Seducing the seducer



Kyungsoo and I were snuggled up on his bed, watching a movie. It wasn’t too long before I had a whiff of this really tantalizing smell. I sniffed until I realized it was coming from Kyungsoo. I dug my nose into Kyungsoo’s neck and sighed contently “What is that smell? It makes me want to tear your clothes off.”

Although we had been dating for a couple months and exchanged some kisses, Kyungsoo still got jittery when it came to intimacy. “I snuck into Kai’s room and sprayed some cologne,” he stuttered.

I sat up at this statement “And why would you be doing that?” Kai was a touchy subject with me. He never gave up with the “don’t you want to be with me instead of Kyungsoo?” jokes that weren’t jokes. And Baekhyun’s words still echoed in my head. Why would Kai be digging into my past?

Kyungsoo started to bite his lip “Because you always smell so good and I wanted to return the favor.”

I pushed Kyungsoo’s cheeks together until he got a fishy face. “What did I tell you about biting your lip? It’s cute and all but chapped lips do not make for good kissing. You want to kiss me, yes?”

“Yesh,” came out as Kyungsoo tried to talk while I had control of his face.

I released his cheeks. “I don’t have to do anything for me, I told you that already, you silly face. I don’t want you to smell like Kai. I want you to smell like you. I like that piny-wood soap you have.”

“Kai said it made me smell like a lumber jack,” Kyungsoo pouted slightly at the insult.

I crawled onto Kyungsoo’s lap, smiling. “Well, that makes you a y lumber jack then because when I smell it, it makes me want to do this,” I caught Kyungsoo’s lip in between mine and . Kyungsoo hesitantly returned my kisses. I could tell the gears in his head were turning. I stopped kissing him a sigh.

“I , don’t I? I knew I should have listened to Kai and...”Kyungsoo turned bright red.

“Kyungsoo, you do not . You just need to turn off your brain when you’re kissing. Stop worrying about whether you’re good enough or you’re doing something wrong. Just enjoy it. I want to kiss you because I like you not because I heard you’re the best kisser on the block. And what’s got you so red?”

Kyungsoo shook his head vehemently “Nope. There’s no way I’m talking about that. That’s between Kai and me!”

I put a face on to show I was not impressed with that no. “I know how it is, living with the same . Some things happen—”

Kyungsoo turned his head away. “I’m not talking about it.”

I took that as a challenge. “How long do you think you can hold out, I wonder.” I walked my fingers down his chest and stomach until I reached the top of his jeans. “Because now I really want to know.”

“That’s not fair,” Kyungsoo gasped as his button popped open.

“Keeping secrets, especially naughty secrets from the sounds of it, from your girlfriend is also... not... fair,” I punctuated each word with a kiss on Kyungsoo’s neck. Then I was nibbling on his ear, hand hovering over the fly of his pants. I breathed in Kyungsoo’s ear, “Now, this is a win-win situation here. Don’t tell me and we have some fun and I still find out what I want, or just tell me, either way, I win.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes looked wild, like he didn’t know what to do. I bit on Kyungsoo’s ear lobe. “Hey!” I growled. Kyungsoo looked a little less dazed from that. Okay, maybe I had pushed too much y on him. I patted his cheek, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I can respect that.” I moved to get off of his lap but his hands on my hips stopped me.

“No, you’re right. There shouldn’t be any secrets between us,” Kyungsoo looked like he was stuck between his embarrassment, his lust for me and his sadness at keeping secrets.

“It’s not that big of a deal,” I said softly. “It’s got nothing to do with me then it’s none of my business. You just got me curious. Don’t be gloomy. I like my Kyungsoo smiling.”

Kyungsoo smiled at me gratefully and blessed me with a sweet kiss of his own. I loved when he kissed me. It was like a present every time. “You’re the best girlfriend ever.”

I inwardly winced. I hoped I was making good karma for when I told him about my secrets.

A polite knock disrupted my kissing. “Kyungsoo have you seen my—” Suho stuck his head in. At the sight of me on Kyungsoo’s lap, Suho moved his eyes to the TV. “Oh Adrianna. I didn’t know you were here. Sorry to interrupt.”

“I suppose I can spare Kyungsoo if you need him,” I made myself sound exasperated but grinned at Suho to show I was kidding. “I’ll just grab myself a drink.”

I extracted myself from Kyungsoo and squeezed past Suho as he started to quiz Kyungsoo on various items he owned that he knew Kyungsoo tended to borrow. I loved their sense of brotherhood. Hanging out with all the boys was the cleanest fun I’ve ever had.

I rummaged around in the practically bare cupboards until I found a random Spiderman cup. Sehun’s name was boldly written on it, but I figured he wouldn’t be too angry if I washed it afterwards. The problem was what to drink. I was skeptical about the milk, I didn’t care for energy drinks and it was too early in the day for beer. I decided to take my chances with the tap water.

