Our First Encounter

Kiss Me In The Snow

Even though the air was very cold the sky was blindingly bright. Despite the cold weather I was going for a walk in the park. Everything around me just seemed to perfect, little kids were running around throwing snowballs at each other, couples of different ages were walking hand in hand. I sat on the bench admiring everything around me.

A couple caught my eye. They seemed to be in their late 60’s. They were sitting on a bench holding hands and eating food. Though it was a normal activity they seem different to me. Curiosity took over my body and I walked towards the couple.

“Excuse me.”

The couple looked up at me with smiling faces.

“Hello,” the female said to me.

“Hello, sorry to bother you to but I have to ask. How long have you two been together?”

They both giggled. “We’ve been together for a very long time, 40 years actually,” they both kissed. I smiled at their bold skin ship. 

“Why do you ask dear?”

“Oh no reason, you two are very lucky to have each for such a long time. I hope I can find someone to spend my life with one day too,” I say.

“Don’t worry someone has pretty has you will find someone soon, trust me.” The male said.

I smiled at the both of them, “I hope you two live long together,” I bowed to them and left.

I looked at my watch 3’oclock, it was still fairly early in the day. Since I had a free schedule and absolutely nothing to do I decided to by a coffee at a nearby cafe.


With my freshly brewed coffee I began to walk around the park again. I walked into to the forest following the trail, newly fallen snow covered the tips of trees as I observed them. As I was looking at the scenery I heard slight clicking. I looked around but no one was in sight. I swear I was the only one here. I ignored the noise thinking that it was just my own imagination and continued following the trail. But soon as I continued walking I heard the clicking again.

“Is someone here?” I say.

No response. I got scared and began running to the end of the trail. As I was running I slipped on some ice, spilling my coffee and hurting my ankle. I screamed in pain, and all of a sudden I saw someone come out behind a tree.

“Are you okay?” A man with small eyes said. I nodded. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to a bench that was nearby.

“Who are you?” I ask a mysterious man.

“My name is Kim Sunggyu, I’m a photographer.” He said.

“You’re a photographer? Have you been following me?”

He sheepishly smiled and looked down avoiding me.

“Yeah I was, sorry. I saw you this afternoon when you were talking to that old couple, and ever since then I’ve been secretly been talking pictures of you till now.” He looked at me “You think I’m creepy right?”

I nodded, “a bit. Why were you taking pictures of me?”

“You captured my attention, you look different from the other people that walk around this park. You’re like a bright red rose in a patch of white snow.” He said.

I blushed at his complement.

“I’m Lee Sunhi.” I took out my hand for him to shake it and he did.

“How’s your foot?” He asked me.

“I think its okay now.”

I try to get up testing my foot, but to my luck my foot still hurt in pain. I almost toppled over but he caught me before I could fall. Our eyes locked for a brief second before we he looked away. His pink cheeks from the cold air turned red in embarrassment.

“Thank you for catching me.”

“No problem.” He said not looking at me.

He crouched down in front of me, “get on, you can’t walk so I’ll carry you.”

I felt uncomfortable due to the situation but I didn’t refuse his offer. I got on his back and he carried me back to the park.

“Let me take you home.” He said.

“Oh its okay I can bus home, you’ve done enough for me.” I say.

“I can’t let you bus home, just let me take me home.” I reluctantly agree to his offer.



The car ride to my house was quiet. I don’t know this man but yet I’m letting me drive me home, that can’t be safe. I swallowed my saliva has I occasionally stole glances at him.

“Here we are.” He said.

“Thank you for driving me home Sunggyu.” I smiled at him and he smiled back.

“Let me help you get out of the car.” He got out and ran to my side of the car then carried me again.

“You don’t have to carry me you know.” I told him.

“I know but I want to.”

He brought me to the front door, I dug through my bag searching for my keys. Once I did I put the key into the key hole and opened the door, he entered and set me down on the couch. I took off my shoes as he entered my kitchen.

“Sunggyu what are you doing?” I yelled so he could hear me.

He walked back with an ice pack in his hand.

“I just wanted to get this,” he sat next to me and put the ice on my ankle.

“Thank you,” I said quietly.

There was an awkward silence between us before he decided that he should leave. We bid farewell to each other and I thanked him again. He put on his shoes and head out the door.

“Wait Sunggyu!”

I tried to get up but my ankle hurt too much. I looked out the window to see his car pull out of my drive way.  


Its supposed to be summer where I am but it really cold. 

The weather inspired me to write this.

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Chapter 6: Cuteeee I neeeeed a squelllll
Redfubla #2
Chapter 6: I think I need sequel :)
Chapter 6: It's beautiful~
Hi! I was going through the latest updated stories when I found your story. Very nice, I like it.
But just a little note, can you please put each speaking sentence (if it's the alternate person speaking) in a different line? I was reading Chapter 1 and it's hard reading it if it's bunched up together + that's the proper way of doing it. Thank you, and keep up the good work :)
ailisu #5
Chapter 6: <333 SUCH A SWEET GYU GYU T u T
cute ending!!!
Wind_Flower #6
There must be some kind of reason that sunggyu is acting that way.
I thought he likes her.. T___T
Sleepygyu #8
I THOUGHT SUNGGYU LIKED SUNGHI! *weeps* oh please don't make it too sad!
awww this is so sweet :3
ailisu #10
omg, so cute >__________<
you should add fluff to your tags <33
love sunggyu :DD