Too much to handle

Kissing Snowflakes [ TaeNy Versison of Playful Kiss]

It was a usual day at school, nothing out of the ordinary. The only thing out of the ordinary is that the fact that Taeyeon scored a perfect score again. I wonder sometimes if he's even human. I compare him to a snowflakes because he's different from all the other millions of them. The way he walks, talks, acts are all different. I was off to lunch with my friends Sooyoung and Yoona. We would always laugh at the most random things you can possibly think of. There was this one girl who went to the soda machine and bought a soda but noting came out.It was my time to step in because I was the only one who knew how to take it out. The guys who plays the music each time I do this started to play. When I got in front of the soda machine I put my head closer to the machine. Then I knock it and there was the sound. When I finally kick the machine the soda came out.The girl took it and said thank you when I went back to my friends. "Who's that?" I asked Yoona.

"Sunny. She's a junior like all of us but I heard that her mother owns a huge shoe company."

"Shoe Company?"

"Yeah, shoes that Park Shin Hye, 2ne1 Dara wear, you know rich famous people."




Suddenly I heard gasps, Eventually I turned around and I saw Taeyeon. My heart start to beat. He passed right by me, and when to the soda machine. The same girl, Sunny, that was at the same machine and said with cutesy voice " Taeyeon Oppa, hear have mine." Taeyeon just ingore her put his money in. Sunny talked again and said " What, it's not working again? Tiffany can you do what you did before." Taeyeon turned and looked at me. When I got up and started to walk towards the machine, my body was shaking. I did everything that i did before but with a scared look on my face. Why was I scared? Was I scared that I would do something stupid? Taeyeon stared at me when the soda came out and then he went down to grab it and walk away. Sunny followed him. Sooyoung started yelling my name out to make Taeyeon turn and notice me. Taeyeon did turn around, but he went to get his change, then he head out.

Well, we were in art and we had to draw one of my goofiest friend Siwon. Sooyoung whispered to me saying that it's time to confess. Why should I? It's not like I'm going crazy. That's exactly what I told her. She looked at my sketch like there was something wrong. When I looked at it, instead  of drawing Siwon, I drew Taeyeon. Maybe I am going crazy.

On the way home I was wondering whether or not I should confess to Tae.... Ahhh! What am I thinking! But ... if I was going to confess then how would I? I step into my dad's noodle shop. The first thing that came out of my mouth was " Appa, how did you confess to mom." OK, you're all probably wonder why am I asking my dad. Well, my dad is someone who is important to me. Someone who can tell me that every will be alright. Some who I can count on. My dad is the only one who is always there to try to make me happy. I can't say much about my mom because she past away when I was 4. My dad looked at me like I had 100 heads. "What do you mean?" he said. He knew exactly what I was talking about but I didn't give attention so i just explained.

"How did you tell mom that you liked her?" My dad glazed at me and smiled. "Why? Do you want to confess  to someone.?" When he said that i was wondering how he knew. Was it that obvious? He told me if was going to then try writing a letter.A letter? I thought it was a good idea. I nodded and started writing it.

The next day I put the letter in Taeyeon's locker. As I was walking away, im my head I said, "Please read it, plese read it." Later that day everyone in the school went and check their grades in the main hallway. Me, Sooyoung, and Yoona would always talk and goof around. Sooyoung asked me, "Did you confess yet?" Confess? Ah~ the letter. I told  Sooyoung and Yoona about the letter and then the sound of my voice was interrupted by all the gasps, whispers, and giggling when Taeyeon came to look at his grades. That the with all the SUNNY! She came up to Taeyeon talking about him having another perfect score. Taeyeon's expression looked like he didn't care so he just went upstairs. Then Yoona again started yelling my name repeatly. I begged her to stop but she didn't listen. Yoona soon gave up and then Taeyeon said, "So you're Tiffany." I looked  up and nodded. When he was coming down the stairs Yoona kept on saying he's coming but in a really low voice. Then there he was right in front of me. Taeyeon pull the letter out his pocket and handed it to me. I stood up and took it. I wasn't really expect a reply. I'm thankful I got one. I was hoping he wrote "yes" on my letter but instead i found something else. Not a direct no. Sunny took the letter out my hands. Then she said out loud, "What this? Is this a love letter to Taeyeon?" Yoona and Sooyoung tried to take the letter back but they couldn't. Sunny continued, " Oh my! He fixed her grammer mistakes! It's not a love letter. It's an exam paper! An exam! Score D-!" She started laughing with her friends and read my letter out loud.


