Good News!

Living with the Byuns


It was twenty minutes since the current abruptly went, Baekhyun managed to get the electric key which made the current come back swiftly.  You were all gathered in the sitting room with the absence of Mr and Mrs Byun as they retreated back to bed as soon as they arrived home from work, there was no word on Yongook yet as he always returned home late into the night. Awkward silence creep’s up into the room until Jae Suk speaks up

‘So have you guys discussed everything? Jae Suks asks you, You look at Baekhyun who seems to be avoiding your eyes so you decide to delay the explanation from Baekhyun for now until a later more convenient time.

‘Nope, the current went so we didn’t really get the chance to’ you finally say

‘Oh right, okay anyways I think me and the boys should head to bed’

‘Come on guys if Mum happens to come downstairs she’ll stop us playing Call of duty’ He says in a panicked tone

‘You mean give you an whipping’ you say light-heartedly as you remember his earlier reference to not being allowed to play games is the equivalent to getting abused

‘Exactly, anyways Bye guys..Jin Suk hyung lets go’ he says eventually getting Jin Suks attention who was sprawled out on the sofa in a lazy position already half asleep.

*THUD*  Jin Suk  and Jae Suk fell to the floor after Jae Suk attempted to kick him which only led him to lose his footing thus he grabbed onto Jin Suks Shirt which made them both tumble down to the floor

‘Oi you idiot..get off me’ Jin Suk says extremely irate

‘It was an accident’ Jae Suk attempts to explain which only leads Jin Suk to become more infuriated

‘I don’t give a if it was an accident you saw that I was sleeping yet you came and done that’ Jin Suk shouts out yet keeps his volume down so the noise doesn’t reach his parents door

You and Baekhyun could see the situation was getting out of control and before the brothers resorted to violence Baekhyun stepped in

‘Both of you cut it now, Jae Suk just apologise and go okay? You guys are giving me a migraine with the insistent shouting’ Baekhyun whisper/shouts after getting somewhat frustrated with the ruckus he then directs a angry look at them and lifts his hand up motioning them to go upstairs.

you stand awkwardly as the atmosphere was tense not knowing what to do you decide on going upstairs as well . You see the brothers having a glaring match therefore decide this is the best time to go before any of them notice your absence so quietly tiptoe to the door until a hand suddenly shoots out halting your movement, you look up to see Baekhyun looking at you and suddenly feel a sudden warmness on your back then look down to see his hands resting on your sides , after realising where his hands are he quickly removes them he then coughs nervously adding more discomfiture to the already awkward atmophere

‘Bye Hyung were going, anyways it seems like you have a far more urgent matter to deal with’ Jae Suk says earning a smirk from Jin Suk as he glances at you, they both then retreat back to their room leaving you blushing with Baekhyun standing in a dazed expression

‘Those Dongsaengs are something’ Baekhyun says in an annoyed tone

‘Yep..... Baekhyun ermm you know the conditions you outlined in the beginning do I still have to kind of you know follow it? You say hoping he tells you that the conditions have been scrapped

‘Yes obviously, I still need my room and I cant have other people in it at any time and just because we came to a mutual understanding doesn’t mean I completely retract all the previous things I said to you, man I sound like an but I’m telling you right here right now don’t expect me to have a sudden change of personality also I may seem all reasonable now but I’m not always like this only my friends get to see happy-go-lucky Baekhyun and parents and siblings if their lucky’ he then pauses and continues

‘Oh and just don’t expect to much I’m not always this nice, well I’ve said everything you can go back to sleep now’ and then he leaves brushing against you in the process leaving you ever so slightly speechless

‘Well that wasn’t necessarily bad but why do I feel disappointed’ you say inwardly

‘its not like he totally hates my guts like he did before, arghh this is frustrating’  you say totally exasperated, you finally realise that you’ll have Baekhyun like this towards you than how he was before so with that mind conclusion you go to your room already finding Baekhyun asleep, you do an examination of his face and find him smiling

‘I wonder what his dreaming about’ you think before embracing sleep too.

You wakeup at 7:55 like you always do and go downstairs to fall asleep on the sofa. As your walking down you see Yongook who has a unusual grin plastered on his face, his smiling face was too contagious as it immediately put a smile on yours removing your earlier tired scowling expression

‘Oppa why are you so happy? ‘you say whilst smiling at him, he carries on grinning

‘I got great news...well I’ll wait until everyone’s together before I spill the beans, oh man why did you have to come down now I can't help but to tell you the news’ Yongook replied with a pout he looked cute but you couldn’t also help but laugh at his expression

‘Okay big guy hit me, what’s the big news?’ he was making you curious and you didn’t want him to further delay his news


‘Okay your the first person to know and don’t do any of those girly squeals? Wait for getting married!’

‘Whaaaaaat? Oppaaa you’re not joking right?’

