Chapter 4 - Part 1 & 2

Masque'd Memories

“Michelle, can I ask you a question?” Nina asked.

Michelle wrote something down on her planner before she looked up and talked to Nina. “Yes, dear. What is it?”

“How should I put it? Uhm, does MBLAQ always hang out here?”

Michelle smiled and nodded. “Uh-huh. Well, they always hangout at the owner’s place. They eat here when Rain is in Korea, and also when the other store is closed. Are you interested in them? Are you a fan?” She replied, but she shot questions.

“I see… Well, I’m a major fan. But,”

She was cut off, “But you love a particular member.”

“No! I mean, I love them…” she sighed. “I don’t think I love him yet.” And blushed.

She glared at Nina and asked, “Is it G.O?”

“What? Are you serious? He’s like my big brother. He declared me as his little sister last night.”

“Right. Thank God.” Michelle whispered.

“You like him?”

Michelle blushed. It took her a while to answer. “Well, yeah… and, actually…”

“Don’t tell me you’re going out with G.O-oppa!?” Nina blurted out. Michelle hushed her. Nobody knows that Byung Hee is in a relationship.

“Promise me you won’t say a single word about it.” Michelle literally begged her. “Right. I promise.” Nina promised. She was still smiling and happily thinking about it.

“I envy you, Michelle-unni.”

“Aww. Don’t be, Nina. You’re what, 17? I’m sure the right one for you is on his way to meet you.”

Nina sighed. “Yeah, right. I’m actually really scared of falling in love. It scares the heck out of me. “

Michelle wanted to ask why, but she saw Nina’s look on her face. What a sad girl. She was definitely sad and angry about something. So, she asked instead.

“Do you want ice cream?” Michelle asked her.

“Hmm… do you have ice cream cake?” Nina’s back to her usual self.


“Oppaaa~ “Nina yelled in a very cute way when she saw Byung Hee. She hugged him, and he hugged back. Someone cleared a throat and he saw Michelle giving an eye on him.

“Mich- it’s not what you think…” Byung Hee frantically explained.

Michelle and Nina burst out laughing. Byung Hee’s expression was priceless.

“Oppa, I know about it. Don’t worry, it was unnie’s plan to teaser you. I can’t believe you fell for it.” Nina told him.

“Nina!” Sanghyun yelledwhen he entered the studio. Nina then replied, “Annyeong, Kuya.”

“Annyeong, Nina-dongsaeng. I’m glad you’re already here. We wanna show you a live performance of Oh Yeah.” Sanghyun said.

Nina looked around but Joon wasn’t there.

“Or… how about we take a short break and eat these foods we brought from the restaurant?” Michelle asked and everyone agreed.

“You looking for someone? Cholyong whispered behind Nina.

Nina flinched, turned around and told him no.

“Chol Yong smiled. “He’s in the other room, probably working out, or dancing.”

“I told you I’m not looking for him. “ Nina replied.

“But then, how come your eyes said so?” he asked Nina. Chol Yong is a pretty great guesser. He is the genius, and he understands people.

Nina poked Michelle’s shoulder, and she mouthed, “BATH-ROOM.” And she nodded. Nina was already informed what room Joon was in.

She walked out and looked for the room where Joon was at. She heard loud hiphop music. She peeked in and found him doing push-ups. His arm muscles were really showing. He didn’t notice her since he was too engrossed in what he was doing. Nina silently opened the door. She walked over the CD played and turned the volume down. Joon looked up, sweating.

“Yah…” Joon said in a low voice. He lay down on this back with heavy breathing.

“Here.” Nina threw him his towel, covering his face. “What’s up with you? You always show off your abs.”

He smirked. “And you obviously like it.”

Huh? “Stupid! It isn’t what you’re thinking.” Well, Nina loved it. She has been mesmerized by his abs.

Joon sat, legs crossed. “What are you doing here, anyway?”

“Why? I’m not allowed to be here? I’ll leave then.” Nina replied sarcastically and started walking towards the door. Joon grabbed her hand.

“Stay.” Only one word and she gave in.

She sat right next to him. “Hey, Joon. You look so different. I mean, you used to be so lively when I see your shows. And speaking as a regular girl, you look really familiar, as if I’ve known you before.”

He looked at me and said, “What are you talking about? I’m still very lively. It’s just that a lot of things happened this week. It’s not even funny.”

“What happened?” she asked.

“You don’t even want to know.” He replied.

Nina raised her eyebrow and stared at him. “What’s up with you? First, you tell me, then I ask you, but you won’t even say a thing!”

