chapter 3

You & I

"What will you do then?" Seohyun asked, she's still not belive with Kyuhyun. She knows that Kyuhyun was very 'evil' with all of his ideas.

"Uhmm, I'm still don't know about it yet." Kyuhyun pouted.

While Kyuhyun and Seohyun were talking outside, Yoona was waiting for Seohyun in her class. Yoona was peeking what Seohyun and Kyuhyun do. She felt a bit jealous, Yoona bit her lips while peeked Seohyun and Kyuhyun. The other side she was happy because Kyuhyun came to her class, but she's dissapointed because Kyuhyun came to her class looking for Seohyun.

Yoona still peekd to Seohyun and Kyuhyun, until someone tap her shoulder, she gasped.

"Yes?" Yoona turned her head and found Siwon in front of her.

"Um, are you Seohyun's friend?" Yoona just nodded. "Can you please ask Seohyun to go somewhere, I mean----"

"Oh I know, you don't want to wait any longer, huh?" Yoona guess. Siwon nodded slowly. "Wait here, I'll stop them." Yoona said in cheer.

Yoona approached Seohyun and Kyuhyun, but when she got more closer she felt her legs trembling. This was what she felt when she met her crush, so that Yoona walked slowly. Yoona then pulled Seohyun's shirt while Yoona's head bowed to face the floor, Seohyun smirked when she saw her friend like this.

"Seo, come on back to the class....." Yoona stammared.

"Wae Yoong?"

"Hurm.... because...." Seemed like Yoona lost her words.

"Ya Kyu I think we must back to class, the bell almost ringing." Siwon suddelny came to them.

"Oh, oh yes. Ok then, bye." Kyuhyun and Siwon then left. Seohyun and Yoona just looking at them in amazed.


When the school's over, Seohyun and Yoona were walking in silince on the way home. Seohyun felt something's weird with Yoona, she usually talks and laugh loudly.

"Ya Yoong what's wrong?" Said Seohyun worried. Yoona just shook her head and gave Seohyun thin smiled. "Huh? I don't want your smile Yoong." Seohyun pouted. 

"Hurmm....." Yoona mumbled. "Sorry Seo but, what did you talk with Kyuhyun back then? I mean..." Yoona bit her lips, confused.

Seohyun giggled, she knew what Yoona meant. "You were jealous?" Seohyun pinched Yoona's cheek, Yoona replied with lightly punched on Seohyun's shoulder. "Gwenchana, he just told me that he read my diary." 

"MWO?" Yoona turned to face Seohyun. 

Seohyun nodded and started to talk again. "But Kyuhyun was a nice guy seriously, I think you choose the right guy. He wanted to help me close with Siwon." Seohyun said shyly. 

"Eh?? What will he do?" 

Seohyun shrrughed her shoulder. "Well, I don't know. But I'm pretty sure that he will do a good job." Seohyun smirked. 

"Errr, you kind of creepy Seo....." Yoona felt her friend was going crazy. 


Kyuhyun was very busy tonight with his laptop and a bunch of papers. He felt frustrated but he still working on it. Kyuhyun was doing his homeworks and his organization project too. 

"Aish, this is too much for me. I couldn't finish it tonight." Kyuhyun scartched his head though he didn't feel itchy at all. He tried his best to did his works, and kept glancing to his clock. Kyuhyun finished his homeworks first because he thought homeworks is more important. 

Kyuhyun stared to his organization's works from Siwon. He grumbled why Siwon gave his works to him. When he started to working on it, he got an idea and immediately calling Siwon. 

"Yobseyo?" Siwon said. 

"Ya, Siwon I have to talk with you----"

"Aish, don't say to me that you won't finish your works. Finish it first and then talk to me!" Siwon yelled.

"Could you please be quiet when I'm still talking to you?! I'm a human too ok, and I have the right to speak." 

Siwon sighed. "Ok, continue your words Kyu...." 

"Now listen to me carefully........." Kyuhyun smirked. 


The new day.

