Chapter 2~

Falling Into The Unknown

Chapter 2:

The next morning I woke up with a pounding headache. I put on my glasses and dragged myself to the kitchen to get some pain reliever to cure the hangover’s lasting impressions. I gulped down the pills with some water and noticed my parents sitting at the table in a tense silence.

“Honey, come sit down.” My umma said quietly.

I sat down cautiously and looked back and forth between my mom and dad’s faces’ trying to read their expressions. My dad spoke up after a few moments of silence.

“Kari, you know we’ve been very upset with your recent behavior. We love you very much, but we can’t let you keep acting this way. We know what you’ve been doing all summer, and in order to change your detestable attitude and behavior, we’re” he paused for a moment with a hint of sadness in his eyes, purposely avoiding my eyes before he continued, “we’re sending you to a boarding school in Seoul. There aren’t many girls there, but it’s a strict school with a good curriculum. We want you to get a good education, so we think this is best for you.”

He finished talking, leaving me in a state of momentary shock. I mean, I knew my parents were mad at me, but I didn’t think they’d dare to go this far.

“You’re sending me away?” my voice projected loudly in frustration.

“We’re sorry swee-”

“Don’t call me sweetie, or any other sickening names to butter me up. I can’t believe you’re tossing me away so easily.” Tears filled the rims of my eyes, my voice cracking.

“We’re not trying to get rid of you!” my mom tried to defend her stance.

“You could just ground me like normal parents would. You don’t have to send me to a boarding school. But fine, whatever, throw me away. See if I care.” With that said, I stormed up to my room and laid down putting my ear buds in and turning my iPod on shuffle. The loud music filled my head, pushing away all unpleasant thoughts.

Two weeks later…

I let out a groan, attempting to zip up my over-filled suitcase full of clothes. Once I finally zipped up all of my suitcases, I brought them down to the trunk of the car. I claimed the passenger seat, and my mom sped off down the road.

Yeah, you really aren’t trying to get rid of me mom. *sarcastic*

My dad couldn’t ride with to drop me off at the train station, since he had a business appointment to attend to, but I could really care less. After a short 10 minutes of my mother’s speeding passed, we’d arrived at the train station, where my mom gave me my ticket and said goodbye. I didn’t even respond, but instead waved her away without a word. I didn’t want her to see me off, considering I didn’t even want to go halfway across Korea to a boarding school for snobby, stuck-up, rich people. I took my seat on the train, turned my iPod on, and dozed off to the lulling voices of Boyfriend. My thoughts of boarding school were instantly swept away by a sea of darkness, as sleep overcame my conscious mind.


Updated! I'm in the process of finishing the 3rd chapter, so please, be patient. I may not be able to update as much this week, but I'll try my best! I'm also working on my other 2 stories at the moment too. Anyways, i hope you liked this chapter! Tell me what you think. Comments are always appreciated, good or bad. I'll continue writing now, enjoy! ^^


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SHINee45 #1
Kpop4evernalways #2
Chapter 6: Your story is awesome! :) Min Woo's my bias and I think they(Min Woo and Kari) totally suit each other XD
Ahaha ! Yea at first I could recognize the twins and love them equally but then I start to know Minwoo , my love is completely snatched by him~ xD
Nice update ! But uh , cruel Song ... -____-
Yea Kari-yah , break Song's heart and go to Minwo-
Keke #JK~
Thank you! :D and my bias is Youngmin, though I had a really tough time choosing between Youngmin, Kwangmin, and Minwoo at first. xD
woahh this is SUPERB ! Please update soon , Author-nim~ ^^
just to tell you , Minwoo is my bias~ how about you ??