“Fine! Aish~…” he said, and continued. “Last Monday, we had to perform live at this certain place. The we had a fan signing ever. I was happily talking with the others when a fan came up… and… a-and…”

He stuttered and his face became red. He was blushing. He doesn’t know how to say it directly and he had to say it to a girl.

“And what? She flashed you?” Nina said bluntly.

That surprised him, and he was even more embarrassed. “How did you know?”

Nina smiled. “Omo~ I guessed it right?” That was a shocker. But he is definitely cute.

“It was very embarrassing. I was very angry and felt humiliated at that time.” He looked at me. “That’s why at that time I did that to you. I was angry at every girl I met, that includes you.”

“I see. I can’t believe my idol hates me, even before we officially met. Aigoo~” Nina was in drama mode now.

“Are you still angry?” he asked.

“Of course! Who wouldn’t be angry? Even if you’re some super star, and did that to me, I’d hate you.” She said. Actually, she forgave him a long time ago. Nina wasn’t the girl who holds grudges for so long.

“I’d do anything. Please. Just forgive me. I can’t afford to a lose a fan!” he begged.

Nina smirked. “Anything? Are you sure?”

He nodded.

“Then, dance.”


Chapter 4 – Part 2
Feeling confident, he said, “Dance? That’s it?”

“Yep, just dance.” She flatly said. Joon got up and took his iTouch and plugged it in his iHome. “Wait. You dance, but with me. And I get to choose the song.”

“You? Dance? Are you kidding me? Psh…” he teased.

“Omo~ Lee Changsun is so confident that he think he’s better than everybody else. Do you want me to spread some rumors? No? So, just stand over there and I’ll choose the song.”

“Yah!” he shouted.

Nina didn’t listen to Joon. He can’t do anything. She took her iPod Nano shuffle out of her bag and plugged it in the iHome.

Christina Aguillera’s “Genie in a Bottle” came on and Nina started tapping to its beat.

“Lee Joon, you ready?” she asked with a smirk on her lips.

She started freestyling, matching her actions to the song. It wasn’t a fast song, so she moved slowly towards him. When she was a few inches away from him, Joon said, “You’re challenging me?” and grabbed her hand, and twirled her.

“So, you know ballet?” he asked while he did popping and was standing en pointe. <-- en pointe is a ballet term.

“Yeah, but it was a long time ago. I can’t believe I still know how to do ballet.” She said.

Their dance to the song was graceful. It was combined with RnB-Hiphop-Ballet-Pop dance. There are times when he picks her up, caresses her face, and touches her waist. She trusted him. It was a wonderful pairing. They were good dancers, they matched well, and they were happy together.

They were like little kids who won a dance competition for being the best and for having fun on stage.

You can do it… I know it hurts at first, but once you get used to it, it won’t hurt as much as it does now. Try again… En pointe… Curve your body… You’re such a great dancer, Nina.

“Gotcha.” Joon said. “You alright?”

“Huh? What happened?” Nina mumbled.

Nina was in his arms. “You passed out for a second and good thing I caught you.”

“I heard a crash! What happened?” Chol Yong burst into the room. He did have great hearing.

Joon was laying down on the floor holding Nina. “Chol Yong-ah, call Michelle-noona. Nina passed out.”

Nina was half conscious and her arm covered her face. “Wait, Mir, you don’t have to. Just get me water and a paper towel. I’m gonna have a nosebleed.” She said soflty. Chol Yong nodded and left. Joon settled her on the floor.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?” he asked.

She nodded. Chol Yong came back with a glass of water and just in time, Nina had nosebleed. He rushed to her and gave her the towel after she sipped on her water.

“Geez… Nina, you’re so pale!” Chol Yong said. “But Joon is paler than you.”

She turned around and he was right. Joon was pale. “Are you alright? Don’t tell me you hate blood?”

“Yah! Who told you that? I… I don’t hate blood.” Joon stuttered and he blushed.

“Yes, you do. There’s evidence right here.” Chol Yong added.

Nina started giggling while covering her nose. It made a weird sound, and they all laughed.

“I can’t believe you survived filming Ninja Assassin. Weren’t there a lot of bloody scenes?” Nina told them.

“Are you an idiot?” Who in their right mind would use real blood in a movie? Of course it was a fake!” Joon argued.

“Hey! So you do hate blood. You just confessed it.”

“Yah! Are you making fun of me?” he snapped but Chol Yong laughed.

“Well, you just called me an idiot.” She smirked.

“Aish! Araso, araso… Are you feeling better now?”

Nina nodded. “I wanna go and sleep in the car. Could you help me out?” Joon pulled her up slowly. What she didn’t expect was that Joon carried her, princess-style. Chol Yong was shocked.

“Mir, let Michelle know about what happened. I’ll take Nina to their car.” He said.

