A Promise

Reacquainted Love

Sungmin's POV

"You two are the worst couple I have ever seen."


"He cheated on you.."

But he's so sweet.

"Mom and Dad haven't seen you because of Kyuhyun."

He wouldn't....


"Sungmin-ah! Are you okay in there? Do you need help?" Nurse Jang's voice finally snapped me out of whatever dark abyss I had entered. "I'm Fine! Geez, I can bathe myself." Slowly I finished stripping out of my clothes and the bathrooms shower. This was the first time I'd bath since I got here and I was more than happy to be doing it alone, although just barely. "Are you sure you don't want me to help you? You don't have to be embarrassed, it's my job." I sigh before I speak again. "It's fine. I don't need help, its bruises and scratches that I have not missing limbs." The women on the other side of the door stayed quiet after that. I carefully enter the shower and relax at the feeling of the warm water on my skin. I had been a little stressed after my brothers visit. He told me things no one else would have and frankly it scared me. It wasn't just what he told me, it was the fact that I couldn't tell if he was lying or not. My brother was such a manipulative, sly and sneaky person. He had always been that way. He enjoyed watching people suffer, cry in agony and pain from things he had said. To top it all off the boy lied a lot as well, he'd mix truths with his lies and you'd never be able to tell. He was a horrible person, and this was why we never got along. Everything he did was for his own gain, his own enjoyment, his own pleasure. And it didn't matter who he hurt, as long as he got his way.






I have to see him today. SungJin will ruin any chance I have. I know he will, I just know it. I don't know why, but he was just so evil and down right mean. Kinda like me I guess... it doesn't matter I have to make sure the damage isn't to bad. I have to get my Sungminnie back. It was only nine a.m. and I was already on my way to see him. I hope he doesn't think I'm annoying for coming so much. I'm one stoplight away from the hospital and my angel. Once I'm finally parked in front of the hospital, I rush inside. Of course the same woman from first time is there and boy does she look happy as ever. I roll my eyes. Even though I'm not particularly fond of her I tried to me be nice. "Goodmorning." The women glared at me. "It was, till you got here." I raised an eyebrow at her, well so much for being nice. "Listen just give me the visitors pass and let me go to 213." "Are you sure its room 213? Who are you visiting?" I sighed, this woman is really annoying. " Lee Sungmin he is in room 213." She nodded giving me a look of disbelief, "Mhhmm now let me just check that." She typed who knows what into her computer I'm convinced she was on Twitter, then gave me a pass. I quickly snatched the item from her hand. "Thanks, ." I walked away from the woman before she could respond, but when I looked back at her angry face, I felt satisfied.


Finally heading up to Sungmin's room I see that the door is open. Inside there is a nurse standing outside the bathroom door looking nervous, I start to feel nervous too when I see that Sungmin's bed is empty. "Where is Sungmin?" The woman jumped a little startled from the sudden voice, she then turned to look at me and smiled. Her smile was beautiful. "Sungmin is taking a shower right now. Are you here to see him?" Her voice was pure and silky. I smiled despite myself. "Yes I am here to see him. I will wait out here for him then." She smiled again

. "My name is Jang MinJu, I'm Sungmin-shi's nurse."

"Oh, Sungmin is lucky to have such a pretty nurse." I smile as the young woman blushed in embarrassment. What am I doing? "I'm sorry, i didn't catch your name." She said, cheeks still a light pink. "I'm Cho Kyuhyun. It is a pleasure to meet you." She smiled once more, she really is pretty.. We were both silent for a bit. She seemed as though she wanted to say something,but she never did. I tried not to think too much of it, my goal was to see Sungmin not flirt with some random woman.

“Is he-” “Are you-”

We both spoke at the same time. She giggled slightly, “ I’m sorry, you first.” I blinked a few times, trying to remember what I was going to ask, her smile was distracting. “Is he okay? Sungmin, he’s...nothings wrong?” She seemed surprised by my question. “Well if you mean physically, yes he is fine. Although he does seem to be in a bad mood today.”

 “Who’s in a bad mood?”

 Sungmin walked out of the bathroom, and honestly I can’t believe he made a hospital robe look good. A ing hospital robe. His hair remained damp, and the robe clung to him from the undried water.

