Chapter 1

Really You??/ Why You??/ I love You...



I was sitting next to my bestie, Jinny. Barely anyone knows what her real name is. I guess she doesn't like her real name. I was studying with her when I heard screaming. "1.2.3 here comes WooHyun." I cued. Right on 3 Woohyun walked inside the class and I heard some girls screaming. He sits behind me and always say mean things to me. "Hey fatty, I can't see half the blackboard!" WooHyun yelled out loud. There's an example.

"Oh... I'm sorry. Let's switch spots." I suggested.

"Then I can't see!" The boy behind WooHyun yelled. I did a face palm and closed my eyes. Why did I choose to sit in the front? I always get these nasty comments every day. Now I think I'm getting used to it.

   Did I tell you who I like? On the other side of the school, there's a guy name L. He's really hot and popular. I had a crush on him when I first saw him, which is kindergarten. We went to Woollim Elementary school together. He knows that I existed and actually talked to me in Kindergarten. We were best friend… but as L started getting popular and joining Infinite, what the kingka group was called, he ditched me. It felt like I lost a big part of me. I didn’t have anyone to tell secrets to, anyone to go to if I’m bored… Soon, I gained a lot of weight, because I release stress by eating.


  I was listening to my teacher blab about math. I lost interest and looked out the window, since that was the only amusing thing I could do in class. As I was dozing off, I got a surprise text from my mom. "Son… You are getting married at the age of 18! “My mom texted.”Wait I'm gonna be arranged marriage?" I texted. I don't want to get arranged marriage with a stranger! Unless if it was a hot chick. "Yes son.."  My mom texted back. "WHAT?" I yelled, jumping up. 

"Mr.L? Is something wrong?"  My teacher asked me. "Um... I was so amazed that this equals this!" I lied to my math teacher. I lifted my math notebook to show him that I was “paying attention.”

 "That's nice. You’re not on the same page with us, L goon. Please turn to page 104." My teacher said. I sighed and turned to page 104 and continued to text my mom.

It was break time and I decided to call my mom, since texting takes forever. All I got was that the girl's parent and  my parent's grandparents were really close. Also that she's really smart and we are not that close." What's her name?" I asked my mom. "Her name is Lee ~~~~~" My mom said. "No way...” I said as I dropped the phone. "What you know her?" My mom yelled. I'm gonna marry ~~~~, the fatty.

 I told Infinite this and they all grabbed their stomach and laughed. Some even rolled on the floor. "Some friend you guys are." I said as I stabbed my hamburger.

"Hyung. I feel so bad for you!" SungJong said as he kept on laughing. Everyone in the Cafe looked at us to see what was going on.

"Yo can I tell everyone?" SungGyu asked me, still laughing.

"No HYUNG!!" I said. But it was too late; SungGyu hyung was standing on the table with his hands cupped on his mouth.

 "DOES EVERYONE KNOW LEE~~~~?" SungGyu yelled still laughing.

 "Hyung Stop!!!" I begged. But he started cracking up. This was my chance to stop this. I stood up and cupped my hand. "IT'S NOTHING EVERYONE!!" I quickly wrapped up. I heard booing and kids begging us to tell. "YOU GUYS DON'T WANT TO KNOW!! I yelled as I sat down.

 "Oh my Gosh. I laughed too much.. I think I got like 12 packs already." Hoya said as he started to laugh again. 

 SungGyu looked around and for some reason SungJong and SungYeol moved next to me. "NOW!" SungGyu hyung yelled. SungJong grabbed my left arm and SungYeol grabbed my right arm. Hoya joined and pushed my shoulders down so I can't stand up. "L HAVE TO MARRY LEE~~~~~~!!! THEY ARE ARRANGED MARRIAGED!!" SungGyu announced. He burst and  

  I ran out the Cafe, embarrassed to death. 


I went inside the café, thinking that everyone will look to see if it was Infinite, but realized that it’s me and turn back what they were doing. This time it was different, everyone looked at me and kept their eyes glued to me. Since everyone was gossiping you could hear what some people were saying. I shook my head, not used to all this attention. I went to get my lunch, since I was starving. "~~~~~~ ah!!" I heard Jinny yell as she pat on the seat next to her. I laughed to myself and put out an OKAY sign with my right hand. When I bought my lunch, I walked to Jinny. "What's going on?" I asked Jinny when I sat down.

"Dude... You’re going to get married to L!" Jinny almost yelled. I chocked on my food and coughed my off. "Yeah right," I said as I started to play with my food. "I'm not joking..." Jinny said. I stared at her eyes and scanned her face expression. She can’t lie, so she can’t keep a straight face when she lies to me. This time she didn't even crack a smile. I looked around and saw Infinite laughing. I slowly stood up and went to Infinite’s table. They all stopped laughing when they saw me. There were only 6 of them. L wasn’t there.

"Uh… Hi!" I said awkwardly. It was awkward talking to them, since they always bully me.

"Hi, what's up? L's future wife?" SungGyu said and the whole gang roared with laughter. Jinny wasn't kidding!

 "Uh.. What are you talking about?" I lied to SungGyu, hoping he'll say it again.

"Oh… You and L are gonna marry. It's like an arranged Marriage thingy so..." SungJong answered. SungGyu gave SungJong "The Stare" and looked back at me.

"If I were you, I'll lose some weight for the wedding." SungYeol said as he stared at my fat. 

"Hey! That was mean!" WooHyun said. Everyone stopped laughing and looked at WooHyun like he has gone crazy.

"Is WooHyun. Taking my side?" I thought to myself.

"Are you.. Taking her side?" Hoya asked him.

"Well… She's gonna be our BFF's Wife. We should get close to her. You know.. So it won’t be awk when they marry." WooHyun said.

"True True." DongWoo said as he grabbed his Banana milk. 


  I walked back to Jinny. Happy to death since its certain that I'm going to marry my crush. "Hey Jinny." Jinny turned around and looked at me. "Hey! How did it go? Was L there?" Jinny asked me. "Well.. L wasn't there. I actually want to ask you a question." I asked. "What?" Jinny aksed. It's too embarrassed to ask her...  "GET ME IN SHAPE FOR THE WEDDING!" I yelled closing my eye. I'm pretty sure everyone in the cafe heard it, since it was dead silent. "Can you?" I asked her. "Of course!" Jinny said as she got up. "Up up!! We got A LOT TO DO!" Jinny said as she held out her hand. I grabbed it and followed her. 

 " L.. Just be patient. I'll loose weight just in time for the wedding." I thought to myself.



Sorry that the story was short. It's 12:08 in the morning and I am really tired. I'm sorry that I didn't update soon. I'll try my best and I hoped you enjoyed it :) Thank you for reading.


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jessi828 #1
Chapter 85: Nice story!
I am so friggin' excited to read this.
elissevania #4
Chapter 1: i love it!!! Good job author nim!!!
Junber247 #5
That was greaaat! DAEBAK Author-nim! :P
miso26 #8
Chapter 83: I feel really sad for Sunggyu. ;~;