Yoona was bringing Seohyun's favorite snack, some bread, and a bottle of mineral water. She kinda felt difficult to bring all of it. She sighed while kept walking to her class, "Seo, you really want to joking me?!" 

This day, Seohyun didn't want to go to the canteen again, she said that she had a headache, and again Yoona always dissolved with Seohyun innocent face and because Seohyun is younger than her too, so she assumed that Seo is her dongsaeng. 

"Ya." Someone's tap Yoona's shoulder. Yoona was shocked and almost her bottle fell but someone took it before the bottle land on the ground. Yoona turned her head to find who is it. "This..." Kyuhyun was giving her bottle, Yoona gulped, she felt her feet was shaking again. 

When Yoona wanted to took her bottle Kyuhyun stopped her. "Ahh, wait wait let me bring this and this." He took the breads from Yoona's hand. "Now you're okay? You seemed so lost when you carried those things." They started to walked side by side. 

"Uhm." Yoona nodded while her face looking on the ground. 

"Ah, you're Jonghyun's friend right, are you going to your class?" Kyuhyun asked, guessing. 

Yoona felt her heart crashed. At first she was thinking that Kyuhyun really wanted to help her, but the truth is he helped because of Seohyun. Then Yoona nodded to replied Kyuhyun's question. 

"Oh, so that I'm right. Uhh, you look so quiet." There's no reply from Yoona. "Um, I think you should change your attitude from being a quiet girl. You look cute when you smile." Kyuhyun said.

Yoona could feel her heart was beating faster than ever, she nervously turned her head to looked Kyuhyun. When she did, she could saw how precious Kyuhyun is. Well, this is how a girl has a feeling towards the guy. 

"Thanks..." Yoona said quietly. 


"I said thanks." Yoona said again, a bit louder. Her face maybe turned red.

"Oh, you're welcome----" Kyuhyun's face turned to what-is-her-name look. So he asked to Yoona, "Sorry what's your name?" 

"Yoona." Yoona smiled lightly. "Im Yoona, I told you." 

"Arra, arra Yoona." Kyuhyun giggled.

Yoona smiled in happiness, although Kyuhyun was meeting her for Seohyun but at least she could talking and walking side by side with Kyuhyun. Yoona felt that Seohyun really her lucky charm. 

"Ah by the way, her name is Joohyun, not Jonghyun. But everyone call her Seohyun or maybe, Seororo." Yoona said. 

"Seororo?" Kyuhyun asked in confused. 

"Nde, because Seohyun really likes keroro this green frog." Yoona showed keroro snack to Kyuhyun.

"Ohh, that's why I she looks like a frog. Hum her cheeks really big like a frog." Kyuhyun teased, Yoona was defended Seohyun but she couldn't hold her laughed. So they were laughing while they kept walking side by side. 



a new chapter is here, hehe. I'm sorry that I have a lot of typo in my 2 chapters before *cover my face><

and now I started to re-read every charapter, to find is there a typo or not. but sorry if there are still many typo in this chapter

I give you kyuna this time for those who ships kyuna heheh

thank you for subscribe and comment, byee ^^

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Chapter 6: Hahaha I thought yoon and yul are really in Russia... Anyways I love the bonus.m. Wish it's true.... >///<
Chapter 6: I really thought yoona and yuri were in russia, since only the triplets didn't have any news regarding their vacation... The bonus story is cute and very sweet, hahaha...

I'm also a new Bana and Inspirit, and I can say, you won't regret joining the fandom... :)
Chapter 6: Such a sweet bonus :)
Chapter 5: Owwwww... Seowon moments... O.o
more seokyu pweaseee~~ lmao
Chapter 5: Reminds me of the cute interaction between Seowon in the LTE ads :)
Chapter 5: Waaaa i love seowon moment, *jumpofjoy
novamp #8
Chapter 5: I hope it will be YoonWon and Seokyu in the end
Stand4SeoKyu #9
Chapter 5: Noooooo Noooo, don't make Siwon fall for seo (mian seobb) Hehehee..
sakuraira #10
I want a seowon moment pls....