chapter 4, for you

오랜만이야 (Long Time No See)

-------------- c h a p t e r 4 - for you

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Hello, Kai.

You are probably thinking, 'why in the world will she send this to me?'. I'm wondering it myself too. Why am I sending you a letter? I just got really bored... Even though I don't know you for a very long time, I know that you're right walking over to the trashcan to throw away this letter, and I tell you; please don't. I want you to read this whole letter, I beg you. I have a feeling something is going to happen, and it involves you, Kai.

Remember the first day? I was looking at Taemin, and you asked me if I liked him. I swore to myself that I was going to punch you, but guess what? I never did. I never punched you, because... Never mind. We were never on good terms, right? We always fought over little things, and argued with each other about the most stupid topics. The most stupid one was the one about the soda, wasn't it?

When I had a fight with Haneul, I asked you to sit with you. And for some reason, you agreed. I felt really comfortable with you at that time... Sitting with you at the bus stop, wet because of the rain, leaning on your shoulder... I wish I could turn back time to stay forever in that position with you. It made me feel so... safe. What am I talking about? Heh. But, what hit me so much, is what you told me after you brought me home; tomorrow, you'll be good friends again with Haneul and you'll hate me again.

I never hated you, Kai. I never did and I would never. I can't hate someone that easily. For some reason, I felt like you were a good friend of mine. I regret that I called you all those things.

Let me ask you a favor, when you are done reading this letter, please keep it. Just in case. I'm sure I will once get back for this letter, and you better keep it!

Oddly enough, you didn't seem to hate me too, did you? You just had a very big dislike too me... I understand, I was never really liked by people except for Sehun, Luhan and Lay. Funny, isn't it? Even my parents never had time for me. They were too busy thinking about their work and my little siblings.

a Very important person, you were actually to me. Don't take this wrong, but I couldn't get you out of my mind. Unlike any other boy I met in my life, you were somewhat important to me. If I didn't act mean to you, do you think we could've been friends?

Every time I had a fight with Haneul, you were the first one to comfort me. Even though you had Hyomi as your girlfriend. You would ditch her, and meet me at the roof of school. I may have taken this to the next level, but I liked it. I liked it that you would ditch Hyomi for me. Just because I was sad, you took the responsbility to take care of me at those moments.

You don't know how much time I took just to write this letter... I began at 7 AM in the morning, and it's now 14 PM... Heh, silly me... Spending my time on such a useless letter that you are reading right now... But it's worth it, isn't it?

Our time has been fun, right? We never really did fun things a lot, didn't we? I remember that time when you wanted me to draw a moustache on your finger, and you kept saying it tickled. It... was so funny. I hadn't laughed a lot with you in a while at that time. Or, when you forced me to draw Spongebob characters? I'm going to miss that.

Unfair. It's unfair that I have to leave you with such a letter, right? You're probably thinking, 'what's this girl talking about?'. I just discovered it, what is happening right now. I am going to ask Sehun to give you this letter when I'm gone. I... I don't want to leave yet... Please, if you sense something strange, get away as soon as possible. I tried to not involve you into it, but it seems like I failed, heh... I'm sorry, if you get hurt.

Knowing you, you're really confused, huh? I'm sorry for that. You can throw away this letter, but it won't be the best choice. Inside this package, is one of my most treasured stuff I've kept over for a year. Open it, when you think the time is right.

Also, before I finish this letter, I want to say one thing more. Kai, you've been a good friend of me. All the fights and arguements made our friendship stronger. I'm going to miss you, kkamjong.

I give this letter to you, Kai. Only for you.

Love, Soojin.

(ps: there is a hint in this letter for you, please look throroughly, Kai)

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"When do you think they're coming, Soojin-sshi?" I asked. Soojin sighed and shrugged. She then buried her face in her hands. "Have you send it already to your grandparents?" I looked at her. Knowing her, she mostly didn't listen to me. But, I also knew that Soojin is a good liar, so she can make up things in no-time. She nodded and looked me in the eyes. A liar doesn't look the other person in the eye.

"I've send it to them before we met up," Soojin replied, and returned back her gaze on her coffee in front of her. "Why is it that always the most important people have to be involved?" Soojin said with a sad tone. "I already had too leave my best friend back in Daegu because they were coming after me again!" she exclaimed. I put my finger on , not wanting people to think suspicious of us.

"Be a little bit more quiet, Soojin-sshi..." I sighed, "I know it's hard for you, but you have to leave the town, okay? When it calms down again, you can return back here, and continue your life. If you do it according to my plan, everything will be alright..." I smiled and hold her hands. Soojin said and smiled to me. Just at that moment, Sehun entered the café. He looked around and spotted us sitting far into a corner.

"Have you told her the plan yet?" Sehun asked. I nodded and turned back to Soojin.

"Sehun," she said. Sehun looked up at Soojin. She grabbed something from her bag. It was a small wooden box, which could fill a small book. She handed it to Sehun as he looked at her in astonishment. "I... I want you to give this to someone. I'll tell it you later, okay?" Soojin asked, and she looked surprisingly nervous. "Please don't open it," Soojin ordered. Sehun hesitated a while, but then nodded and put it in his own bag. I looked at my watch, and noticed I had to leave.

"Guys, I'm sorry. But I have to leave now, I'll call you later for more, Soojin," I said, and left the café. Since I lived rather close by the café, I only had to walk into a small corridor, and then I would be home. I almost reached for the door when one guy stopped me from doing so.

"Have you got any information?" the guy asked. I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of my way.

"Tao, I have no time for this..." I said and walked into my home, Tao following me behind. He slammed the door behind him shut and glared at me.

"I have orders, you know!" Tao sighed and sat down on the couch.

"Aren't you taking up your loyalty a bit too far?" I asked. Tao glared at me again. "I mean, I understand that you are grateful to Kris since he saved you, but you don't need to follow everything he says," I said and made some juice for me and Tao.

"If I don't listen to him, then he will kill my mother... and she's the only one I have left in my family," replied Tao. I put the juice for him in front of him and sat down across from him.

"I didn't say you have to disobey him, he threathened me with that too," I took a sip from my juice before continuing, "I just say that you don't need to do everything for him. Sure, you have learned a lot of wushu when you were younger, but you're a human too, Tao. Everyone in the organization is a human, but Kris lets us think that we aren't," I explained to him. I looked at Tao with a lot of pity. He was only 17 years old, and he already had a life like this. Being ordered around to kill someone. If he doesn't, his mother gets killed and he already experienced it with his father, the reason why he had to join Kris' organization. I leaned forward to put a hand on his shoulder and told him, "It will be alright," I earned a small smile and nod from the young Tao.

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 memorychains lonely corner   -------------

/facepalm, it's probably very confusing isn't it? The letter, Luhan, the box.. Aish! I want to tell what is happening right now, but I can't! You have to find out yourself during the whole story. I only tell you the hint in the letter; After the paragraph of Soojin and 'Haneul' having a fight, the next paragraph begins with 'I never hated you'. Every first letter of every new paragraph, gives a sentence. Understand it? No? I don't know how to explain it... Anyways, if you can find it out, then congratulations! /applauds

Should I give hints through the story? Hm, we'll see! c: Bye!

Oh, and don't forget to subscribe and comment on this story! Hope you enjoyed it~

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long time no see ┇ having authors block again.. ._.


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omg!!!!! please update soon please please i'm begging lol
New reader love your story .. Update soon
Aishhh... why did u leave ur Kkamjong?!
update soon pls :D
this is great! keep it up!
oh my god! pleaseeeeeee, dun make me curious to death, Author-nim.. >< where did she go? ;;~~;;