Truthfully, I don't call you Taeyeon. I call you the spirt of snowflakes. (Laughs)

If you ask why...

Then Siwon yelled out "What the hell are you doing?" Siwon grabbed the letter away from Sunny. Then Taeyeon said " I shouldn't really have gone to such an extern.. but.. Sooyoung and Yoona said "But? But what?" Taeyeon looked at me and said "I absolutely hate stupid girls." My heart just dropped as he walked away. My throat turned desert dry and my eyes were turning red.

The next day I'm went to school I would hear things like : It's her, it's her. The one who confessed to Taeyeon and got rejected. Or, I heard she was humiliated. And she wasn't even pretty. Will I be forever know as the girl who got rejected by Taeyeon? Later that day me and my dad were unpacking things in our new house. My dad was trying to make small talk but was just not in the mood. Then when he open one of the boxes and it had something that had my mom's hand , his hand, and my little baby feet. He said I was one year old. I looked at it and smiled. I took it and put it on the table and just stare at it for a couple of seconds. Then the door bell rang and it was Sooyoung, Yoona, and Siwon. They kept saying that the house was great and then my dad told them to come eat.  We had a good conversation. Good enough that I even forgot about what happend today. Suddenly we heard cracking noises. Then the light on the ceiling started to fall. And the whole house was shaking. Everyone ran out of the house. Then my dad was yelling, " Is everyone alright, ...wait!" He ran back inside the house. Then the house collasped entirely. When I walked towards what was left of the house. "Appa....APPA!" I can't lose you. Not now.  Then all of 119 came. ( 119 is 911 in Korea). They told me to calm down. What do you mean calm down?! My dad is in there! Then they found my dad under a old table. My dad was right the table was strong. Then my dad noticed that our house collasped only during the mild earthquake.


The next day at school I was the same thing. It's her, it's her.  Yoona asked if me and my dad were going to stay in a hotel. I told her it going my dad's friend's house. Then weridly we saw a lady taking picture of us and ran away when she saw looking at her. As strange as it sounds, it did happen. Then while heading to class we saw Siwon asking people to donate money for my family's broken house. I tried to pass by without anyone noticing me but I got noticed. Siwon dragged me so everyone can clap their hands for me. Great! More embrassment.I know Siwon is trying to help but that just too much help. When Taeyeon passed by, Siwon told him that he should at least donate money espeacially for what he did yesturday. When he finally did I told him to take it back. All my angry that has been kept lock for 2 days finally unlocked. 

" Hey, Taeyeon! Who do you think you are, looking down on people? In your eyes, the people here are all idiots, isn't that right? You look down on people, and take everyone as idiots, don't you? Are you that perfect? What? The fact that you have a high IQ? The fact that you're studious? Just because you have a handsome face and a tall build! What's so great about being perfect? Hey! Isn't it just studying? Who doesn't know it's just studying? I don't do well because I don't study, not because I can't do it!"

" Is that so?"


"Then show it to me"

"What? Show it to you?"


"Fine, I show you. Let it be this mack examination, how about that?"

Everyone around me was just shocked when I said the mack examination. Then Taeyeon asked how much.

"How much?"

Then he contined, "This month, 50 people will be admitted to the Special Study Hall."

" Then I will get in the specal study hall next month but what will you do if i get in?"

"If you can do it, I will carry you on my back around school once."

I was really close to smile. I agree pretending to act like I didn't care. Later that day, me and my dad went to his friend's house. My dad went in and I was getting my stuff and then some guy came to help me. I was guess it was one of their sons. When I turned around, I realized it was Tae..Tae.. Taeyeon.

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jonginsgirlly #1
Chapter 1: Update! Pleaseeeee
taeny_alltheway #2
Chapter 2: update update update...interesting interestin!!!
PinkAphrodite #4
Hi! New reader! Update soon!
tae,so mean..:(

fany ahh,hwaitnggg..:)
updte soon^^