

Wouldnt shed blood even though it get hurts

A perfect beauty,dream like golden ratio,

Her vibrant and fresh hair

Marble like skin seems surreal 




Year 2016: Machines with almost human artificial intelegence/robots decided to put up a resistance against humans.This resistance ALMOST reached success.

Year 2018: It is revealed that not alll of the robots decided to do the resistance,but unfortunately most of the countries all over the world didn't know this and decided to destroy the robots.Anyone who sees a robot must report to the police or else will be charged of treason if caught helping or making contact with robot(s)



"Aiish!it's raining!" Luhan ran to a canopy outside 7Eleven,intended to wait until the rain goes away; but it doesnt.Bored of waiting,he decided to enter that convenience store and chill out a bit until the rain stops.He took a large cup of hot chocolate and sits on a tall tool facing the window of 7Eleven.Sitting next to him is a teenage girl.The girl have a long,straight,black hair and white skin with no flaws at all.Luhan didn't really have his attention on this girl until his eyes met hers.

"What's wrong?" Luhan asked."Ah!sorry,i must be mind wandering again",the girl said."It's okay",Luhan answered.15 minutes later,it stopped raining.Luhan grabbed his hot chocolate and pays for it.And just when he's about to get out of 7Eleven,the girl catches his attention again."Umm...are you not going home?it's 9 PM already",Luhan asked,looking at his watch.

The girl didnt say a thing,her face looks like it'll burst to tears but her eyes is blank.Luhan's eyes met hers again,but this time a small,glowing light in her eyes."Could it be...are you..?"Luhan asked.She only nods.Luhan takes his seat again.He curiously asked her a lot about how she lives her daily life.

When he asked her if she have a place to live,she shakes her head."I usually move from one hotel to another from night to night,until now",she said.Luhan,gets the idea of offering her a place to live out of nowhere."Why should i trust you?"she asked."Because i didnt report you to the police...?" Luhan answered,unsure.She laughed."What's your name?my name is Lee Ji Eun,but you can call me IU", she said."My name is Luhan,nice to meet you!"

When they enters Luhan's house,Luhan tells IU that she'll sleep in Luhan's sister,Riyoung's room since Riyoung is currently studying in Japan."Luhan...i dont need to sleep,i only needs sunlight to survive",IU said."Luhan,why did you even bother to offer me a place to live?"she asked."I-I dont just...lonely,i think?" Luhan is unsure why.Why?Luhan have trouble with fully trusting people since he was 13.And then Riyoung adds loneliness to his life by studying far from Japan possibly for years.Luhan wanted a friend...for sure.

Monday morning arrived,unfortunately IU will have to wait for Luhan at home,Luhan cant risk getting caught about IU and IU kind of understands this.She's already happy that Luhan is this nice to her despite her being a robot.But there's something he doesnt know about her.



Luhan goes home only to find IU collapsed on the floor of his kitchen."IU!wake up!" Luhan yelled,shaking IU's shoulder; but she didnt respond.After 5 minutes yelling and shaking her shoulder,Luhan panicked.In the end he decided to call his friend,Kris who's an expert on these stuff.But Kris have a sad and kinda depressing with robot so Luhan can only pray that Kris will fix IU.About 20 minutes after Luhan begged through his phone,Kris knocked on his door.And thankfully,after 25 minutes of Kris's hard work,IU wakes up with 2 stiches on her left arm.Kris dragged Luhan to his livingroom.

"What are you thinking?"Kris asked."I cant help it,she seems harmless,and after all i need a friend,perhaps i can trust her",Luhan replied."You do know that you could go to jail for this,right?"Kris argue."Luhan,you cant help her!she doesnt have much time left in her life,She's broken",he continues."I dont care",Luhan simply says.

On a Saturday afternoon,IU asked Luhan,"Luhannie,do you think if my eyes didnt glow so much i'll be able to go outside?i've spend a lot of times outdoor before i met you,and i've never get caught...well until i met you of course".Luhan gets an idea from this.He took a small black box and take something out of it."Try this",he says,handing IU a big black framed glasses for IU to wear."Aaah i looked nerdy"IU said."No you look really...cute"

Actually,Luhan told IU to wear the glasses so her eyes will look less glowing.But Luhan thought that mentioning IU's inhuman features would be cruel.


That afternoon,Luhan decided to take IU for...he doesnt know what to call it since they're not dating,perhaps a date?Luhan takes her to eat his favorite Japanese food,sushi."I cant taste anything....but i'm happy..."IU said."Why?"Luhan ask."I dont really know..perhaps because its the first time i've eaten something,everytime i go to 7Eleven,i've never really eaten something",she answered.

When they're taking their walk home,IU asked Luhan if she can became human and lives happily like the people she saw today at the mall."Maybe",he answered.IU nodded,taking another spoonful of frozen yoghurt they just bought.

The truth will never be fully human.But so what?Luhann still loves her smile and everything about her.IU is more than just a machine,and he knows that.Yes,IU's broken and yes,IU is not perfect.But Luhan doesn't want perfection.

Luhan haven't forgotten about the time IU have left.But does he even care about what happens int the future when happiness is right in front of his eyes?

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I like ur story ,really sad n touching T^T
*crying* T^T
Hope you'll write more IUxEXO FICS!!!
hello.. New reader .
woah.. Daebak daebak ! I like it ^^
asdfghjkl whut so she dies?! DD; CANT THEY AT LEAST KISS ONCE? LOOOL.
raemydaerae #6
KYAAA EONNI!! seems like this is the fic you wrote that day in class wasnt it? woah ending's good. she die eh i mean broken in mountain? o.o next story!!! Fighting Unniee!! Maknae will support you!
stayuptonight #7
Aww it's sooo sad, why did she have to leave, buhuu T^T
Nevertheless this story was great and I hope you will write more of this couple! :D
thankyou for everyone who's reading this :)
i dunno,perhaps 2/3 more chapters. @thejjangmi