*Aaaaaaaaaaaaah* you couldn’t help but squeal

‘ I told you not to squeal I just hope the rest didn’t hear you’

‘Oh my gosh your actually getting married? How long have you planned your proposal ? How comes your parents don’t know? Aren’t parents normally in on the proposal? Let me see your ring’ your mouth was on fire and you were shooting out all the questions until Yongook shook your shoulders lightly to calm you

‘_______  you sound more excited than me ha-ha and to answer your question I’ve been secretly going out with my girlfriend for a year its because mum and dad scrutinised all my previous girlfriends too much and they all left after getting scared’ he makes a grimaced face and continues

‘And well Ji Eun, her names Ji Eun by the way shes different and I didn’t want mum especially to scare her ‘ *sigh*

‘What can I say I truly love her ________ and I’m hoping to spend my entire life with her and I know mums going to be pissed at me for not introducing her but I had to take these precautions you know?’ he said with a concerned look on his face

‘I understand don’t worry if your mums upset which she definitely won’t be cause come on this is great news but if she is I’ll make her better’ you say reassuringly with a nod

‘Thanks _______your an awesome sister’ he says with a laugh

His reference to calling you his sister made your stomach do somersaults, you felt absolutely elated that he was welcoming you as a part of his family

‘Gee thanks Bro your going to get me all emotional now ‘you say emphasising on the Bro then look at him in utter happiness. Yongook suddenly embraces you in a tender hug which you automatically lean into, after a couple of seconds you both separate and hear a coughing and look forward to see Baekhyun staring  in a confused expression

‘Oh this is not what it looks like’ you say jumping a few centimetres away from Yongook

‘I didn’t say it looked like anything, was just wondering why my hyung and my..And you were caught in a embrace’ he says slightly scowling

You felt like you needed to explain yourself so he doesn’t get the wrong idea so preceded in doing just that

‘he told me something and I felt happy for him so I hugged him’

‘he told you something?’ he responds

You rack your brain trying to remember what he said but under Baekhyuns strong gaze you feel  a sudden pressure and can’t remember and as a result start murmuring

‘ermm h-h-he s-s-said OH he referred to me as his sister so I was happy and we hugged’ you finally mumble out

‘He did why? I mean we only knew you for a few weeks’ he says then bites his tongue realising that he just offended you

‘ _______ that came out wrong sorry’

‘Baekhyun you may not see me in that way but your brother does so stop ruining every moment’ you say out loud after feeling insulted by his remark

‘hey hey hey , I didn’t mean it as insult you have to stop getting offended at everything and I told you yesterday that were not always going to be in good terms..Nice Baekhyun is only reserved for people I actually like’

You felt your mouth hang open

‘ are you for real? Are we actually going back to the way we were before? ‘You say annoyed

‘ look your getting pissed again can’t even take banter’

Before the argument escalated Yongook stepped in

‘Guys cut it out you just ruined my mood, Baekhyun hug ______ and say you’re sorry’ Baekhyun's eyes enlarge

‘What hug her? Bro you must be on crack why should I hug her?’

‘err hello Baekhyun I’m right here don’t talk as if I can't  hear you’ you reply annoyed

‘okay just say sorry I’m getting tired your both adults act like it’ and with that Yongook goes upstairs

You look at Baekhyun who stares at you and mumbles a quick apology

‘Im sorry okay, I just don’t know how to talk to girls’ and then gives you a slight nod and retreats upstairs. You are once again left speechless thus do the only thing you know at the time go sit in front of the laptop and listen to kpop songs relating to your feelings

'kpop always helps' you tell yourself before letting the songs envelope you in to another world

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Chapter 25: Have you forgotten that you have an account of asianfanfics author-nim? I'm dying, waiting for this story to be updated but no any new chapter since my last comment, September 16 2013. Please update super duper soon. I'm craving for it.
Chapter 25: Amazing! Make sure you update this story soon ya author-nim~ Your story are going to be incredibly amazing. :)
Chapter 25: Oh Baekhyun~ you're so cute!
caterinaa_925 #4
Chapter 24: Marry me Baek I love you lol!!!
Chapter 24: Kyaaaah~ I'm gonna marry Baek!!! But I'm Chanyeol biased... Is that ok? •-•"
Chapter 24: Yes!!!! Update!! Haha this is funny, I wanted to keep reading on what's going on in men's head you know?? Lmao so married by tomorrow asdfghjkl
Chapter 23: Happy birthday author-nim!
Instead of us giving you a present, we got one with your update!!
Lol why so nervous baekhyun?
Chapter 23: Omg!!! Please marry him! Marry him!!!
Chapter 23: OMO!! Did Baek just say that?! Wow!! Can't wait for the next chapter... Update soon, author-nim~ ^.^
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! 생일축하합니다!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday~ ^.^ I upvoted your story as a birthday present for you, author-nim :) Fighting! :D
Chapter 23: Omg