You & I

HEYY, I'm here to give you a BONUS. kekeke, I hope y'all like this ^^

The Girls' Generation Japan tour had finally end. For GG itself, they felt happy because after this they would have a free time, but they still felt sad because they would miss Sone a lot. But, for Sone, especially Japanese Sone they felt really sad because their idols would back to korea and they will rarely see tehir idols directly. 

When SNSD members heard that they would have a free time, they cheered loudly. They started to make a plan where should they go to spend their holidays. But sadly, they choosed different directions for spending their holidays. For example, Taeyeon choosed an Europe trip with her family, Hyoyeon and Sunny went to Thailand, Tiffany went to LA, Jessica went to NY, Sooyoung went to Paris, Yoona and Yuri went Russia.

But, where's the maknae? Where did she plan for spending her free time?

Seohyun was looking to the window. She could see the clouds and clouds, actually she felt boring because all she could see from the window was just clouds and clouds. 

Seohyun then took here note and started to write on it. She usually write anything when she's going somewhere, then someone poked her. Seohyun lifted her head and saw Kyuhyun was samiling at her. 

"Writing again Seo?" Asked Kyuhyun. Seohyun nodded. "Can I read it?" Seohyun just shook her head. "I'm your boyfriend Seo, there's no secret between us." Kyuhyun tried to provoked Seohyun, but Seohyun kept ignore him. "Seo, actually what happened with you? You look not interested since in Korea."

Seohyun closed her note and looked directly to Kyuhyun. "It's because of you! Because of you I could not go with my unnies." Seohyun yelled and looked to the windowng avoiding Kyuhyun. 

Kyuhyun sighed. "But Seo, I asked you to go with me because I missed you a lot. Remember when you were in Japan and I was in Korea? My heart was so empty that time, so I won't feel the same now. Since SS5 will go on world tour and you will be so far away from me." Kyuhyun tried to persuade her, but still Seohyun didn't move a bit. Kyuhyun then held Seohyun's hand. "Seohyun I promise your hoildays will be worth it if you come with me." He smirked.

"Ya, are you thinking something ert?!" Seohyun shocked. 

"Aigoo, no! I will not doing anything. Maybe you just thinking about something." Teased Kyuhyun.

"Ah, no! Just shut up!"

"Ahaha, look at your face boiled crab!" Kyuhyun giggled. "Now sleep Hyunnie, I know you feel tired because you were angry back then." Kyuhyun again. But this time Seohyun agreed with him, she then rested her head on Kyuhyun's shoulder. She slowly closed her eyes and slept peacefully. 

Seohyun was sitting on the couch in the back stage. When she heard someone coming, she looked up and found Kyuhyun with fully-dressed for the concert. Seohyun walked to Kyuhyun and they were hugging tightly.

"Hyunnie, I'm so nervous." Said Kyuhyun.

"Wae oppa? This is not your first time."

"I know, but today is different, because...."

"Because?" Asked Seohyun curiously.

"Because you are here. Watching me." Kyuhyun giggled.

Seohyun broke the hug and she sat on the couch again. "Oppa, don't make me like this..." She whined and covered her face.

Kyuhyun chukled when she saw his girlfriend, it's very usual Seohyun being so shy because of Kyuhyun's sweet yet evil words. Kyuhyun then sat beside Seohyun. "Ya, open your face Seo."

"No." Seohyun shook her head.

"Hmmm, actually I have some gift for you." 

"What gif? A goguma, or keroro?" 

"Uhm, yes. Two of them." Kyuhyun smiled. 

"Jinjja? Oppa, Than----" Seohyun turned her face to Kyuhyun, then she felt kyuhyun's lips were already on her lips. Seohyun was shocked, but then she enjoyed it, she replied his kissed with passionate in a romantic way. 

"Kyu we have to-------- Omo, the manager said he gives you more time Kyu, don't worry." Eunhyuk was about to called Kyuhyun to prepare but when he saw the maknaes were kissing he could not stop them, he just won't to stop their cuteness. But the maknaes then stop themself. Kyuhyun then pecked Seohyun on her lips.

The concert finally started. Seohyun could saw her boyfriend was singing and dancing. Seohyun acted like she's an elf, well she is. Her heart was pounding when she saw Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun was really an addiction for her.

When the concert was over. Kyuhyun asked Seohyun to meet him on the beach. (the hotel is near the beach so, they meet on the beach lol :p). When Seohyun arrived, there were nothing instead the dinning table, for about 3 minutes she then heard a melody of a guitar. When she looked around to find whom it was, she found Shindong with an ukulele. Shindong was dressing in Hawaiian style. Seohyun chuckled when she saw Shindong dressing up like that.

When shindong finished his song, Shindong gave Seohyun a rose and kissed her palms. After Shindong dissapeared she heard a melody of a piano, and it was Kyuhyun/ Kyuhyun sand 'Only U' with his skill palying a piano. And then the other members appeared with their instrument. Kyuhyun then walked to Seohyun, while Yesung replaced Kyuhyun playing the piano. 

When the the song's over, a beautiful fireworks came up. Seohyun was amazed with fireworks, she smiled widely. When she turned her face smiling for Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun was smiling to her too. then their face was a centi-meters away, then they kissed,  sharing their feeling to each other. 

The other members were feeling jelly with them, they wanted their girlfriends were with them too :p. Seohyun maybe felt sad because they couldn't go with her unnies, but now she feels really happy because she could spend her hoildays with her romantic-evil boyfriend, Kyuhyun :p

that's my bonus story for you hehehe.

finally seokyu? kekeke, I'm waiting for this too :p

actually the ending is not like that, I forgot the ending, because my first writing of this story was deleted like I told you before in my chapter 5 T__T

uhm, when I wrote Yoona and Yuri was in Russia, I just made a story of them. they are not in Russia right now, hehe so don't take it seriously :p

sorry, if I could not make a romantic story, I've tried my best for this heheh

so that's it I hope you like it. sorry for my wrong grammars or wrong writing. and THANK YOU SO MUCH ^^

oh yeah, lately I think I'm gonna be an INSPIRIT and BANA too, I loveee Infinite and B1A4. did you guys like them too?^^


myungsoo for you :*


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Chapter 6: Hahaha I thought yoon and yul are really in Russia... Anyways I love the bonus.m. Wish it's true.... >///<
Chapter 6: I really thought yoona and yuri were in russia, since only the triplets didn't have any news regarding their vacation... The bonus story is cute and very sweet, hahaha...

I'm also a new Bana and Inspirit, and I can say, you won't regret joining the fandom... :)
Chapter 6: Such a sweet bonus :)
Chapter 5: Owwwww... Seowon moments... O.o
more seokyu pweaseee~~ lmao
Chapter 5: Reminds me of the cute interaction between Seowon in the LTE ads :)
Chapter 5: Waaaa i love seowon moment, *jumpofjoy
novamp #8
Chapter 5: I hope it will be YoonWon and Seokyu in the end
Stand4SeoKyu #9
Chapter 5: Noooooo Noooo, don't make Siwon fall for seo (mian seobb) Hehehee..
sakuraira #10
I want a seowon moment pls....