A graceful Swarse



I was strolling through a park near my house. Kyungsoo and I were hand in hand, just enjoying each other’s company. Well, maybe I was enjoying it just a little bit more than Kyungsoo. Ever since I had grabbed Kyungsoo’s hand, his ears had turned very red. I knew I had that look on I face: the one where I looked like a cat that had just had a very satisfying bowl of cream. I couldn’t help it! Kyungsoo didn’t even have to try to be cute.

“What’s up, Kyungsoo? Your ears are red,” I brought up, unable to stop myself from teasing him.

Kyungsoo brought his free hand to his ear. “I’m catching a cold,” he said, and sneezed for my benefit.

I leaned in close, “You’re a horrible liar.”

Kyungsoo smiled bashfully, “I know. It’s just... holding hands with you... everyone knows we’re together... just makes me happy.”

I fanned my face, “Warning: adorableness overload.”

Kyungsoo’s face started to match his ears. I went to place a kiss on those burning cheeks when a familiar voice shouted Kyungsoo’s name. The both of us stopped and turned around. Baekhyun jogged to catch up.

“So you’re still with this guy, huh?” Baekhyun smiled.

I shrugged my shoulders, “He pays for the food.”

Baekhyun laughed at my joke. He brought a hand to his chin, looking me over.

Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes, “Baekhyun.”

“No injuries yet. That must be some sort of record.”

I raised my eyebrow at Kyungsoo. The foliage became immensely interesting to him all of a sudden.

Baekhyun supplied the answer in a staged whisper, “Kyungsoo usually gets so excited he’s with a girl, he becomes extremely awkward and usually ends up in some horrible accident. The last girl he dated, he broke her toe. Girl before that got a broken nose.”

Kyungsoo sputtered to save his pride. “She wasn’t even looking in front of her—”

“—as you ripped open the door, resulting in it smashing her face, Kyung,” interrupted Baekhyun.

“I didn’t mean to,” muttered Kyungsoo darkly.

“I’ll be sure to be very aware of my surroundings,” I said with a straight face.

Baekhyun turn to me, “That reminds me, do you know a guy named Woohyun? I was talking to him the other day and—”

“Never heard of him. Kyungsoo, I think I see a pop can machine over there. Do you want to get me a drink?” I said abruptly.

“Sure!” agreed Kyungsoo, happy to get away from Baekhyun digging up his past.

As soon as Kyungsoo is out of ear shot, I grabbed Baekhyun by the shoulder. “Listen Baekhyun, I’m begging you, do not bring up my past in front of Kyungsoo. I know he’s your friend and you’re just looking out for him, but I promise I’m not like that anymore. Please let me tell him on my own time.”

Baekhyun looked uneasy at keeping secrets from one of his best friends. “I can but Kai’s been sniffing around too...”

I cursed my bad luck, “Try to help me out here.”

Baekhyun and I watched as Kyungsoo rushed from the pop machine eagerly and almost fell flat on his face over some unseen obstruction on the ground. He waved the cans in victory when he didn’t trip but almost whacked some poor passing jogger in the face. “He really likes you, you know?” said Baekhyun, his voice full of tenderness towards Kyungsoo.

“I know. That’s why I want to tell him myself. It’ll hurt him more if he hears it from someone else,” I replied softly.

“You better hurry,” said Baekhyun out of the corner of his mouth as Kyungsoo finally managed to make it in one piece.

“I didn’t know if you liked Pepsi or Coke, so I got both,” Kyungsoo said with a grin which morphed into a frown. “Unless you prefer light pop. In that case, Baekhyun can have the other can and I’ll get you what you want!”

I pretended like I was thinking, “But I like Pepsi... now Baekhyun won’t have a pop.”

Kyungsoo glared at Baekhyun, “Time for you to leave.”

Baekhyun backed up, hands up in defense. “Okay, a guy can take a hint,” Baekhyun sent me one last serious look, “Remember what I said,” and jogged off in the direction he came from.

Kyungsoo looked from Baekhyun’s fading figure to me in bewilderment, “What was that about?”

I smiled sadly to myself, “He’s just making sure I don’t break something of yours.”

Kyungsoo didn’t pick up on my melancholy tone. “But you’re the most graceful person I know!” he protested immediately. “Like a giraffe! No, that’s not right... a gazelle? Do I even know what a gazelle is?!” I can practically see the stars flying around Kyungsoo’s head in cartoon confusion.