“Uhm…” Minju froze, clearly she didn’t do well under pressure. “Your lovely nurse…” I looked at Minju smiling, “was just telling me about her cousin, who apparently is visiting Seoul for the first time.”

Sungmin’s eyebrows furrowed and he seemed confused. “Why would you guys talk about that.” From the corner of my eye I could see Minju’s panic. “Well I was born in the country, so i told her how strange it felt to be in such a large city. Then the topic of her cousin just came along.”

Sungmin's mouth formed an ‘o’ as he processed this new information. “ Uhm, Sungmin-shi I should rebandage you now.” He finally turned to the woman and nodded. I sat and watched as Minju worked on Minnie’s wounds. Occasionally he would grunt in pain, or maybe moan a bit. It reminded me of all the fun times he and I had. Once she was done cleaning and bandaging his wounds she stood up from her kneeling position. “Please call if you need anything.” She bowed to Sungmin and then me before exiting the room. I watched her figure leave silently. “You came again…” I turned my attention back to Sungmin. He was blushing, with his head down.


I wonder what he’s thinking. “Yes, I was worried about you. So I came to visit, do you mind?” Sungmin glanced up at me, with his head still facing the floor. A small smile came to his lips, I almost didn’t see it. “I don’t mind. I don’t like being alone.” I smiled and nodded, I remember, even in our small house he hated it. 

 “Maybe I should come everyday.”

Sungin looked up surprised. He’s so cute. The blush he previously had returned. “I-it’s okay, you don't have to.” “I want to.” I replied without hesitation, my voice going deeper. I love you. I looked down at my hands, wiched layed on my lap.

We sat in our silence for quite some time. I didn’t mind though, I like just being able to see him.


I looked up at Sungmin who was trying very hard to say something. It was very strange that he seemed to be holding back. What’s wrong? 

"My parents haven’t visited.”

Sungmin sat there. Waiting for a response, he looked towards me when he didn’t get one. “I heard that might have something to do with you.” My eyes widened considerably and I felt a little sick. Sungjin…

“I won’t lie to you. Your parents hate me. Your brother probably came just to report to them.” Sungmin nodded his head, I could tell he wanted me to continue. “Why do they hate you?” I stole you. I blushed a little. “Uhm, I believe there exact words were ‘You destroyed our son’s innocence’.”  I sat nervously waitning for his response. 

Sungmin sighed and shook his head. “It would be something stupid like that.” I smiled at him. I was so happy he wasn’t mad at me. It was also nice to know that even with lost memories he was still the same person.





“Let’s stay here forever.”

Sungmin said happily while blushing. I smiled back at him. “I would love to, but we have to go sometime.” Sungmin was silent for a long time. I assumed he was thinking and as I waited for him to speak, i looked back at the beautiful beach sky. It was a good idea to watch the sunset together, I thought closing my eyes.

“Then let’s make a promise.” I peeked at Sungmin with one eye. “Hm?” Sungmin was smiling from ear to ear.

“No matter what happens, we will always come back to each other.” I opened both of my eyes and stared at Sungmin. “Thats a pretty big promise.” Sungmin glared back at. He clearly didn’t like my response.




I sighed. He could be so difficult. "I Promise."








i'm so sorry this took  so long to post. My laptop broke. D': It was horrible, but its finally fixed (yay!) I hope this was a long and good chapter. I worked hard.  i Kept singing " I will promise you.." I love that drama....anyway  Please comment, i would love to hear what you all think :)




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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 11: Wow, sungmin is really upset without knowing the reason, i guess his memory is kicking in? Will he remembers soon?
zuttoo #2
Chapter 11: I like fast paced stories:-) ...I'll eagerly wait for your updates authornim!
Just read it...and I like the plot! Keep it up!
Just read it.. and I loved it.. The plot is good and you have new subscriber.. :P
Chapter 10: Omg i love this story pls update it pls
PeekyDoll #6
Just read it today, and I love it! ^^
Chapter 10: please update the following chapter!!!
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 10: Well at least now min is eager to know more about kyu and their past. But will min's parents finally visit him and maybe talk more harsh things about kyu? What will happen next? I am so curious....
Chapter 9: Whoa kyumin has never been one of my favorite couplings but this story is so good it made me love them together!!!
fygaeming #10
Chapter 9: omg, it's make me sad ;aaaaa; my poor kyumin i hope sungmin get his memories with kyu soon
waiting for the next update