As time go on, u feel your love towards Hongki increase from day to day. Hongki also feel the same.  As time go on, your feeling towards your ex-boyfriend didn’t exist anymore. It is because Hongki has made you forget that guy. One day, while you’re on date with Hongki, you saw your ex boyfriend, but you ignore that, it is because you’re on a date with Hongki, a guy that you love and a guy that love you with all his heart. Hongki is going to the supermarket to buy coffee for you both.

 When Hongki has gone to the supermarket, suddenly, you see your ex came to you. “Hye Hara, long times no see. Look like you have found your soulmate.”He said while smirked at you. You saw his smirked. Then you say to him “yes. I already found my soul mate. A guy that never lies to me, a guy that never play prank with me, and the important thing is that guy, loves me with all his heart. Not like you, a playboy. A guy that think that you can play all women heart. Huh...where is your soul mate? Did you dump her also? Like you dump me like a trash??” you take back your revenge.

Hara p.o.v

Hahahaha.... serve you right. Did you think that I’ll come back and kneeling at you?? In your dream, .

End of Hara p.o.v

Chan sung were shocked with your words. He didn’t think that you will talk to him like that. He thinks that you will kneeling and ask for him to come back to you. But he wrong. You’ll not kneeling or begging him anymore.

Suddenly, you heard he say, “ha...ra-ah, (he shuttered) I...I am sorry for what I’m doing. I just want you to forgive me. I...I can’t bear to live like this anymore. I can’t bear to live like this if person that I love will not forgive me. You were shocked hear his word. Then you say “person that you love?? Who is it?? Another girl that were trapped by you???” “Anniyo. It’s you, Hara-ah. It’s you. I love you. Even since we broke up, I still love you. I admit that I was wrong. But that just an accident. I was drunk when i sleep with that girl. But I have taken my responsibility. I already married with that girl. But, I really don’t have any feeling towards her. Trust me; I really hope that our relationship will be back like 5 years ago. But, I think that our relationship will not come back like usually.” He say that when he saw Hongki walk towards you both.

 You didn’t have the chance to reply Chansung’s words. It’s because Hongki has came towards you. “Hye Hara. Did you bored waiting for me?? I’m so sorry. There were lot of people at the supermarket.uhh, by the way, who is this?” hongki ask you curiously. You don’t know how to answer Hongki questions. It’s because you don’t want him to jealous or angry. Chan sung know that you’ll not introduce him to Hongki, so he introduces himself. “I’m Chan sung. I’m Hara ex boyfriend.”

 Hongki were shock when he heard that Chan sung is you’re ex boyfriend. You also shock when heard Chan sung say that he was your ex boyfriend. You glared at him. Chan sung didn’t bother your glared. When he see that Hongki seems too angry, he says to Hongki”it’s already past. I won’t bother her anymore. She’s yours. Not mine anymore. I just greet her as a friend. Is ‘it true Hara-ah?”

you shocked when Chan sung call your name. You shuttered answering his questions” ye...yes... it’s true. You don’t have to be jealous Hongki-ah. I’ll not lie to you. It’s because I really love you. Between me and Chan sung, is over. Just smile okay. Your face looks like an old monkey when you re sulking like that.” You joke with Hongki while you pinch his cheek.

 While you both were happy joking around, suddenly, Chan sung interrupted you both happiness when he ask for permission to go back home. You and Hongki just smile to Chan sung. After Chan sung gone, Hongki hug you while say “Hara-ah, did you know that I really jealous when I saw you were talking with him? I just don’t want you to be apart from me. I don’t want to see you with any guy. Hara-ah, (while release his hug) will you promise to me that you will never be with any guy except me?? Will you?”

you were shocked with Hongki reactions. Then you say to him, “Hongki-ah, I already tell you that I really love you and you will be my last love. It means that my love for you will not change. It’ll be increase day by day. If you are jealous if I talk or walk with any boy, I promise that I’ll not ignore them anymore, is it okay, Hongki-ah? Did you trust me?” “Yes. Yes, Hara-ah. I trust you. I’ll always trust you. I love you with all my heart, Hara-ah...”

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mangkok r !!!
I think you went a little too fast, otherwise it's awesome. Really tragic. I'm crying right now. -sniff sniff- Dang, my blanket is wet with tears! Oh well. I hope you make a companion about them in heaven!!
CodeNameSarang #3
TT^TT omo~ hongki~ dun die~~~ hongki-ah, saranghae~<br />
<br />
haha<br />
<br />
a good story~ lol I was chuffed to see my biases in this fic~ :D<br />
<br />
hara_ya #4
gosh..thts sad..<br />
i think it will be more sad..if reversal take place..<br />
hara died, n hongki get healthy..<br />
tht will be more upsetting..<br />
poor hara n of coz hongki..<br />
hara_ya #5
ooooo~<br />
plezz update soon~<br />
want to know wat happen wen hara learn d truth...
@sue_ada : tengs for the comment. really appreciate it..
hara_ya #7
Hallo~new reader here<br />
i luv ur stry vry much..<br />
wen hara learn the truth, hara must be really hurt..<br />
but i think hongki must tell hara soon~<br />
coz it can make hara less least she can prepare n can expect wat will happen...<br />
if hongki just keep mum...hara must be feel really2 hurt...<br />
no wonder u put the title of this stry i'll be waiting for you in the heaven..<br />
at 1st i thought y u put tht i know..<br />
<br />
update soon~<br />
want to know wat happen next..
tengs for the comment..^_^<br />