A Strong pull?

Living with the Byuns




A week went by in the Byun household, you stuck to your routine of entering and leaving Baekhyuns room at the time he specifically mentioned although it was dreadfully hard to wake up every single day in the morning at 7:55 and leave as soon as, if you had a university to go to it would have been  tolerable to get up at a scheduled time daily except you woke up and went downstairs and could not help but fall asleep on the sofa each day, you and Baekhyun avoided each other as humanely possible as you can, if you both happened to be outside the confines of his room you wouldn’t dare stare at his direction as you immediately feel anger boiling your head.

‘Baekhyun is just the most conceited, arrogant, awful, idiotic boy  in the entire world! What kind of host forcibly kicks his guest out of their room so early in the morning?’ you thought  after receiving a scolding from Baekhyun as you  woke up  two minutes past eight

‘you slept an extra two minutes ‘ he says in a irked sleepy tone waking you up by prodding you with a random bamboo stick

‘What?’ you murmur still half asleep

‘just get out ..I told you to not oversleep, you broke my condition I’ll decide what your consequence should be after I fully awaken..........now Go’ he says with authority, you finally come to your senses and reluctantly get up


‘He is so annoying! you scream in your head whilst kicking and flailing your arms up in the air out of frustration and anger.


 You walk downstairs after getting changed and brushing your teeth to find Yongook already in the sitting room eating a piece of toast, you forged a rather good friendship with Yongook in the week you have been here and he understood the pain you suffered because of Baekhyun thus sympathised as he was aware that Baekhyun was a major ache in the backside. Slowly you approach Yongook and plop down next to him on the sofa while mustering up a sad face

 ‘My.life.’ you whisper with a crying tone

 ‘I mean sleep is undoubtedly the single best thing in my life, me without sleep is like a turtle without its shell we just don’t function without it And now your brother is taking that away from me...just like everything else has been taken away’ you sigh as you remember your past and how you had been orphaned along with at that thought you realise you never once experienced true happiness you never smiled wholeheartedly as you  by no means had a reason to, you felt your eyes moisten up you sat in a trance like state for  a meagre minute, it had been a while since you were so  captured by your thoughts that you became oblivious to Yongook oppa asking whether your okay


 ‘_______ Guenchana? Are you feeling fine? You seemed to be having deep thoughts then you started tearing up...are you feeling okay?’ he says in a concerned tone, at this you smile gently to reassure him that you are okay

‘I’m fine, thanks for asking...Aaah I’m an idiot for tearing up its nothing, oh look at the time your going to be late for work best be off...anneyoung!’ you say quickly to avoid him asking further question and  leave hurriedly to go upstairs as you didn’t want to become a blubbering mess in front of him.


You see Baekhyun coming out of his room and quickly avert your eyes to the ground, your cheeks were a tad tear stained so you couldn’t wipe them in case he saw and realised you were crying so you continuously walked with your head hanging down,

‘Stop looking at the ground so much it irritates me...walk like a human’ he suddenly remarked and entered the bathroom, you had no energy to muster up a comeback and also couldn’t understand why this boy resented you so much , it actually hurt knowing the person you spend the entire day with absolutely despised you, you felt a few tears tumble town your cheeks and wiped them hastily, the bottom of your fringes became wet and slightly matted to your forehead , you didn’t know why but you just slid to the floor and felt like you had the burden of the entire world on your shoulders,


‘I don’t know what to do with myself’ and enter into a full blown sob, Baekhyun decides to come out of the bathroom at that moment and looks at you with a confused expression

 ‘Why are you on the floor? ‘

‘Leave me alone’ you reply in a threatening voice as you had no more time to listen to his bull crap, you were upset and angry to no extent and seeing his smirk filled face would only cause you to commit murder and you couldn’t do that yet

‘What got your in a twist...and I’m the bully so don’t you dare try to talk to me like a ’

Baekhyun replied haughtily and with that retreated back to his room. You sat there dumbfounded he obviously knew you were crying yet he acted horribly

‘ That boy is a nasty piece of work’ you say internally

After a few minutes on dwelling over how utterly awful your life is you decide to get up, you had no company except for Baekhyun as all the boys were either at school /college or work so you decide to go downstairs and try watching Television to occupy your mind.

‘I really need to go to university don’t I?’ you think after pondering over your life.

‘I mean I already passed my exams I got pretty neat marks what’s stopping me applying for uni?’ you at first decided that you want to take a gap year because life had been treating you horribly and thought uni  will only mount to that and supply extra pressure therefore thought going next year will be better, however sitting in this house was making you insane and you needed to escape. You still had time to apply as the Uni started again officially in four weeks and you had a perfect university in mind Hanguk University it specialised in your subject and you thought this is your chance to go prove yourself and also escape this house You get ready and at the same time find Baekhyun coming downstairs to go out,


‘Where are you going?’ you ask before you could stop yourself

‘None of your business’ and with that he walks past you and walks out of the door, you follow pursuit as you needed to arrive at the university promptly so you could receive your application form without any hassle and quickly leave ,You realise Baekhyun is also walking in your direction


‘Oh no I don’t want to walk next to him’ you say afraid that once he sees you he’ll give you mouthful in public. After walking behind him for a few minutes you both arrive near the stop to take the bus, your bus stops directly opposite the university but you were not sure which bus he will take.


‘Ahhh this will be awkward... his going to find out I’m behind him’ you say to yourself in a whisper tone


‘_______ I already know you’re behind me’ Baekhyun replies suddenly, you anticipate a public lecturing but he says nothing. You stand still for a few seconds,


 ‘Why isn’t he saying something?’ you think out loud, and with that you suddenly feel a pull on your hand and look down to see Baekhyuns masculine hands envelope your tiny ones.


‘I’m assuming your going to use the same bus as me so let’s go’ and with that he pulls you in and you both enter the bus, then he drops your hand and you recognize that it feels cold and empty as soon as he let go, for some reason you wished he held on for longer.


‘Why am I thinking like this’ you say before finding a vacant sit next to Baekhyun and sit down

‘I’m probably just going through some phase, its all hormones playing around’ and with that reassurance the bus speeds off to your destination.

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Chapter 25: Have you forgotten that you have an account of asianfanfics author-nim? I'm dying, waiting for this story to be updated but no any new chapter since my last comment, September 16 2013. Please update super duper soon. I'm craving for it.
Chapter 25: Amazing! Make sure you update this story soon ya author-nim~ Your story are going to be incredibly amazing. :)
Chapter 25: Oh Baekhyun~ you're so cute!
caterinaa_925 #4
Chapter 24: Marry me Baek I love you lol!!!
Chapter 24: Kyaaaah~ I'm gonna marry Baek!!! But I'm Chanyeol biased... Is that ok? •-•"
Chapter 24: Yes!!!! Update!! Haha this is funny, I wanted to keep reading on what's going on in men's head you know?? Lmao so married by tomorrow asdfghjkl
Chapter 23: Happy birthday author-nim!
Instead of us giving you a present, we got one with your update!!
Lol why so nervous baekhyun?
Chapter 23: Omg!!! Please marry him! Marry him!!!
Chapter 23: OMO!! Did Baek just say that?! Wow!! Can't wait for the next chapter... Update soon, author-nim~ ^.^
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! 생일축하합니다!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday~ ^.^ I upvoted your story as a birthday present for you, author-nim :) Fighting! :D
Chapter 23: Omg