you leave me




You back to your house with tears. You really sad. You can’t stop your tears. You crying for almost 2 days. You didn’t eat or take a bath.

One day, after you feel better, you received a call from unfamiliar number. You just answered that call. “yeobseyo. Who is this??” the caller keep silent for a while. Then she start her talk. “annyeong. Is this Hara? Goo Hara??” you feel weird because she know your name. “yes. It is me. Who are you? Where did you find my number?” “it’s me, Gyuri. I’m the girl that you found me with Hongki.” You feel angry because the girl that take your love dare to call you. “oh! It’s you. Why you call me?? Want me to heard about your love with Hongki? Huh. If that you want to tell me, just go to hell!” you want to hung up your phone but you cancelled it because you heard Gyuri told you to wait. “what do you want ??!!” “i call you because i want to tell you about Hongki. And you ‘ve misunderstood that day. The truth is, i’m his doctor. Not his girlfriend. For your information, Hongki suffer from brain cancer. He just have 1 month to live. He didn’t want to tell you because he scared that you might sad. And he broke up with you is because he didn’t want you to suffer after his die. He really love you. Actually, he didn’t want me to tell you. But i’ve to tell you because.. Hongki is near his dead. He’s at the hospital now. I hope you will come. Hurry up. He didn’t have much time.”

You can’t think straight. you remember about your happy day with Hongki. Then, after you can think straight again, you take bath and change you cloth as fast as lighting. You rushed to the hospital. You always pray that Hongki will safe.

at the Hospital, you see Gyuri. You rushed to her. She show you to Hongki room. You can’t stop your tears again. He look so suffer. You go towards him slowly. You hold his hand. You fondle his face. Your tears fall.

You says to him, “Hongki-ah, why you’re so fool?? Why you didn’t tell me? Why you always keep it yourself? You say that you didn’t wnat me to sad, but didn’t you know that i will be more sad if you do this to me. Please. Wake up. Don’t leave me. Jeball.. i want to go to our park with you. I want to live with you. I want to play game at the theme park with you. If you wake up, i promise that i won’t cry or sad anymore. Just wake up and say that you love me once again. Jeball..!!”you cry with sob.

Gyuri that is sit at the chair opposite you also crying. Suddenly, Hongki breathing fasterly. His chest is going up and down without stop. You feel panic, scared and sad. Panic because Hongki become like that. Scared that Hongki will leave you. Sad because you have to see Hongki suffer.

The nurse told you to leave the room. She want to check Hongki. You didn’t want to get out from the room. You want to be with him. After a while, the heartbeat meter show __________________... you really can’t think straight. slowly, you go towards the meter and knock it with your hands hope that it shows -----^-^-^^-^-^-^, not -----------... after a while, it seem don’t change. You feel like you can’t hope anymore.

Then, Gyuri come from your back and hug you. You can’t hold it anymore. You weep noisily. You shake Hongki’s body. Hoping that he will wake up and hug you. But he will never wake up. You stop shake his still can’t stop crying.

Suddenly, you feel someone wiped your tears. You open your eyes and you saw Hongki at front of you. He’s wearing all white. Then you heard he say “Hara-ah, how many time must i say that i didn’t want to see you cry anymore. Stop crying okay. I love you. Eventhough i already die, but you will always be in here, inside my heart. Take care of yourself okay. I can’t be at your side anymore. I can’t take care of you anymore. But i’ll always be inside your heart right. And i’ll always look at you at the heaven. Take care, Hara-ah. I love you.” He kissed your lips and disappear.

You still crying. After a while, you stop crying and You hug his body closely and closely. You kiss his lips and his forehead. “i’ll let you go in peace Hongki-ah.” Just wait for me at the heaven. I’ll never forget you. You may not be my first love but you always be my last love. Just wait for me at the heaven, Hongki-ah....

...THE END...

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mangkok r !!!
I think you went a little too fast, otherwise it's awesome. Really tragic. I'm crying right now. -sniff sniff- Dang, my blanket is wet with tears! Oh well. I hope you make a companion about them in heaven!!
CodeNameSarang #3
TT^TT omo~ hongki~ dun die~~~ hongki-ah, saranghae~<br />
<br />
haha<br />
<br />
a good story~ lol I was chuffed to see my biases in this fic~ :D<br />
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hara_ya #4
gosh..thts sad..<br />
i think it will be more sad..if reversal take place..<br />
hara died, n hongki get healthy..<br />
tht will be more upsetting..<br />
poor hara n of coz hongki..<br />
hara_ya #5
ooooo~<br />
plezz update soon~<br />
want to know wat happen wen hara learn d truth...
@sue_ada : tengs for the comment. really appreciate it..
hara_ya #7
Hallo~new reader here<br />
i luv ur stry vry much..<br />
wen hara learn the truth, hara must be really hurt..<br />
but i think hongki must tell hara soon~<br />
coz it can make hara less least she can prepare n can expect wat will happen...<br />
if hongki just keep mum...hara must be feel really2 hurt...<br />
no wonder u put the title of this stry i'll be waiting for you in the heaven..<br />
at 1st i thought y u put tht i know..<br />
<br />
update soon~<br />
want to know wat happen next..
tengs for the comment..^_^<br />