Chapter 1

You & I

He is smart, he is cool, he is nice, and he is like an angel. Seohyun mind said. 


"Ya! Seohyun, don't tell me you was dreaming about your 'prince' again?" Yoona , Seohyun just pouted.


"Ah Yoona, what's wrong if I dreaming about him? He is perfect and everyone like him too." 


"There's nothing wrong about that, I just think that you're so pathetic you have been in love with him almost 1 year. Why don't you just telling him?" 


"WHAT?!" Seohyun blushed. 


"Yeah, just confess to him." Yoona nodded. 


"What if he dumped me?" Seohyun was scared because in her mind she thought that she wasn't pretty like her friend Yoona, Yoona was obviously 100% more beauty than her. 


"Ah about that… Just forget him and find another boys." Yoona replied easily. Seohyun grimed. 


"Ya, I'm not like you Yoona who always have your dreamed boy."


"Huh? I'm not. Look at me now, I'm single right?" 


"But as soon as possible you will get your dreamed boy, believe me.." Seohyun said.


Yoona giggled. "You think you're witch or what?" 


"Yes I am, because I know who is your crushes right now." Yoona stared at Seohyun. "Um, Kyuhyun right? He is Siwon's besftriend and he also a vice of student council."


" you could know that?" Yoona couldn't believe.


"Like you said I'm a witch?" Yoona kept silent, and her face was being red. Seohyun just nodded and smirked. She knew her bestfriend really well. 


"So…. our crushes are bestfriend like us. I think that's a fate." Finally Yoona spoke up.


"Why don't you telling me before that you like Kyuhyun? I can keep your secret." Yoona sighed and pulled Seohyun.


"I was embarrassed. And I know that you will know my secret. C'mon the bell almost ringing." 


They both left the school park and walked to their class.





"Hey Kyu, don't yawning like that we're in meeting now." Siwon shouted. But Kyuhyun didn't care.


"Ah I know. But can I leave first I have another meeting." Said Kyuhyun while he wiped his sleepy eyes. 


"Again? No, just sit here and do nothing that's okay. But I wont let you go home." Said Siwon sternly.


"Yeah..yeah I want to got to the toilet. Excuse me…" Kyuhyun then left the meeting. Siwon just shocked his head.


Kyuhyun still sleepy. He walked unsteady while occasionally yawning. He didn't sleep well because he was prepared for the meeting last night. Yes, he was the laziest in student organization but he was so serious while he's doing his own job and he had a responsibility. That's way he was chooses as a vice.


"AH! I forgot that this is 2nd floor that's mean men's toilet……….." He goose bumps.


He ever heard his friends and almost all of students had a gossip about men and woman's toilet on the 2nd floor. His friend Sungmin told that that 2 toilets have a spritis or a ghost. But he just kept cool when he heard that, but Siwon just silent because he didn't believe about that.


Actually Kyuhyun believed about that gossip. He never wanted to go to the toilet on the 2nd floor. He really scared of ghost. He hide that he scared of ghost from everyone except Siwon. He wont everyone know about his secret, he scared if everyone in this school marked him as a craven. The point is he scared he dropped his reputation. 


"Keep calm Kyu… Keep calm you are brave, you are a prince in this school. I know I'm not the king, Siwon is the king." He kept talked. He talked about everything. When he got closer to that toilet his heart was beating so fast. He gulped, he was so scared.


He opened the toilet door. "Hahh… Like i said there's nothing happened. Oh my… everyone just wanted to scared me I see I see…" Kyuhyun couldn't stop talking. Then he heard something. 


"Huh? Was that I heard something?" He silent, he wanted to heard clearly but there was nothing. He started to scared again. "Aha, it's just my voice." He chuckled, he tried to comfort himself. 


Then he looked something big and black. He gulped again, and he started to walked but that thing followed him. "Hey you stop followed me, I wont a girl like you." He shouted. He walked again but that thing followed again, then he started running outside. 


