Cooking Date?

Kiss Me In The Snow

The next day I was at the park again. It was difficult for me to walk with crutches because of my sprained ankle. The doctors said that it was best for me to rest and not leave the house until my ankle was healed but I needed to find him.

Yesterday when Sunggyu left my house he forgot his camera on my couch, I want to return it to him. It would be easier if I knew his phone number or where he lived. Do you know how many Kim Sunggyu’s there are in the phone book? Apparently a lot, so here I am. Disobeying doctors orders sitting on the same bench I was on yesterday when I saw the old couple. I don’t know if he’s even here, I’m just taking a chance.

I look around hoping to see a trace of him, but no luck. If he was there I was hoping that he would come up to me, but he wasn’t there. I sat on that bench for almost half hour until I gave up. With his camera strap across my shoulder I grab my crutches and carefully walked to the cafe I went to yesterday.

 The bells jingled as I opened the doors to the cafe, I sat down at one of the tables before I ordered anything. I Sunggyu’s camera and looked at his pictures. Most of his pictures were of trees and plants, some others were random object you would see walking down the street. I scanned his pictures and finally saw the ones of me. There was a picture of me sitting on the bench, talking to the couple, walking and, admiring the scenery. Even though what he did was a little creepy I can’t help but feel flattered at the same time. Thinking back to what he said to me.

‘You’re like a bright red rose in a patch of white snow.’

I felt like I was blushing all over again.

“Do you like the pictures?”

A voice broke my train of thought. I look up to see him holding two drinks with a gleeful smile of his face.

“Do you mind if I sit?” He asked me.

“No not at all. Please sit.” I mostioned him to the chair acrossed from me.

He pulled out a chair and place one of the drinks in front of me.

“When I walked in I noticed that you didn’t have anything, so I thought I would buy you something. I think I owe you it because I was the one who scared you yesterday causing you run, spilling your coffee and hurting your ankle. Speaking of it, how are you? I notice you’re on crutches.”

I thanked him and picked up the drink he bought me.

“Its sprained, the doctor said to not move much until it’s healed but I wanted to find you.”

He perked up.

“Why did you want to find me?” He asked.

I passed over his camera and his body seemed to deflate.

“Ah that’s why; right I forgot this at your house, that’s why you wanted to find me.” He bitterly smiled.

“Well I should go, thanks for the drink Sunggyu.” I smiled at him and turned to leave.

“Wait let me drive you home again. Your doctor said you shouldn’t move much right?”

I sighed, “thank you Sunggyu a drive home would be nice.”

He smiled causing his eyes to disappear before opening the door for me.


“Thank you for driving me home. Drive home safely.” I said then opened my house door.

Before I could step in the house he stopped me.

“Let me cook dinner for you.” He said.

I eyed him oddly. “Excuse me?”

“Let me cook dinner for you Sunhi, as a thank you for returning my camera.”

“You already bought me coffee and driven me home, you’ve done enough.” I declined his offer and was about to close the door, but he stuck his foot in the way. He looked at me with sad eyes and I couldn’t help but feel bad for almost closing the door at his face.

“Okay come in.” I opened the door for him to come in; he took on his shoes and casually walked into my kitchen. I slowly entered the kitchen and I saw him carefully eye the contents in the refrigerator.

“Is something wrong?” I ask.

“No, just thinking about what I should make for the both of us.” He said not once taking his eyes off the fridge.

“You know you seriously don’t have to cook me anything.”

“Yes I do and there is nothing you can say to talk me out of doing so just sit down and relax, I have everything under control.” He grabbed a chair from the dinner table and ushered me to sit, I didn’t argue with him and did what I was told.

“How about stir fry and rice?” He said while taking the contents out of the fridge.

I shrugged, “sounds nice.”

He walked over to me, “okay then we’ll have stir fry.” He patted my head the top then went to go wash his hands.

“What was that for?” I ask with a confused look on my face.

“No reason it’s just.” He paused.

“Has anyone ever told you how cute you are?”

I didn’t expect him to say that, thank goodness his back was turned away from me because right now I’m probably red as a tomato.

“Um no, you’re the first one to tell me that.”

