Getting married?

Living with the Byuns

“Mum...” Baekhyun began; he did not know how to inform his parents of his plan to get married tomorrow. He knew if he told them the real reason behind the marriage Mrs Byun will dissuade him, as his intentions for doing so is not out of love and commitment towards you but because of Sohyun’s blackmail.

Also the important issue of family pride hangs in the balance as he is only doing this because he did not want his mother to be shunned by her community. In addition to this, you and Baekhyun needed everyone to believe in this marriage wholeheartedly, and in order to save the families pride it is essential for everyone to deem this union as completely legitimate; and this brings on another reason for not telling Mrs Byun. Mrs Byuns close relationship with her older sister could also act as a risk to the marriage as it will challenge the validity of their union, seeing as that Mrs Byun tells her sister everything; and in the Byun household everyone is aware of her sister’s motor mouth. And currently Baekhyun and your main concern is to make the marriage seem as convincing as possible.  

You and Baekhyun enter Mr and Mrs Byuns room, only find Mrs Byun lying down on her bed reading a book. Baekhyun slowly walks towards his mother and with a loud thump sits on her bed.

“Baekhyun!” Mrs Byun tells him off and quickly flicks his forehead with her fingers “So immature” she mutters as you attempt to stifle a giggle. Baekhyun notices this and sends you an annoyed look before attempting to start his conversation with his mum.

“Sooo....Mum” Baekhyun says prolonging the “so” to stall the conversation slightly before getting to the main part.

“Spit it out” Mrs Byun says cutting to the chase and raising her head to glance up at him

“Err, okay me and ______ have decided to get married tomorrow, well we’ll register our marri-” Baekhyun couldn’t even finish his sentence before his mother interjected.

 “What?! What are you talking about?”

“no, are you stupid Baekhyun?”

How could you get married by tomorrow? Don’t you see that we are in a foreign country? And what’s the rush? Is there something you’re not telling me?”  Mrs Byun rushed out everything in one breath; she scrunched up her forehead, focusing her gaze on both you and Baekhyun, almost as if she was trying to figure out something.

Mr Byuns accusatory tone and interrogation made a bead of sweat run down Baekhyuns forehead; he hastily wiped it with the back of his hands before he quickly conjured up a response for Mrs Byun.“No, we’re just thinking that since we are in this beautiful country, why can’t we register our marriage here? It’ll make this stay even more worthwhile, and we have all the important documents needed for the registry so why can’t we just do it?”

“No,no,no...There’s something you two are not telling me, I can tell Baekhyun...I can tell when my own son is lying to me, now spit everything out”

“What we’re not lying though, this place is seriously amazing and it was always a dream of mine to propose and get married here” Baekhyun hastily replied back, gulping in the process.

“Baekhyun, don’t kid me. I know you better than you know yourself. You don’t have a romantic bone in your body!” Mrs Byun answers back, getting slightly exasperated by Baekhyuns answers

You wanted to do something to make light of the situation but nothing was coming to mind, finally something popped into your head but as you were about to say it Baekhyun spoke up

“Okay if you want the truth, I can’t resist her” he spares you a glance before mouthing a quick sorry

“Basically we both can’t resist each other, I have this burning desire for her and if I don’t marry her soon, then sorry mum you might receive some unwanted visitors “and he points to your stomach. You were getting redder and redder and all the air in your lungs were about to give out, one certain image in your head kept repeating over and over again and that was you wringing Baekhyuns neck for embarrassing you like that.

Meanwhile Mrs Byun seemed to find that reply more believable than the previous ones Baekhyun gave, however she kept opening to speak but closing it again, almost resembling a gawping fish.

“Ermm...You two I never knew you wanted to go that far at such a young age” she said looking down, almost as if she was too embarrassed to look at you both.

“You know that I absolutely do not agree with before marriage“she says before pausing, After a short break she continues “Well if it’s that hard to stay apart then we’ll visit a court house tomorrow and get a marriage licence for the both of you” and then she headed out of the room, leaving you wondering where she went as this was her room.

“BAEKHYUN YOU IDIOT!” you slapped his arm as soon as Mrs Byun left the room

“How could you even say something like that? Do you know how mortified I am right now? URGH you are soo unbelievable! I can’t believe I’m being forced to marry you”

“Hey hey hey, I’m not forcing you to marry me. You have a choice here” he retorts back

“Do I really Baekhyun? Do I really?” you answer in a taunting manner

“You think that girl will leave me alone if I don’t go ahead with this, that evil witch already hates me and if I don’t do this shes going to make everyone think that I’m a !” By now you were getting rather teary and Baekhyun looked perplexed as he didn’t know whether he should tease you or argue back.