Nina’s heart was beating much faster now. She couldn’t say anything, except, “Mir… tell Michelle not to worry. She could hang out with Byung Hee-oppa as long as she wants.”

And they left. Joon didn’t have trouble carrying her. She wasn’t heavy at all.

“Hold on to my neck or shoulder. Don’t let go.” Joon ordered her, and how could she say no to him? She just nodded.

She had one arm around his neck. The other arm still holding the towel covering her nose. “Hey, Joon, you do know I can walk by myself. Why are you doing this?”

He was quiet. They were outside the studio and headed to the car when he spoke. “You want me to put you down?”

“…” She doesn’t even know what to reply. Joon stopped in his tracks and getting ready to put her down, but… “No. Wait… don’t put me down.” Nina said and buried her face with her hair and on Joon’s chest.

He kept walking and he was in a good mood. He smiled to himself. Yes, there were confused, curious, angry, overzealous eyes around them. Nina didn’t notice but Joon did, but he never though about it. Instead, he winked at them and smiled.

“Yah! Are you always like this? Always feeling good about yourself?” Nina said looking straight at him.

“You just knew?”

“Aren’t you even worried about your image as an idol?”

He shook his head. “Of course I do. But, I’m just carrying my dongsaeng who got sick to her car. Is there something wrong with that? Or you want something to happen?”

“OMG. You’re such a , Lee Joon!”

And he laughed. At least the Lee Changsun that Nina knows, is back.

“Is it really true that you don’t shower? What’s so great about your hair anyway?” Nina asked sarcastically.

“Do you want me to drop you? Of course I do shower!”

When they got to the car, Joon settled her and he was almost kneeling. He swift back Nina’s hair so he can see her face.

“No b-blood. I guess your fine now.” Joon said. Nina giggled. That made Joon look at her.

He knew Nina is a very beautiful girl and she has this certain charm that draws him to her. The next thing he knew, Nina closed her eyes, until he was back to reality. He didn’t know what he was doing.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized.

Nina opened her eyes and felt embarrassed. “Sorry about what?” She pretended that she didn’t know about what Joon almost did.

It was an awkward silence. Nina was absolutely hurt. “I have to rest now, Changsun-oppa. Thanks for everything.”

Except for the fact that you just humiliated me. I am really upset, but I can’t stay angry at you for a long time. Nina told herself.

Joon nodded and left silently.

“I am so stupid.” He told himself when he went back inside.

“Babo. You are more than stupid.”

Joon turned around and was surprised. “Hyung? You… you saw?”

Seungho was pretty upset. “As much as I like her, I would never attempt to kiss her if I wasn’t sure enough. And you hurt her already. I saw her reaction, Changsun. She wanted it.”

Joon remained silent.

“Joon, you’re like a brother to me, and I don’t want any misunderstandings. You know I really like Nina, and I know she likes you more, and you like her as well. But if you keep hurting her, I don’t even know what I’m gonna do.”

He paused and continued, “Even if it takes for me or you to quit MBLAQ. Whatever the circumstances are.”

To be continued. 

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luvphiil #1
@spriggan_d waaahhh... sorry if it's too confusing D; But I really wrote it that way... and everything will shed light in the later chapters. thanks for reading! and i hope so too! *wink**wink* and i mean, he's the leading man in the story, he shouldn't be the bad guy... but let's see ;)
wow...this story is so confusing. i hope Joon isn't a bad guy cause i have my doubts bout him. i mean he doesn't have his full memories of the past, just bits and pieces.
luvphiil #3
@MallowYoomi, I've edited the Foreword.... hehe hope it looks okay~<br />
and oh, that's the poster I made a few days ago...<br />
decided to put it up..<br />
and of course! let's be friends! XD<br />
<3<br />
(by the way, i have A LOT of grammar mistakes and typos in the chapters..<br />
because when I posted them on this forum, i didn't get to edit it. haha)<br />
MallowYoomi #4
Hahaha. Yeah, i am. But I live here at Cali right now. soo, oh well.<br />
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IKR?! hmmm. btw, i like how the plot is written, and so on, but it lacks something! More on presentation. hmmm. I'm suggesting you to edit it, to make others interested.<br />
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I can be your co-author, to edit it (IF YOU WANT!). and, request a poster for it. :D<br />
<br />
soo, nice to meet you. Let's be friends! okay?
luvphiil #5
@MallowYoomi haha thanks for reading!<br />
and yes, I am.. :D are you Filipina? :D<br />
Joon and thunder are so adorable! xD
MallowYoomi #6
hey there! interesting story!<br />
hmmm. i assume you're a Filipina huh?<br />
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