chapter 5, i don't want to leave

오랜만이야 (Long Time No See)

-------------- c h a p t e r 5 - i don't want to leave

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"Tomorrow's the masquerade ball, isn't it?" Sehun asked and set down a bowl of cookies and something to drink for us. "Are you sure you're going? I mean, what if-"

"Sehun, calm down. It's just a masquerade ball. There is definetely nothing going to happen since I will be wearing a mask," I said and looked him in the eyes. After Sehun discovered it, he started worrying for me a lot. I grabbed a cookie and took a bite from it.

"I wasn't done talking, Soojin," Sehun said and sighed, "What if one of those guys recognizes you, even through your mask? What will you do then?" he asked. Sehun had a point. There could be a possibility that one of the people of his organization could recognize me. "Should I ask Luhan to distract them?" he tried. I shook my head and put down the cookie.

"Luhan has a mission, you know that right?" I said and took a sip from my strawberry milk. "Sehun, I know you are trying to help, but... the only way to help is to not get in the way. You know what happened to Baekhyun's best friend when he accidently got in the way," Sehun stared at his own cookie, not knowing what to say. He then sighed and nodded. Then, it looked like he remembered something.

"Hey, about that little box you gave me yesterday, who is it for?" he asked. I smiled a little and became nervous... again. I don't know why, but I became nervous at the most weirdest times, especially when it involves Kai.

"Remember, I don't have any feelings, okay?" I said before continuing, "I want you to send it to Kai, after I leave the party," I answered. Sehun looked at me in astonishment. Of course he would look at me like that. I had never send something to anyone, only to Luhan and Sehun. Before he said anything, I opened my mouth first, "Please, don't ask any questions... Oh, and before I leave, tell him not to open it after I am gone," I said with a smile and stood up from the chair. I said my goodbye to Sehun and walked out of his house.

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I watched Soojin walk out of my house with a sigh. There was definetely something going to happen big. I looked over at the box that was placed on the kitchen counter. I stood up and walked towards it, wanting it to open. But for some reason, something made me stop from doing so. I picked up my box, and placed it in my bag. As Soojin requested, I had to give it to Kai.

I walked out of the house with a fast pace, just in case. I felt someone following or watching me, just like in movies. And I knew at that moment, I had to hurry and run. I ran as fast as I could towards Kai's home, but then I got dragged into a dark corridor where no one dared to walk. I looked at the guy that stood in front of me, but I couldn't tell his face, since half of his face was covered by his black hoodie.

"What do you have in that bag?" he asked. I became nervous but tried to hold it in. So, this is what Soojin feels when she encounters these kind of people... "I asked, what do you have in that bag?!" he growled. I shook my head.

"N-Nothing," I replied. The guy smirked and shook his head.

"You silly boy, you have something in that bag that my boss wants," he said, and tried to reach for my bag. I held onto the bag as if it was the only thing in my life. I need to do this for Soojin. "Yah, give that bag here!" he yelled and reached out again for the bag. I then did the unexpected, I punched the guy in the face. Being rather a guy who is afraid of almost everything, made me shock what I did to the guy. He bend over to the ground, wincing from the pain. I took the chance to run away from him.  I heard the guy's footsteps following me behind which made me run even faster than like I did before. I almost reached for Kai's house, but it would take too long for him to open the door. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed Kai's number. It ran over like two times before he answered.


"Kai, open your door, now!" I yelled. I heard Kai making a confused sound, waiting for me to go on, "Don't just stand there, pabo! Open the goddamn door!" I panted. Running and talking the same time wasn't easy.

"Okay," he replied and I heard him walking over the door. I ran up the stairs to Kai's home. I looked behind my back to still see the guy following me and I was glad that I was on time. I shut the door quickly behind me and heard a huge bang at the door, which probably was that the guy hit the door. Kai looked at me weirdly. I was panting hard, sweating from all the running. "What's wrong?" he asked. I shook my head and walked towards the living room to sit down.

"Soojin, she-" I stopped my sentence. Kai must not find out yet, "I had to give you something," I said, still heavily breathing. I grabbed the box from my bag and handed it over to Kai. He was about to open it, but I stopped him. "Don't open it, yet... A-After the masquerade ball of Minseok-hyung, you can open it,"

"O-Okay, but what is going on?" Kai asked and sat down in front of me.

"You will know after the masquerade ball, okay?" I replied, "Can I stay here for the night? I already got my stuff in your wardrobe," I smiled to him. Kai rolled his eyes but gave a small chuckle before agreeing.

"Make yourself at home," 

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from: sehun

hey, soojin-ah! :D i gave the box to kai, and he promised me he won't open it after the ball. i am staying at his home to keep an eye on him, don't worry! >_<

♥ sehunah

I smiled when I read his text. It's really sad that I have to leave most of my friends here in Seoul, especially Sehun. He has been my best friend for over a few years, but now that this commotion has started over a little thing... I can't help but feel guilty for some reason. I just wanted Sehun to know the truth about me changing schools in the middle of the year, but then he discovered it and threathened me to kill my friends. I wasn't scared of that, but then he actually took one of my friends away...

"Soojin-ah?" I turned around to see Kyungsoo, or also known as D.O. I nodded and stood up from the bench I was sitting on. D.O offered me to buy a dress for the ball tomorrow. I couldn't really disagree to that since he was using his big eyes on me. I have a weakness for those. After a while of walking, we finally arrived at a dress shop. The woman who worked there handed D.O a dress he ordered. "It's already your size, so you don't need to wear it now," D.O said with a smile.

I nodded, and grabbed the dress from him. It looked very nice. "Thanks, D.O," I said and gave him a friendly hug. "But, where do I have to get a mask from..." I mumbled to myself quietly. Looks like D.O heard me, and grabbed something from his bag.

"I almost forgot," he said and chuckled a bit. He handed me a small white box. I opened it, and saw a creme-ish looking mask in it with music note pattern on it, "I saw the mask in a small store, and I was looking everywhere for one. When I saw this one, I knew it would fit on you," D.O said and patted my shoulder. "I have to go now, good luck tomorrow," he said and walked away. I smiled sadly and said my goodbye too.

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After D.O left, I made my way back to my house. I hung up the dress in my room and put the mask on a little drawer. I sighed and laid down on my bed. I was getting nervous again, just like last year. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I wasn't used to crying, but for this time, I would let the tears flow. I grabbed my stuffed bunny that I got from my grandma when I was younger. It made me feel safe, like the bunny was watching over me.

I looked over at the dress and sighed again. Tomorrow, I would leave Seoul. Leave Kai with Hyomi. I wonder... I wonder if he will miss me?

I don't want to leave, especially not Kai.

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 memorychains lonely corner  -------------

So, how was this chapter? ;__; I'm sorry for not updating last few days, boohoo! /sniffs. Okay, so after the ball, Soojin will dissapear. But, what will happen after that? c: Did you get the hint in this chapter? No? Okay c:

Oh, and before I leave, I would like it if some of you checked out my newest story, Porcelaine Doll, featuring you and Baekhyun! Thank you for reading~

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long time no see ┇ having authors block again.. ._.


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omg!!!!! please update soon please please i'm begging lol
New reader love your story .. Update soon
Aishhh... why did u leave ur Kkamjong?!
update soon pls :D
this is great! keep it up!
oh my god! pleaseeeeeee, dun make me curious to death, Author-nim.. >< where did she go? ;;~~;;