"Hey, I'm look like a fool. That was just my shadow. Oh kyu… why you have to be---" He heard a girl cried, he was sweating. But that voice getting louder and louder, that voice was from girl's toilet. So he peeked a bit and saw a girl with a long straight hair. He couldn't hold his scary feeling anymore he started to ran.


"YAAAAAAAAA!!!!! HELP MEEEEEEE……………!!!!!!" He shouted so loud. 



"Why Kyu is so late. Aish where is he? It's been like 30 minutes already." Siwon grumbled, he couldn't continued the meeting if there was no Kyuhyun because the file was in Kyuhyun. 


Then everyone in the room heard something. "HELP MEEEE!!!! HELP MEEEE! CAN SOMEBODY HEAR ME? SIWONNNNN, YAAA!!!" It was kyuhyun. Then Kyuhyun arrived at the meeting room. 


"Kyu! What the hell are you doing?!" Siwon looked so concerned, because Kyuhyun's face was not lying, Siwon knew his friend.


"Tha..that gossip about toilets on the 2nd floor is true. I… I saw it. Haaahh, I'm so scared." He loss of breath. He was so tired.


Then everyone started to laughed. "Kyu what are you thinking? That's just a myth. I have been there like 10 times but nothing happened. I think you just saw your shadow." Some boy said.


"Yeah at first it just my shadow. But I saw a girl with a long straight hair, and I heard she cried too. I wont to remember that anymore." But everyone just laughed at him, except Siwon.


"Okay, so kyuhyun is here already let's begin the meeting again." said Siwon clearly, kyuhyun just sighed.



"Yoonaaa!!! please help me my notes is gone. Eotteokahe?" Seohyun still cried. yoona was confused and wiped her tears.


"Seohyun… You can buy it again ok?" Yonna tried to entertained Seohyun.


Seohyun shooked her head. "No, it was different. My mom bought for me, and I wrote everything I feel for Siwon on that. I don't know if that note is on someone hands and perhaps they read my notes and laughing now." 


Yoona knew what Seohyun felt, her mom was died when she was 9 years old. So Seohyun took a good care her goods from her mom.  


"But Seohyun it almost 5 o'clock. We should go home now, your dad would be worried. C'mon Seohyun, we look for your notes tomorrow." Seohyun nodded and Yoona wiped her tears again, and they're walked out from the toilet.


"Seohyun were you not scared?" 




"Yeah, we were at the girl's toilet 2nd floor. You're very scary about that gossip. But there was nothing rite? So that's mean there's nothing you should sc---" Seohyun was running so fast left Yoona alone. Yoona just giggled.



Meanwhile in the meeting room.


"Siwon I think my books are still in class." Kyuhyun grub up his bag.


"So c'mon take your books." 


"No, come with me." 


"Huh? You're still scary?" Kyuhyun nodded. "But I---" Kyuhyun immediately pulled Siwon to accompanied him. And Siwon just accepted that and sighed.


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Chapter 6: Hahaha I thought yoon and yul are really in Russia... Anyways I love the bonus.m. Wish it's true.... >///<
Chapter 6: I really thought yoona and yuri were in russia, since only the triplets didn't have any news regarding their vacation... The bonus story is cute and very sweet, hahaha...

I'm also a new Bana and Inspirit, and I can say, you won't regret joining the fandom... :)
Chapter 6: Such a sweet bonus :)
Chapter 5: Owwwww... Seowon moments... O.o
more seokyu pweaseee~~ lmao
Chapter 5: Reminds me of the cute interaction between Seowon in the LTE ads :)
Chapter 5: Waaaa i love seowon moment, *jumpofjoy
novamp #8
Chapter 5: I hope it will be YoonWon and Seokyu in the end
Stand4SeoKyu #9
Chapter 5: Noooooo Noooo, don't make Siwon fall for seo (mian seobb) Hehehee..
sakuraira #10
I want a seowon moment pls....