
2 Sides: Sequel

Kyuhyun then lifted the lid off the large pot of soup, letting the sweet and mouth watering aroma travel around the kitchen. All the other Super Junior members turned their heads in surprise (besides Leeteuk of course who is still in his in his room). Kyuhyun let out a bright smile of satisfaction. Finally, he had created something that was actually edible. Not to say that he created inedible food (Kyuhyun was usually too lazy to cook for his hyungs).

"Is that smell from the soup or what?" Asked Donghae with a almost unbelieving expression. Kyuhyun turned off the stove before turning his head to Donghae.

"No, it's coming from the couch." Kyuhyun muttered, slightly offended by Donghae's comment. Donghae flushed slightly as the other Super Junior members laughed at him.

"Kyuhyun doesn't seem to have changed." Sungmin half muttered in a whisper, but it was still clearly heard. Kyuhyun quickly turned his head to face Sungmin. Kyuhyun then gave Sungmin a twisted expression.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Kyuhyun asked, not really understanding.

"...We're just getting a little dizzy." Donghae muttered, not realising what would happen if he said those words. Kyuhyun eyes widened slightly, staring at Donghae.

"Really?" Kyuhyun asked. And with that he quickly ran up to Donghae who was currently sitting on the couch. Kyuhyun stood right in front of Donghae, maybe even too close for his standard. Kyuhyun then lifted his hand and touched Donghae's forehead. Unconciously, Donghae blushed as he felt Kyuhyun's soft hand touching his burning skin.

"Hmmm... your fever doesn't seem to have gone up at all, but it hasn't really gone down either..." Kyuhyun muttered to himself, a worrying look visible in his eyes.

"I-I'm fine." Donghae stuttered, his cheeks burning. And that wasn't necessarily because of his fever. Kyuhyun stared for a couple seconds at Donghae before giving a silent nod and returning back to the kitchen.

"Do you guys want some soup?" Kyuhyun asked the other members rhetorically.

"Y-Yeah." The Super Junior members stuttered in union.

"...Since when did you guys stutter so much? That's just odd." Kyuhyun spoke with a slightly weirded out expression.

"..." Again, the other Super Junior members went quiet.

"What's with you guys? You keep going silent for no reason." Kyuhyun grumbled, finding it slightly annoyed that the other Super Junior members weren't talking.

"We're just sick, ignore it." Kibum then spoke. Kyuhyun simply nodded.

"Hmmm... okay, if that's what you think. Anyway, who wants soup?" Kyuhyun asked once again.

"Me." All of the 13 (I'm not counting in Henry and Leeteuk's in his room) Super Junior members raised their hands in union.

"Okay, just wait a minute." Kyuhyun muttered quietly and gently, opening the cupboard and taking out 14 bowls in total. The Super Junior members simply watched in some sort of fascination. One by one, Kyuhyun began to each individual bowl with some soup from the pot. Then after that, Kyuhyun took each bowl one by one to every member of Super Junior member.

"Thanks." The Super Junior members spoke in union.

"... I should take some to Jungsoo hyung too, right?" Kyuhyun asked the others rhetorically. Kyuhyun received a slight nod in reply to his question.

"You should." Eunhyuk spoke, knowing Kyuhyun would take some soup to Leeteuk whether the other Super Junior members said so or not. As Kyuhyun nodded, Donghae let out a gasp.

"Hot!" Donghae exclaimed as he furiously shook his hand. Ah, it had seemed that Donghae burnt himself with the soup. Kyuhyun stared out before letting out a rather strained yet understanding sigh. Silently, Kyuhyun crossed the room and approached Donghae. He then sat down on the couch beside Donghae, taking the bowl from his hands.

"It's hot. Hyung, you should be more careful. I'll feed you. Here." Kyuhyun muttered as he lifted the spoon, expecting donghae to open his mouth. Donghae stared for a second, his cheeks heating up slightly.

"...Thanks..." Donghae muttered in embarrassment, letting his lips part slightly and allowing the hot liquid to slide down his throat. Donghae never thought that Kyuhyun would be the one taking care of him.

"I thought you were going to take some soup to Jungsoo hyung." Hankyung muttered. Kyuhyun acted as if he couldn't hear Hankyung's statement for about 3 seconds before replying.

"Jungsoo hyung can wait." Kyuhyun replied, continuing to feed Donghae.

"Are you sure?" Asked Siwon.

"... Maybe." Kyuhyun spoke.

"Maybe?" The other Super Junior members questioned. Kyuhyun thought for a little.

"Well, he can take this as revenge for not listening to me before." Kyuhyun muttered with a slight smile.

The other super Junior members then simply watched as Kyuhyun fed Donghae. For once, for the first time, they actually felt envious for something that Kyuhyun had done. Before, Kyuhyun would just prank the other Super Junior members. They never thought that one day, Kyuhyun would actually be the one taking care of them.

In union, the Super Junior members looked at each other.

for the first time, they felt that Kyuhyun was someone who they would have liked to be by their side.


"Jungsoo hyung... must be really lucky..."


Sorry, I know it's kind of short... well, it's lunch time at school (1:51pm). Sorry, the internet at school isn't that good so I can't write much or it will not go through~

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I'm going on Hiatus~ Not that I really want too. My internet connection is being hacked so my family needs to turn it off and fix it for about 2 weeks~


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ohmysuperjunior #1
Chapter 1: i find it incredibly amusing how the members got sick xD lol playing in the rain. and they're like in their mid twenties to early thirties xD
Chapter 8: Love it! Can't wait for the sequel! Though can u please u the word ''rheotorically'' a little less
Chapter 8: How about Kyuhyun being sick and its his hyung's turn to take care of him?

I really love jealous and fighting-for-Kyu's-love stories !!! :D
Chapter 8: You really have to make a sequel for this .. :DD

maedeh #5
Chapter 8: hi
feel bad for members and I think now I must say evil tiuky and angel kyu!!!!
MoMoLilli #6
A sequel for the sequel? AWESOME~! Maybes a continuation of this ones end? A sick babykyu? Or maybe someone convincing teukie into sharing kyu? :3

Anything with bottom!kyu!

I crave it! I needz it! I luv it!!!
lol a sequel would be fabulous