A kiss in the snow

Kiss Me In The Snow

The air was cold and the sun was blindingly bright, but despite the cold air I still lingered around the park. This time there were no playing children today since its Christmas, and the old couple that were so kind to talk to me were probably at home sitting by a hot fire.

I walked over and sat on the bench where the old couple sat then stared off into the distance thinking back to that life changing day. My train of thoughts were soon broken when I saw a familiar looking couple walk my way. It was the old couple holding hands, they waved at me and I waved back.

“Hello, what a surprise seeing you here again,” the male spoke.

“Hello,” I greeted them.

“What are you doing here alone on Christmas? Shouldn’t you be at home with your family?” The female asked.

I shook my head. “My family lives abroad and I couldn’t afford a ticket back home this year.”

The both gave me a look of pity.

“Well we were going on a walk but you’re happy to join us for dinner later,” she said.

I bowed and thanked them for their hospitality but I refused their offer.
“I’m sorry but I have plans later,” I said.

“Oh it’s okay, we must get going but we wish you happy holidays,” The male said.

“Thank you,” I replied.

As they were walking away, the female turned back to me.

“Oh and have fun on your date.”

I got up from the bench and looked at her astonished.

“How did you know I have a date?” I said.

She winked at me. “I just know,” she said. Then they both walked away.


I look at the clock in my car, 8:45. My stomach was turning in different knots and my head was spinning in all different directions. All this time I really wanted to see him and to talk to him, but now that he wants to meet me I just want to turn around and leave. But I know I can’t do that to him, so I’m just going to it up.

I park the car at the side of the road, I get out then lock it. I then shove my keys into my pocket then head out to the trail. The air was much windy now causing some of my hair to fly away but I ignored it. I entered the dark trail with fear now growing in me, the only light provided for me was the beautiful moon.

As I was walking I heard something behind me, I turned around but nothing was there. I continued walking but every now and then I would hear something behind me, but every time I turned around nothing was there. Now paranoid I picked up my pace, but the thing still followed me. I was completely frightened, I began running for dear life. As I was running I slipped on some ice, but this time instead of falling on the floor someone caught me.

I opened my closed eyes and I saw his beautiful face close to mine.

“Sunggyu,” I whispered.

He smiled causing his eyes to squint. “I’m sorry, I didn’t scare you did I?”

My breath was completely taken away all I could do was nod no in response. He pulled me to my upright position then fixed my hair, I blushed in his sudden contact with me. After he fixed my hair we just looked at each other for a long minute, he brushed my cheek with his thumb but he didn’t say a word. I was captivated by him, I’m so ashamed. I woman shouldn’t feel like this toward a man but I do, I’m ashamed but I don’t care. We admired each other for another minute but then suddenly rage grew in me. I hit him on the chest.

“Ouch! Why did you do that?” He said while rubbing his chest.

I looked at him in disbelief.

“I kissed you Sunggyu and I thought I felt you kiss me back. When we kissed I really felt like we had something, but I guess not. I told you how I felt, I like you, I really do. I thought you liked me too, but I guess I was wrong,” I yelled at him then punched him again. Tears were forming in my eyes, and he looked at me with an ashamed look on his face.

He tried to walk up to me but I backed away. He tried again but this time he grabbed onto me before I could back away again.

“I’m sorry that I hurt you Sunhi, but I need you to come with me right now,” he whispered in my ear.

I lifted my head away from his chest, he took his thumbs then wiped my tears away.

“Just follow me Sunhi, I’ll explain everything once we get there,” I nodded my head yes, he then took my hand and led us somewhere.

We walked up a hill to a beautiful flat plain field. Some snow was cleared off to the side so there was a place to walk, and there were candle hung from the trees and on the snow. The scene was amazing.

Sunggyu took my hand again and led me to the middle of the field. He looked into my eyes and explained everything.

“Sunhi I’m so sorry for hurting you, I don’t ever want to hurt you again. The truth is I fell in love with you the second I first saw you in the park, after that day I never wanted to leave you. So trust me the last few days have been torture on me. The day that you told me that you liked me was the best moment of my life, and when you kissed me it was so difficult for me to push you away.”

“Then why did you push me away?” I asked sobbing.

“I pushed you away because I wanted to confess to you first then kiss you,” he said then wiped my tears again. He pulled my body closer to his and lifted my chin so our eyes made contact.

“Lee Sunhi, you are my bright red rose in a patch of white snow. Please forgive me, I love you, will you me my girlfriend?”

He uttered the words that I wanted to hear. Smiling like a fool I nodded my head.

“Yes, yes! Kim Sunggyu I will be your girlfriend.”

Smiling, he lifted me up then spun me around. When he stopped our eyes made contact and our lips inched closer and closer until they touched. He wrapped his arms around my waist messaging me this time he’s not going anywhere, and I cupped his face, deepening our kiss.

We pulled away from our kiss when we felt cold flakes of snow falling on our faces. We should had stopped and left before we got sick, but in that moment we didn’t care. We looked back at each and kissed again.


It's DONE : (

How was the story guys, tell me in the comments.

Sorry for the mistakes, I'll be editing later but I really wanted to get it out here.

Thanks for subscribing and check out my other stories.

Love you all :3

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Chapter 6: Cuteeee I neeeeed a squelllll
Redfubla #2
Chapter 6: I think I need sequel :)
Chapter 6: It's beautiful~
Hi! I was going through the latest updated stories when I found your story. Very nice, I like it.
But just a little note, can you please put each speaking sentence (if it's the alternate person speaking) in a different line? I was reading Chapter 1 and it's hard reading it if it's bunched up together + that's the proper way of doing it. Thank you, and keep up the good work :)
ailisu #5
Chapter 6: <333 SUCH A SWEET GYU GYU T u T
cute ending!!!
Wind_Flower #6
There must be some kind of reason that sunggyu is acting that way.
I thought he likes her.. T___T
Sleepygyu #8
I THOUGHT SUNGGYU LIKED SUNGHI! *weeps* oh please don't make it too sad!
awww this is so sweet :3
ailisu #10
omg, so cute >__________<
you should add fluff to your tags <33
love sunggyu :DD