He began washing and cutting the vegetables.

“Really I’m surprised, you should be told how cute and beautiful you are everyday.”

I touched my cheeks and they were burning up.

“Sunggyu stop you’re making my cheeks burn up.” I say.

“Good.” He stopped cutting the vegetables and came towards me again, he bent down to my level and pecked me on the cheek.

Before he went back to cutting vegetables he turned to me and winked. I turned my head away avoiding him, was it getting hot in here or is it just me. I fanned myself then turn back to watch him cook.

I couldn’t help but smile as I quietly sat there watching him cook.

“Why are you staring at me?”

“Am I not aloud?”

“Why don’t you take a picture, it’ll last longer.” I rolled my eyes at his egotistical comment.

“You’re very funny did you know that.” I say sarcastically.

He chuckled and continued his work.

“You cut carrots weird.”

“Excuse me?” He said in offended manner.

I got up and hopped one legged to where he was. He smiled at how silly I was. I gently pushed him a side and took the knife, for stir fry this is how you cut carrots. I carefully julienned the carrots thinking that he was beside me, when I looked up I saw him with his camera taking pictures of me again.

“Hey stop taking pictures of me.” I say.

“No, keep cutting you look perfect.” He said.

“I thought you were going to be the one cooking?”

“Right, okay just one more picture please.” He begged.

I sighed, “Fine one more.” I smile at the camera and he took the shot, he looked at the screen on the camera.

“Perfect.” He set down the camera and took the knife away from me.

“Go rest, dinner won’t be ready for awhile.” He told me.

“No I want to watch you. How will I know if you put something dangerous in it.” He laughed at me.

“I promise I won’t put anything dangerous in your food.”

“Good, but I don’t want to rest. You’re not my dad don’t boss me around” I whined and stuck my tongue out at him.

“Didn’t your doctor tell you to go rest?”

“He did but what my doctor doesn’t know won’t kill him.” I tried to reason with him.

“Sunhi I didn’t want to do this but.” He said.

“But what?” I asked confused.

All of a sudden he lifted me over his shoulder.

“Yah Sunggyu put me down!” I yell at him.

“Nope, I told you I didn’t want to do this but you left me with no choice.”

I started flailing my arms and kicking my legs hoping that he would let go but he didn’t. He carried me up the stair.

“Sunhi stop kicking, you’re going to kick me in the face.” I sighed in defeat.

He continued carrying me up the stairs until he reached the last step.

“Which one is your room?” He asked

“The second one on the right.” I said

He opened the door and plopped me down on my bed. I was going to get back up but he pushed me back down and climbed on top of me.

“Get off!” I yelled.

He grabbed my wrist and put them over my head.

“Rest now Sunhi, dinner is not going to be ready soon unless you rest.”

My body was frozen and his face was inches from mine.

“Promise me you’ll rest.” I nodded my head.

“Good.” He kissed forehead and got off me.

I sat up, “You know you can’t kiss me whenever you want, we’re not a couple, and we don’t even know each other.” I yelled at him.

“You know me and I know you and we’re not a couple yet.” He smile then closed the door. I grunted and fell back.

I need to sleep.      



I already have subsribers :,) I'm going to cry.

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Chapter 6: Cuteeee I neeeeed a squelllll
Redfubla #2
Chapter 6: I think I need sequel :)
Chapter 6: It's beautiful~
Hi! I was going through the latest updated stories when I found your story. Very nice, I like it.
But just a little note, can you please put each speaking sentence (if it's the alternate person speaking) in a different line? I was reading Chapter 1 and it's hard reading it if it's bunched up together + that's the proper way of doing it. Thank you, and keep up the good work :)
ailisu #5
Chapter 6: <333 SUCH A SWEET GYU GYU T u T
cute ending!!!
Wind_Flower #6
There must be some kind of reason that sunggyu is acting that way.
I thought he likes her.. T___T
Sleepygyu #8
I THOUGHT SUNGGYU LIKED SUNGHI! *weeps* oh please don't make it too sad!
awww this is so sweet :3
ailisu #10
omg, so cute >__________<
you should add fluff to your tags <33
love sunggyu :DD