THE FIGHT [part 1]

Reacquainted Love

Sungmin sat on the couch, arms crossed over his chest and glaring at the door. He had been sitting there since four o'clock in the morning, when he noticed Kyuhyun wasn't home. Suddenly keys could be heard unlocking the door and Sungmin stood up. He's glare still in place with his hands on his hips. Kyuhyun walked through the door. Well stumbled, and shook his head. Obviously, he had been drinking. But that wasn't gonna stop the upcoming scold from Sungmin.

After taking off his shoes, Kyuhyun looked up. He smiled when he saw Sungmin, "Hey your up early." "Where the hell were you?" Sungmin snapped. How dare Kyuhyun walk in and act like he hadn't been out all last night. Kyuhyun sighed, sat down on the couch and rubbed his temple. "Could we not fight right now? I just got home and I have a horrible hangover." Sungmin's anger grew at his boyfriend's words.

"That's exactly my point Kyuhyun! You just got home! Do you have any idea how worried I was?" Kyuhyun sighed again, "I'm a grown man, I can take care of myself Min." Sungmin groaned in frustration. "You think I don't know that? I know you can take care of your self, but that doesn't mean I don't worry. So where were you?" Kyuhyun stood up and started walking to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and grabbed a water, gulping it down quickly. "Yah! Cho Kyuhyun! I'm talking to you!" Kyuhyun slammed the bottle on the counter. "I KNOW! God Dammit! I was out with Changmin and the others, ok?" Sungmin's brows furrowed,"Who else?"

"Oh God, Sungmin." Kyuhyun said exasperatedly. "Who Else!?" Sungmin shouted. Kyuhyun glared at him, "Donghae, Leetuek, Heechul and Siwon." At the the last two names Sungmin's eyes widened. He didn't mind that Kyuhyun would go out with friends, but not those two. "So you went out with not one, not two, but THREE ex's of yours? You know what I don't even care about Donghae because he has Hyukjae, but Heechul and Siwon! You know I don't like it when you're with those two!" At this Kyuhyun became quite pissed.

"I can hangout with who ever I want! I don't need your permission! Everytime I walk out that door you act like I'm going to cheat on you!" Singmin became even more furious, "Because you did before!" " I was drunk!" "That's my point! Do you really think that Siwon and Heechul just wanted to hang with some friends? NO! They were hoping you would get completely -faced again so they could take you home with them!" "Heechul's got Hankyung and Siwon's got Kibum! They don't need me!" Kyuhyun yelled back. Sungmin glared, seriously as smart as Kyu was, he was so naive. "Oh yeah, you mean To-Good-for-Heechul Hangeng who is currently in China and I'm-better-than-everyone-else Kibum who is studying in America. I'm sure Heechul and Siwon are just fine not having with anyone for, hmmm, let's see for Heechul 3 months and for Siwon 7 months. Oh yeah, those bastards are just fine!"


A/N : sorry if this is short, but I've been nagged by my roommate that my room is dirty, and if I don't clean it I will never here the end of it -__- and I'm typing from my phone so please appriciate! Anyway I hope you enjoyed it, kyuhyun's a lil' player dating all thoase men, lol. Plz comment, it would mean so much too me! :3 xoxo

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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 11: Wow, sungmin is really upset without knowing the reason, i guess his memory is kicking in? Will he remembers soon?
zuttoo #2
Chapter 11: I like fast paced stories:-) ...I'll eagerly wait for your updates authornim!
Just read it...and I like the plot! Keep it up!
Just read it.. and I loved it.. The plot is good and you have new subscriber.. :P
Chapter 10: Omg i love this story pls update it pls
PeekyDoll #6
Just read it today, and I love it! ^^
Chapter 10: please update the following chapter!!!
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 10: Well at least now min is eager to know more about kyu and their past. But will min's parents finally visit him and maybe talk more harsh things about kyu? What will happen next? I am so curious....
Chapter 9: Whoa kyumin has never been one of my favorite couplings but this story is so good it made me love them together!!!
fygaeming #10
Chapter 9: omg, it's make me sad ;aaaaa; my poor kyumin i hope sungmin get his memories with kyu soon
waiting for the next update