“Okay I’m sorry, I know you never wanted to be dragged into this mess but it has happened and now we have to go ahead with this or my mums life and even ours will be destroyed for as long as we live in that community”

You understood what he was saying as you had no immediate plans to leave their family home and marrying Baekhyun gave you various advantages as you could now indefinitely stay with the Byuns. You quickly wiped a few stray tears out of your face and leaned your head against the wall before sighing. “I know”

“So..... guess this time tomorrow we’ll be married?”

“Yeah, I guess so” Baekhyun says scratching his head. He then jokingly scrunches up his face to show a disgusted expression “Baekkkhyuuuuuuun” you whine “Stop doing that”

“Haha, no can do...I was born  to tease you “he smirks before getting up and leaving you. An unexpected smile makes up your face and suddenly the thought of marrying Baekhyun didn’t feel like the end of the world but actually a new beginning..well kind of, he was still an airritating brat.


You woke up groggily, for a few moments you wondered what day today was and why it seems like there’s some significance to it, then you suddenly remember today’s the day you’ll officially be a  married woman.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh” you mutter to yourself, your mind falls into a frenzy and you mumble incoherently for a few minutes. You hear a knock on the door and go to open it and see Mrs Byun waiting outside

“Can I come in?” she asks

“Yeah” you reply feeling very awkward all of a sudden, you see her wearing a knee-length blue dress with floral designs and white pumps, overall she looked very elegant; at that moment you realise that you never brought any sophisticated or elegant dresses with you. However you see her clutching a white fabric, she then presents it to you and you realise that it’s for you.

“I knew you didn’t bring many dresses so I went out yesterday and bought this for you”

“You didn’t have to” you say looking at her, feeling shy and grateful and take the dress from her hands and examine it. It was beautiful.

“Of course I have to, you’re family. You were always family, this marriage doesn't make it anymore official” she says smiling

You take one look at her and start smiling widely

“Thank you so much for everything” you walk towards her for a hug and she accepts it happily.

“It’s been a pleasure. Okay enough of chit-chat, now go take a shower and I’ll do your hair and makeup” she gently pushes you  towards the bathroom

You walk into your shower and let the warm water caress your skin; you always imagined marriage as a prospect of two people falling in love then getting married. However, contrary to that your situation was definitely a very unique one.

After showering and getting ready you look at yourself in the mirror and smile enormously. This is probably the first time you looked at the mirror and felt and looked absolutely beautiful. Even though you weren’t wearing a wedding dress but a white floral dress which came mid thigh, it made you look elegant and glamorous and lifted up your confidence immensely. Your dark brown hair was put to one side and cascaded down elegantly, your hair was slightly volumised at the top; and your fringes swept your right eye and fell past your ears. You wore a pair of diamond earrings given to you by Mrs Byun and applied light and natural makeup on your face to give off an innocent aura. And with this you paired your feet with some white heels adding height to your short frame. All in all you knew that you looked amazing and could feel excitement bubbling in the pit of your stomach. Most importantly you couldn’t wait till Baekhyun saw you like this.

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Chapter 25: Have you forgotten that you have an account of asianfanfics author-nim? I'm dying, waiting for this story to be updated but no any new chapter since my last comment, September 16 2013. Please update super duper soon. I'm craving for it.
Chapter 25: Amazing! Make sure you update this story soon ya author-nim~ Your story are going to be incredibly amazing. :)
Chapter 25: Oh Baekhyun~ you're so cute!
caterinaa_925 #4
Chapter 24: Marry me Baek I love you lol!!!
Chapter 24: Kyaaaah~ I'm gonna marry Baek!!! But I'm Chanyeol biased... Is that ok? •-•"
Chapter 24: Yes!!!! Update!! Haha this is funny, I wanted to keep reading on what's going on in men's head you know?? Lmao so married by tomorrow asdfghjkl
Chapter 23: Happy birthday author-nim!
Instead of us giving you a present, we got one with your update!!
Lol why so nervous baekhyun?
Chapter 23: Omg!!! Please marry him! Marry him!!!
Chapter 23: OMO!! Did Baek just say that?! Wow!! Can't wait for the next chapter... Update soon, author-nim~ ^.^
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! 생일축하합니다!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday~ ^.^ I upvoted your story as a birthday present for you, author-nim :) Fighting! :D
Chapter 23: Omg