Joons feelings

I thought we are just friends

Joons POV at the Party

I looked around me to see if Suzy was there. And then I saw her.Our eyes met each other. I started to go to her, but to my surprise Key took her wrist and drag her out of the party. I was shocked. Why didn't she do anything. She didn't even waved at me. She just looked at me and I could see that she was near to cry. When she and Key where gone I felt a hand on my shoulder. Mir was standing behind me. I turned around and faced him with my watery eyes.
"She's gone" I said. And wiped my tears away.
"I know. Key seemed to get really angry when someone talks about you. Why didn't you told me that you are not best friend anymore? I thought you apologized to her?"
"Yes I did but Key was there too. I couldn't tell her my real feelings. She is now with him and he-"
"He knows about your feeling, right? That's why he dragged her away before you could talk to her. And that's why he gets angry when someone talks about you. But how did he find out?"
"I told him"
"Hae? How? Why did you told him?!"
"He is a member of Shinee and I thought he will help me when I tell him my feelings for Suzy"
"But why Key? Why not Onew?"


It was the day after the fore last pajama party from Joon and Suzy.

[this pajama party isn't the one I write about in this fanfic at the beginning. It's the one before the pajama party I wrote about]

Joon wanted to talk to Onew his best friend, because he couldn't handle the feelings he had for Suzy anymore. He thought Onew could help him with a good counsel.
Joon drove to the Shinee dorm but when he knocked on the door it wasn't Onew opening him.
"안넹, is Onew there?"
"No the members have all schedules. I'm the only one who has a free day. Do you want something special from Onew?" Key asked Joon
"No..... it's just...... nothing"
"It's about a girl right?"
"How do you-"
"Your look tells everything" Key smiled
"But maybe I can help you with that"
"Yes why not? I know a lot about girls and I think I can give you a good counsel too" Key said self-confident.
"Mh ok" Joon said and started to talk.
"There is a girl which-"
"Wait are you sure you want to tell me the story on the hallway? Come in" Key said and led Joon to the couch. Joon sat down and Key sat right in front of him.
"Ok, there is a girl I really love. We are best friends but that's not enough for me. It's really hard to handle myself. Every time I see her I want to tell her my feelings, but I know that she has not this feelings for me too. She can't, she sees us just as best friends. But what can I do? Should I stop our friendship because it's hurting me to be with her like this or should I try to change her feelings for me? I don't know what to do"
"I said stay. When you break your friendship it will hurt you even more and you will not have a chance to be with her. But you shouldn't change her feelings for you too. You can't play god, you have to wait. When you don't give up and have fun with her, show her how great she is and how great you are for her, then she will fall in love with you too"
"Mhmh, Joon you are a great guy. And she will find that out too. Oh who is she by the way?"
"Who is she? Come on I want to know. I told you what to do and you can tell me now who she is. I will not tell anyone I swear"
"Ok...... Suzy"
"Suzy?" Key asked Joon surprised.
"Yes, is that a problem?" Joon ask surprises about Keys reaction.
"No no I just didn't thought of Suzy"
"Well who do you think would it be then?" Joon asked Key curious.
"Hyuna, I thought you know each other really well"
"Not like Suzy and me. Because of the rumors everyone is thinking that. I thing I should go now. Thanks Key"
"Your Welcome, ah Joon!"
"Mh?" Joon turned around.
"Good luck, you will need it" Key said with a friendly voice and closed the door behind Joon.

-end of the flashback-

"So you told him?" Mir asked me in a *you are really stupid* voice.
"How could I know that he loved her too?!" I tried to defend myself.
"I don't know! Maybe when he was surprised that it was Suzy or when he said you will need luck" Mir said sarcastic.
"Aish! You know that I'm not that smart!" I said despair of.
"I go now. I was just here to see Suzy" I said and leaved the party. When I got into the parking lot I saw that Keys car was still there and Suzy talking to Key. I couldn't stop watching them it was looking like they had an argument. I tried to hide behind a car but it was to late Key had already see me. He looked back to Suzy, said something to her and started to kiss her passionate. I felt how my heard got pressed together. My throat constricted and my eyes got wet again. I couldn't see it anymore and ran to my car. The last thing I saw was Key looking in a *pi** of! She is mine* way at me. I got into my car and drove as fast as I could out of the parking lot. I wanted to see what Key and Suzy where doing now but Key had already drove away.






Do you know how much I hate myself for not posting new chapters? A lot. I'm so sorry guys, but it's really hard posting new chapter without internet. And now I can't use my laptop anymore to post new chapter. So new plan, I will post new chapters every weekend. Then I'm at home and have Internet. I know you want to know how it goes on but there is really no chance to upload a chapter in the week. But something good to tell you is that I can write now the new chapters in the week. I have the whole day time to write them. And on the weekend I just have to check the grammar and then post it. I'm hearing from you soon xoxo GermanChoco4x

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Chapter 19: Wow a joonzy fanfic!! I love it!! It is so cuuuute :)
Chapter 15: I love it <3
good-9 #3
i'm suffering here please update btw your story is really good!! ;)
suho_S2_suzy #4
Chapter 12: so good.after this story i started to love joon.5ting
aznkrazybaby #5
Chapter 12: please update soon!!!
JoonZy *O* Update soon x)
soelle1000 #8
I really like it ! Hope it will be a JoonZy in the end x)