Dancing in the Dark

Kiss Me In The Snow

It has been a few weeks since I hurt my ankle and I’m glad to say that it’s completely healed. No more walking around with those painful crutches and defiantly no more being carried around by Sunggyu.

Speaking of Sunggyu ever since he cooked me dinner we’ve been getting along quite well. It turns out we have a bit in common, we both like taking walks, reading and sleeping. He’s not that bad of a guy, but I have to say one thing annoying about Sunggyu is that he practically stays at my house 24/7. At first it started has him visiting once or twice a week to just check up on me, then it turned into him coming over every day. I eventually got fed up with him constantly knocking on my door so I just made him a key. I trusted him enough to let him have full entrance to my house, but now he doesn’t leave.

I walked into the living room to see him watching TV. I sit down next to him and cross my arm while giving him a dirty look.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” He said.

“How come you’re always at my house, do you not have a home?”

He laughed at me.

“Of course I have a home silly, I just prefer to stay here where my annoying roommates can’t annoy me.” He smiles causing him little cute eyes to disappear.

“Plus I can’t leave, there’s a storm.”

I sigh and look out the window, indeed there was a storm, a strong one at that.

“Alright you can stay, but tomorrow you leave.” I say sternly.

“Awe aren’t you cute, trying to kick me out.” He pinched my cheeks.

I continued to give him a dirty look.

“Alright Sunhi I’ll leave tomorrow, but you’ll regret it.”

He said teasingly. I rolled my eyes, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

All of a sudden the power shut off causing me to scream. I never liked the dark, it was one of those childhood fears that I never grew out of.

“Sunhi are you okay?” He heard him say.

I couldn’t see him the whole house was pitched black.

“Uh yeah I’m okay, where are you Sunggyu?” I asked.

“I’m right here.” Suddenly I felt his hand around my waist.

“Are you sure you’re okay, you’re shaking.” He whispered into my ear.

I felt our body warmth increase has he pushed our bodies together.

“I’m okay, I just don’t like the dark very much.” I confessed to him. 

“Everything is going to be okay.” He began to rub my back.“Do you have any candles?”

I nodded. “I think there’s some in the kitchen.” I said.

He slowly got up pulling me up with him.

“I’m not leaving you in the dark Sunhi.”

 He wrapped my arms around his waist then began walking towards the kitchen with me shuffling behind him.

“Oh I forgot this was in my pocket.”

He said and pulled out his phone, he used it as a flashlight making it easier for us to walk.

“Where are the candles Sunhi?” He asked.

 I release my hold and carefully walked over the drawer containing the candles and lighter. I took one candle and lit it up. As I was lighting the candles I felt him behind me.

“Sunggyu take the candles and start putting them around the house.” He listened and took the lit candles. I took the last candle at walk back into the living room. The room was now clearly lit, I looked around but I didn’t see Sunggyu.

“Sunggyu where are you?” I called out for him.

All of a sudden I felt someone grab me from behind almost causing me to drop the candle.

“You scared me don’t ever do that again.” I say trying to slow down my pacing heart.

“I’m sorry.” He said while taking the candle out of my hands and placing it somewhere.

He then grabbed my hips. “What are you doing?”

“Don’t you think this is romantic?” He whispered in my ear, causing me to squirm at the tickling sensation.

Indeed the situation was quite romantic but I wasn’t going to let him know that.

“No I don’t think it’s romantic actually.”

I heard him chuckle and he turned me around. His warmly dimmed face looked down at me as I felt his warm breath on my face. He began to move my hips side to side. 

“What are you doing?” I quietly asked.

“Let’s dance.” He simply answered.

“But there’s no music.”

“No need.” He started to hum a slow tune. I don’t know why he’s doing this but I decided to play along, I placed my head on his chest and he placed his on top of my head.

He stopped humming and I looked up at him. “I bet you regret making me leave tomorrow.” I smile at his goofiness and put my head back where it was.

“I don’t know how but you planed this.” I say, and we continued dancing.

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Chapter 6: Cuteeee I neeeeed a squelllll
Redfubla #2
Chapter 6: I think I need sequel :)
Chapter 6: It's beautiful~
Hi! I was going through the latest updated stories when I found your story. Very nice, I like it.
But just a little note, can you please put each speaking sentence (if it's the alternate person speaking) in a different line? I was reading Chapter 1 and it's hard reading it if it's bunched up together + that's the proper way of doing it. Thank you, and keep up the good work :)
ailisu #5
Chapter 6: <333 SUCH A SWEET GYU GYU T u T
cute ending!!!
Wind_Flower #6
There must be some kind of reason that sunggyu is acting that way.
I thought he likes her.. T___T
Sleepygyu #8
I THOUGHT SUNGGYU LIKED SUNGHI! *weeps* oh please don't make it too sad!
awww this is so sweet :3
ailisu #10
omg, so cute >__________<
you should add fluff to your tags <33
love sunggyu :DD