“How about a swan or a horse?” I offered, chuckling.

Kyungsoo face lit up, “Yeah! You’re both!”

“A swarse?” I tried to bite my tongue, my laughter bursting in my chest. “That would be a bit awkward...”

Kyungsoo’s face reflected disappointment, “Why do I even try?”

I took pity on Kyungsoo and rubbed my nose against his in an Eskimo kiss. Kyungsoo’s eyes widened at my closeness. “Because you like me and you want me to feel pretty around you,” I said.

“I don’t know why you put up with me,” continued Kyungsoo, his eyes glued to my lips now.

I my lips in a teasing gesture, in which Kyungsoo’s eyes followed. He gulped visibly. “Because I love that youo try so hard to impress me to the point that you fail. I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I took that moment to softly kiss Kyungsoo’s lips.

I pulled back and Kyungsoo started to bite his lip, uncertain still. “Even if I could be suave like Kai?”

I twined my arms around Kyungsoo’s neck, “I find Kai to be a bit much, to be honest.” I scrunched up my nose.

“I’ll be sure to tell him that,” said Kyungsoo, brushing his nose against mine.

I half smirked, “You sure you can handle such wild displays of affection? I think we’re shocking that old couple over there.”

“Where?” Kyungsoo looked around desperately.

I giggled, shaking my head. “I still have a long way to go, young Padewan.” I took up Kyungsoo’s hand again and start walking.

“You do Star Wars references too? Chanyeol is going to be so jealous,” Kyungsoo looked excited to rub this in his friend’s face.

Maybe this was the time to fess up. The sooner I did it, the less chance Kyungsoo would hear it from someone else. I thanked my lucky stars none of his friends had been one of my... “Kyungsoo, there’s something important I have to tell you...”

Kyungsoo turned to me. He was humming and swinging our hands happily between us. He had a very goofy smile on his face. What if I told him and I never got to see that smile again? Or never made him blush again? Or never kissed him again? My fear made me want to keep my past a secret forever. My heart would break if I ever hurt Kyungsoo though...

Kyungsoo nudged me out of my deep thoughts “It’s not too early for you to tell me how much you’re in love with me,” he grinned, clearly drunk off of my kisses.

“In love, huh?” I said skeptically.

“That wouldn’t surprise me. Suho tells me every day I’m a lovable person.”

“Kyungsoo, that’s like your mom telling you you’re handsome. It doesn’t count.”

“My mom doesn’t find it hard to keep her hands off of me,” continued Kyungsoo cockily, implying that I couldn’t keep my paws away from him.

“I would hope not.”

“I know what I mean!”

“Do I? Because it sounds like your friends and family are awfully touchy-feely.”

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes “My mother does not touch me!” he said a little too loudly because some kids give him a weird look and run away.

Kyungsoo sent a glare my way. “That was your fault.”

“We should probably get out of here before they call the insane asylum,” I said, fighting a losing battle at holding my laughter in.

Kyungsoo moved his eyebrows suggestively, “If I’m going down, I'm taking you with me.” His hand tightened around mine.

Yeah... I was going to tell Kyungsoo later rather than sooner. I just wanted to live in the now “I’ll follow you wherever I go.”

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dear readers... I've been holding off updating because it'll be the last chapter. I can't let Kyungsoo go away :( It'll be up soon enough tho


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Chapter 1: Same here! This actually start pretty fine for me, but the subject using like 'I and You' is confusing....i wonder about the next chapter lets see
Chapter 15: Kyungsoo is so cute here hehehe..i love this story..thank you for your hardwork
Chapter 15: Good job!! Enjoyed this story~
Chapter 1: Just a heads up but in this chapter, you use I and you as the same thing. For example, "Kyungsoo, will I go on a date with me?"
Chapter 15: KYUNGSOO'S SOOOOOO CUUUUTEEEEE. wanna pinch his squishy face too. ;'))
xiaoLu_ieyla #6
Chapter 15: so cute. d.o is so adorable. ♥
Chapter 15: i think i had a permanent smile the whole way through. I LOVE AWKWARD BOYS!!!
asmya94 #8
Chapter 15: This story is soooo cute..owh how much I love your story...
Kyungsoic #9
Chapter 15: love!! that was nice and this cute-y Kyungsoo ^^
pwin842 #10
Chapter 15: Just finished reading it for the 3rd time :D.... still as amazing as ever ^-^