As I stood up, a pair of arms enveloped me and my nose was filled with that wonderful cologne. “Done with Suho already?” I purred, turning around and almost jumping out of my skin “Kai?!”

Kai smirked and pushed me up against the fridge. “I believe you’ve mistaken me for someone else.”

I narrowed my eyes at him “What’s your excuse?”

Kai pretended to look hurt “I just wanted a friendly hug! We’re friends, right?”

“Friends do not try to seduce their friends.”

“You obviously don’t know me very well then,” Kai said, “Why just today I offered to give Kyungsoo some personal kissing lessons.”

So that’s why Kyungsoo had gotten so red. If I wasn’t worried about what Kai was doing in the kitchen with me, I might have spared a moment to bask in a mental picture. Kai was truly a horrible friend. “You’re disgusting.”

Kai shrugged. “I’ve heard you’ve done worse.”

I pressed my lips together in anger. “Stay out of it, Kai.”

Kai drew a finger down the side of my face. “Now I’ve been looking for someone on my level for a long time. Kyungsoo is awkward and inexperienced. You’ll get bored of him easily. Me, on the other hand,” Kai stopped to bring his lips close to my ear. “I’m the perfect fit. But if you don’t think so, well I’m just going to have to inform Kyungsoo about your dirty past.”

I felt a shiver go down my spine. Kai looked smug. He mistook my shiver for one of excitement instead of fear. I was going to have to play this very cleverly if I was going to travel through this minefield. Kai had clearly done his job well. I did not want to lose Kyungsoo. And Kai was right. If he had met me at the grocery store a couple weeks earlier instead of Kyungsoo, my old self would have jumped for joy at the sight of him. But I had sworn off those ways. They were not healthy for my body or mind.

I my lips nervously. I had to handle this situation delicately, “I am not cheating on Kyungsoo, Kai.”

Kai waived his hands “A minor detail. Dump Kyungsoo, cheat on him, I could care less.”

It made me sad to think I had been as heartless as Kai not too long ago. Meeting Kyungsoo had helped me keep my promise to myself. And Kai was trying to ruin that.

“You need to give me a bit. I’d rather end this on a not-so-dramatic note. Plus, you understand, I’m not quite done my game,” I let that wicked smirk slip in to place, to show Kai I meant business. As soon as I was away from Kai, I was going to run to Kyungsoo and tell him everything and when Kai tried to spill the beans when I wouldn’t keep up my end of the deal, it would be fine.

“See, I knew she hadn’t changed,” Kai mirrored my smirk, stepped aside and revealed a broken-hearted Kyungsoo.

“No...” I felt my world come crashing down.

“I told you, Kyungsoo; evil down to the core. She doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings, especially yours. I should have listened to me from the start.”  Kai rubbed salt into my wound.

“It’s not like that! I was afraid Kai was going to tell you before I could,” I faltered as Kyungsoo wouldn’t meet my eyes. “Kyungsoo, please let me explain!”

Kai put his arm around Kyungsoo’s shoulders “You’ve done enough damage with your foul presence. I think you should leave.”

Tears welled in my eyes as I watched Kyungsoo’s face wash with a river of his own. I had done the worst thing imaginable, I had ruined Kyungsoo’s innocent and beautiful smile. Now I’d never see it again.

Before I left, I had one more thing say, “For what it’s worth, I was changing for you Kyungsoo. You were making me into a better person. And I love you.”

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dear readers... I've been holding off updating because it'll be the last chapter. I can't let Kyungsoo go away :( It'll be up soon enough tho


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Chapter 1: Same here! This actually start pretty fine for me, but the subject using like 'I and You' is confusing....i wonder about the next chapter lets see
Chapter 15: Kyungsoo is so cute here hehehe..i love this story..thank you for your hardwork
Chapter 15: Good job!! Enjoyed this story~
Chapter 1: Just a heads up but in this chapter, you use I and you as the same thing. For example, "Kyungsoo, will I go on a date with me?"
Chapter 15: KYUNGSOO'S SOOOOOO CUUUUTEEEEE. wanna pinch his squishy face too. ;'))
xiaoLu_ieyla #6
Chapter 15: so cute. d.o is so adorable. ♥
Chapter 15: i think i had a permanent smile the whole way through. I LOVE AWKWARD BOYS!!!
asmya94 #8
Chapter 15: This story is soooo cute..owh how much I love your story...
Kyungsoic #9
Chapter 15: love!! that was nice and this cute-y Kyungsoo ^^
pwin842 #10
Chapter 15: Just finished reading it for the 3rd time :D.... still as amazing as ever ^-^