visiting the bistro tomorrow.

“You know what I’m wondering about?” Byunghee told Seungho, and he continued, “She and Joon are close. I mean, it’s as if they’ve known each other for a long time.”

“Yah! How can you say that? Well, from what you’re saying, I think I agree with you. It’s as if they’ve been friends from way back.” The leader thought about this. “And you know, I’ve always been in doubts about Joon’s past, he did mention before that his memories are vague and he just remembers his uncle and two kids he was always playing with.”

There was silence. Both of them were thinking about it.

“Hyung…” Joon’s voice was heard in the distance. They quickly turned to look at him. “I… I think I know. I’ve met her before, back when I was a teenager, when I was small.”

Seungho’s cup almost fell. “What? Are you sure?” he exclaimed.

Joon sat on the floor anf scratched his head.

“There’s something wrong though…” he softly said.

Byunghee was the one who asked this, “What? Joon, just tell us what’s bothering your mind.”

“Well… the way she acts. It’s different. She’s a totally different person now.” He said.

He was trying to explain to them, but words were scrambled in his mind.

“Dude, people change you know. How many years has it been?” Seungho in.

Joon fell back. He rested his arm on his forehead. “You’re right… but still.”

After a while Byunghee and Seungho heard heavy breathing. Joon fell asleep.


The next day.

“Dear, where’s Nina? Her mother is on the phone.” Aunt Eunah asked her husband.

Uncle Han looked at her and replied, “She stayed over at dad’s penthouse. Dad insisted she stay there for the rest of her vacation. I’m going there to drop her luggage.”

“I see.” She said and went back to the phone and talked to her.

## PHONE CONVERSATION ## (NM: Nina’s mother)

Eunah: Unnie, she’s not here.

NM: What? Where is she?

Eunah: There was a party last night. She stayed over the Shui’s penthouse.

NM: She’s not answering my calls.

Eunah: Nina is probably still sleeping. She was quite exhausted. Don’t worry, unnie.

NM: How can I not worry? Eunah… did she… did she talk about Rina?

Eunah: -sigh- No… Not that I know of. She didn’t say anything.

NM: I see.

Eunah: So she hasn’t recovered yet?

NM: No… and I’m worried about her. She’s in Seoul! What if they come back for her? She’ll be the talk of the town, since she’s gonna be with celebrities.

Eunah: They won’t. So, don’t worry.

NM: How can you be so sure?

Eunah: -silence- Well, anyway… I’ll take care of her.

NM: Fine. Oh… dear, don’t forget to tell her that Dongwoon will be visiting Korea. He’ll be arriving on Wednesday.

Eunah: Dongwoon? Son Dongwoon? He’s gaining world popularity now.

NM: I know… and Nina’s probably the reason why he’s visiting there and be with his group. Omo! Look at the time. My husband’s complaining now. We’re going to a business party now.

Eunah: Oh… arasseo arasseo. Take care.

NM: Send my love to my daughter. I miss you, Eunah.

## END of conversation ##

Nina’s mother is so hyper! Aunt Eunah thought. She wondered if her mother really cared for Nina in the first place. How can she go to a party?

“Yobeo, I’m heading out now. I’ll be back soon.” Uncle Han said.

He left using his car. Aunt Eunah stood in front of the telephone and pondered.

“Even though I told that to her mother, I’m still worried. What if her memories return? How is she gonna cope?” Aunt Eunah took a deep breath as she thought about the traumatic tragedy.


>> On the other side of the world <<

“I have to get her.” A guy said. Determined.

“She needs me.”

“But, you broke up with her already. Why are you so persistent?”

“I just want her back.”

“Fine. But there’s going to be chaos.”

>> Back <<


Where are the twins! A woman’s voice yelled.

He’s holding a gun! Dear, don’t go.” A man’s voice replied.

“Nina!” Nina’s eyelids opened in an instant.

She was sweating so much that her hair and shirt were soaked in sweat. Her breathing was heavy and there were tears in her eyes.

“Ssshhh… It’s okay… it’s only a nightmare. Hush now.”

Nina was embraced and she buried her head in the guy’s chest. And he was calming her down.

“You okay now?” he asked.

Nina looked up with a surprised face. She smiled a little bit.

“What are you doing here? And how did you find me?” Nina asked as she calmed down her breathing.

He smiled and said, “Of course… to take you back.” Totally ignoring the second question.

“What? You’re taking me back? I don’t want to go home.” She retorted. “I want to stay.”

Nina was afraid. Her nightmares are terrorizing her. Does this mean her memories are coming back? There was still that closed door in her mind. She had attempted to open it, but the knob was ice cold that sent shiver down her spine. She wasn’t afraid, she was terrified.

“Fine. I’ll let you stay for another two weeks, in one condition.” He said.

“Shoot.” She replied.

He grinned, “You have to come with me.”



Yeahhh... here is chapter 6! What do you think??? :D

If you get too confused, just let me know...

There is a huge twist coming, so brace yourselves!

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luvphiil #1
@spriggan_d waaahhh... sorry if it's too confusing D; But I really wrote it that way... and everything will shed light in the later chapters. thanks for reading! and i hope so too! *wink**wink* and i mean, he's the leading man in the story, he shouldn't be the bad guy... but let's see ;)
wow...this story is so confusing. i hope Joon isn't a bad guy cause i have my doubts bout him. i mean he doesn't have his full memories of the past, just bits and pieces.
luvphiil #3
@MallowYoomi, I've edited the Foreword.... hehe hope it looks okay~<br />
and oh, that's the poster I made a few days ago...<br />
decided to put it up..<br />
and of course! let's be friends! XD<br />
<3<br />
(by the way, i have A LOT of grammar mistakes and typos in the chapters..<br />
because when I posted them on this forum, i didn't get to edit it. haha)<br />
MallowYoomi #4
Hahaha. Yeah, i am. But I live here at Cali right now. soo, oh well.<br />
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IKR?! hmmm. btw, i like how the plot is written, and so on, but it lacks something! More on presentation. hmmm. I'm suggesting you to edit it, to make others interested.<br />
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I can be your co-author, to edit it (IF YOU WANT!). and, request a poster for it. :D<br />
<br />
soo, nice to meet you. Let's be friends! okay?
luvphiil #5
@MallowYoomi haha thanks for reading!<br />
and yes, I am.. :D are you Filipina? :D<br />
Joon and thunder are so adorable! xD
MallowYoomi #6
hey there! interesting story!<br />
hmmm. i assume you're a Filipina huh?<br />
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