My Guardian Angel

My Guardian Angel


Setting starts off with trees, a playground, and a swing set filled with little kids running around and playing, all of them seemed to be having fun, all except for one. There was one little girl sitting on the benches nearby with her hands crossing over her knees with her head down. She looked lonely and sad. Kids passed by asking her to play but she only responded to them by shaking her head. Minutes later, the crowd of children was leaving with only a few left.

“Hey, would you like play with me?” A little girl in a pink dress asked the lonely child with her sweet children voice.

“…” She just stayed silent and shook her head.

“Aww, everyone’s leaving. Why aren’t you leaving yet?” The sweet girl asked while she tilted her head in curiosity.

The little girl softly replied, “I’m waiting for my oppa…”

“But there’s almost nobody in the park…” The child in a pink dress said.

“Shaymin-ah, we have to go!” The little girl’s parents called out to her.

Shaymin frowned and glanced at the little girl again before walking back to her parents, “Bye…” She whispered.

The little girl looked lonelier now that the playground and the swings were empty except for 3 older kids. The group of older kids was talking on the playground and suddenly stopped what they were doing and looked at the little girl who was alone. Then they started leaving the playground and started walking towards the little girl.

The little girl felt intimidated and buried her face deeper on her knee. *Where is Oppa?* she thought.

One boy was wearing a red shirt, another boy was wearing a striped shirt, while their other friend a grey shirt.

“Hey you look lonely.” A boy in a red shirt said in an unfriendly manner.

“Where are your friends?” The one in a striped shirt asked.

“Wait, you don’t have any! Hahaha!” A third kid added as all four of them started laughing.

“Yeah, where’s your ‘oppa’? Did he leave you? Oh, poor you.” The first kid said feeling sympathy yet a smirk formed from his lips.

The little girl shot up at them, “Oppa will never leave me!”

“Oh really? Then why isn’t he here? He should be here then if he’s really your oppa.” The kid in the grey shirt said.

“Shut up! He won’t leave-“ The little girl said as water started forming from her moonlit eyes, “Without me!”

“Aww look what you did to ‘Kai oppa’s ‘ sister! You made her cry like the crybaby she is!” The boy in a striped shirt said as he laughed at her mockingly.

Their laugh started to make her feel empty and tear drops started to fall on her cheeks *Oppa said he wouldn’t leave. He promised…*

The boy in a red shirt poked her head, “You’re so hopeless, Kim Jihyun. Without your damn brother, you are nothing! Can’t you see he’s annoyed of you always crying and clinging onto him!? You’re so stupid, Jihyun.”

Those words triggered a gun in her heart but all she could do was cry.

“Cry! Cry like you always do! It’s not like your ‘oppa’ will come to save you this time! He’s tired of saving you so he just left! Haha, I would too if someone like you had to be my little sister!” The kid in grey said as they continued to bully her.

“Were you talking about me?” A boy with a black shirt appeared with his eyes piercing at the 3 boys. The boys stopped laughing and looked at each other with a surprised expression. Jihyun quickly wiped her tears and stopped crying, “Oppa… you came…”

“Of course I would, I promised.” He said cooly yet the look on his eyes didn’t change, “And didn’t I make it clear that whoever would make my little sister cry would have to pay? Aish, you three would never learn would you?”

They all looked at each other with sorry faces, “I’m sorry Kai!” They all tried to apologize and run.

All of them ran fast but not fast enough, Kai quickly caught up and pulled the boy in grey’s shirt and landed his fist across his face.

He may just be in elementary school and the kids he was up against were at least 1 year older than him didn’t stop him from going against them.

Once the kids left with bruises, Kai quickly caught up with his sister. Jihyun was hiccupping from all the crying.

“Sorry Jihyun-ah, Oppa was too late.” He apologized.

Even though Jihyun was crying, she still flashed a smile at him, “It’s ok Oppa! At least you didn’t leave me!”

“Hey, Oppa would never leave you! I promised that, remember!?” Kai replied.

She nodded her head, “Yup, even though those bullies said you’d leave me, I know you won’t! I believe in you oppa! You’re the best brother in the world!”

Kai high-fived his sister and grinned, “Since I’m the best brother in the world, why don’t I treat my best sister in the world to ice-cream!?”

“Sounds good to me!” She grinned widely as they walked towards the ice-cream truck.

I’m glad to have a brother like him, he won’t let me down, he will beat up whoever makes me cry, he will always be there for me, he’s the best! He’s my guardian angel! Thank you god… for sending someone like Kai-oppa to me, I can never thank you enough.





A/N: Hello guys! First chapter is up! ^~^ I feel like it seems boring but i guess that's how first chapters usually go ? Well, hope you guys enjoyed it though! And don't forget to comment <3

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Ugh, i realized that i messed up somewhere on ch. 2 which made ch. 3 a bit confusing. -_- But thankfully i re-read it and edited it. I'm such a bad author. :\


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Chapter 15: pls updateeeeeeeee is nice story!!!!
Update please~~~
Update please~~~
Chapter 15: OMG Chanyeols hair was noodles and we ate it? LOL nom nom nom nom.
Chapter 15: I forgive you. >< update soon!!!
D.o eomma love meeee
'Maybe Next Time'
It's the ____faceDuhizang Kreeeaaaas!