After the day you meet with Chansung, you never meet with him anymore. You think maybe he has come towards his wife again. But one thing that makes you feel weird is about Hongki. He seems different from the day that you meet with Chan sung. He never wants to go for a date with you anymore. When you call him and ask for a date, he always said that he’s so busy. He never wants to pick up his phone when you call him. He seems to distance himself from you. He never be at his house when you came to his house. You feel weird with him. You start to think that he don’t want to be with you anymore. One day, you really want to meets with him to ask about his what you think before this. You meet with him at the cafe near your house because he said that he really busy. You just agree with him.

*at the cafe*

“where is Hongki? Didn’t I say that I want to meet him at 5.00 pm?? It already 5.30! Where is he??” you talk to yourself. Not long after you said that, Hongki came with a tired face. “Why you’re late, Hongki-ah?” you ask him after he came. He just says sorry and kisses your cheeks. You blushed. It’s because he never did that before. You almost forgot your motive.

When you were dreaming, Hongki wake you up from your dream with asking “why did you want to meet me here?” “Huh? Urm... I just want to see you. That’s all. It’s because we never spent our time together like before. I just miss you. That’s all.” You said with a sad face. Hongki just smile. Then he said, “mianhae Hara-ah. I know that I didn’t spent time with you anymore. I’ve my own reason for that. It’s not what you’re thinking.”

 You feel sad because Hongki seems keeping something from you. “Urmm... Hongki-ah, are you not happy with me?  I know that you’re not happy with me right? That’s why you never want to spent time with me right?”You said sadly. “Hara-ah, you’ve make mistake. I am happy with you. I am always happy with you. But as I said before, I’ve my own reason.”

 You seem not satisfied with Hongki words. “You lie right? If you have your own reason, tell me what it is. “You force him to talk. “mianhae. I really can’t talk about it. I’m scared that you will sad if you know what it is.”

You confuse. “But why I’ll sad if I know your reason??” you become more confused. “You’ll know one day.” Hongki said suddenly. Then, you both become silent.

Not long after that, you broke that silent. “Stop it, Hongki-ah. Just tell me. If you don’t tell me, I’ll become more confuse!” “I don’t care. I won’t tell you. I don’t want to see you crying. Please don’t force me to tell you. And you don’t have to worry. I’ll never leave you and I won’t cheat you. Just trust me.”  Hongki tried to comfort you.

But, you still unsatisfied with his answer. You still want to know why he being likes that. “But, a couple should tell others problem right. I know that you have problem. Maybe that is your private problem, but you should tell me. Who knows, I will help you.” *hongki sigh* “urm...Hara-ah, I should go. I’m a bit busy. Please forgive me.” After that, hongki just run away leave you behind. You were shocked with his reaction. *you sigh*



Hongki-ah, why are you doing me lke this?? Am I wrong for asking? I just want to know your problem. *you sigh*


When Hongki think that he’s far away from you, he’s stop running. Then he looks at the back and suddenly, he cry.


Hara-ah, mianhae. Jeongmal mianhae. I really don’t want to see you cry anymore. I have promise you that I won’t never make you cry. But, how can I? I can’t live longer in this world. I really love you. But what can I do? I must leave you. The doctor said that I just have 2 month to live.


I’m so sorry, MR. Hongki. But, I’ve to tell you that you have a brain cancer. The chance of you to live is just 45%. You just have another 2 month to live. If there’s a miracle, you may live for 5 month only. But I can’t save you. The cancer cell has been through your heart. We can’t do anything about it. “but, doctor, how can’t you do anything. You’re a doctor right. I don’t want to die. I’ve a lover and i don’t want her to be sad. I don’t want to leave her. I love her. I want to marry with her. Please help me to cure. Please...” hongki begged the doctor while crying...


I don’t know how to tell you. I’m scared that you might sad. Maybe I should........



what will Hongki do?? 

*finally update.^^*

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mangkok r !!!
I think you went a little too fast, otherwise it's awesome. Really tragic. I'm crying right now. -sniff sniff- Dang, my blanket is wet with tears! Oh well. I hope you make a companion about them in heaven!!
CodeNameSarang #3
TT^TT omo~ hongki~ dun die~~~ hongki-ah, saranghae~<br />
<br />
haha<br />
<br />
a good story~ lol I was chuffed to see my biases in this fic~ :D<br />
<br />
hara_ya #4
gosh..thts sad..<br />
i think it will be more sad..if reversal take place..<br />
hara died, n hongki get healthy..<br />
tht will be more upsetting..<br />
poor hara n of coz hongki..<br />
hara_ya #5
ooooo~<br />
plezz update soon~<br />
want to know wat happen wen hara learn d truth...
@sue_ada : tengs for the comment. really appreciate it..
hara_ya #7
Hallo~new reader here<br />
i luv ur stry vry much..<br />
wen hara learn the truth, hara must be really hurt..<br />
but i think hongki must tell hara soon~<br />
coz it can make hara less least she can prepare n can expect wat will happen...<br />
if hongki just keep mum...hara must be feel really2 hurt...<br />
no wonder u put the title of this stry i'll be waiting for you in the heaven..<br />
at 1st i thought y u put tht i know..<br />
<br />
update soon~<br />
want to know wat happen next..
tengs for the comment..^_^<br />