
Reacquainted Love

 " Which friend?" Sungmin asked very curiously, could he really have something in common with this pathetic man?

" Changmin." Kyuhyun smiled fondly at the memories of that night. "Ah yes, I remember him bothering me for months. Asking me to meet a friend of his, that was you?" Sungmin said trying not to stare at the odd man. Kyuhyun noticed Sungmin's slight discomfort in having him there. Kyuhyun also started to feel a bit uncomfortable as well. "Well I will leave now, " Kyuhyun quickly stood up. " I, uhh, I hope you get better soon."

Sungmin nodded his head, "Yes, thank you." Sungmin expected the younger man to leave, but Kyuhyun didn't move an inch. "Was there something else you wanted to say?" 

"Uhh, yes uhmm..." Kyuhyun fidgeted as he spoke, "I wanted to know if you would consider coming home with me." "Excuse me?" Sungmin asked appalled. Kyuhyun realized the mistake he made with the way he had formed that sentence. Trying to fix the problem as soon as possible Kyuhyun quickly rushed out the words- "NO! No not like that, you see you and I live together. So I wanted to know if you would stay with me or somewhere else?" Kyuhyun sighed relieved that he had explained without another mistake, he wasn't really good at forming his sentences.  

Sungmin pursed his lips. He hadn't even thought of that, he had a summed his parents would come for him. However he did not want the other to leave disappointed. " I'm not sure I will think about it." Kyuyhyun nodded, " Alright then, Goodbye." "Bye."  
Kyuhyun swiftly left the hospital room. Sungmin watched as he left. He found it hard to believe that this man was a good friend of his, just how much had he changed? Not only were they friends, but he lived with him? Seriously? Sungmin couldn't picture it- how was it possible that he go from a small mansion to (what he assumed) a small cramped apartment. He wondered what else had changed. 
Sungmin's head started to hurt from all the unanswered questions and all the possible answers to them. Sighing Sungmin laid back down to tired to think anymore. He just wanted to sleep, maybe if he was lucky everything would just be a dream and  he would wake up in his large comfortable bed perfectly fine, without  the worries of some odd man named Kyuhyun.
Kyuhyun slowly backed out of the hospitals parking lot. His mind overflowed with thoughts of Sungmin. Would he ever get his Sungmin back? As it was Sungmin no longer liked him and was back to his old ways of a rude, high maintenance type of guy. It was the Sungmin he had met, but the not the one who he had fell in love with. 
Kyuhyun slowed down as he reached his driveway. Turning off the car, he sat and thought things over. He knew he loved Sungmin, but it wasn't the same as before. They didn't hold hands or give each other secret glances. They hadn't gone dancing or even made any plans together- like a couple. All they ever did was argue. Kyuhyun realized that had the accident not have taken place- he would've lost Sungmin anyway. This was his chance to fix things, to get that spark back. Maybe along the way- he could get some of Sungmin's memory back. He smiled a little, hopefully, but then quickly frowned. That could only happen if Sungmin came to stay with him. If Sungmin were to run back to his parents house not only would he never remember anything, but his parents would never allow Kyuhyun to get anywhere near Sungmin. Not again, not to Kyuhyun.
i take long to update, i know. and i feel bad- i wish i had a reasonable excuse, but sadly i dont :( im just super lazy- and theirs the fact that i always feel like i wrote so much but then i type it and its nothing T.T sorry.
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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 11: Wow, sungmin is really upset without knowing the reason, i guess his memory is kicking in? Will he remembers soon?
zuttoo #2
Chapter 11: I like fast paced stories:-) ...I'll eagerly wait for your updates authornim!
Just read it...and I like the plot! Keep it up!
Just read it.. and I loved it.. The plot is good and you have new subscriber.. :P
Chapter 10: Omg i love this story pls update it pls
PeekyDoll #6
Just read it today, and I love it! ^^
Chapter 10: please update the following chapter!!!
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 10: Well at least now min is eager to know more about kyu and their past. But will min's parents finally visit him and maybe talk more harsh things about kyu? What will happen next? I am so curious....
Chapter 9: Whoa kyumin has never been one of my favorite couplings but this story is so good it made me love them together!!!
fygaeming #10
Chapter 9: omg, it's make me sad ;aaaaa; my poor kyumin i hope sungmin get his memories with kyu soon
waiting for the next update