Running & Running

This is not the reality I wanted.


My meetings with Mir quickly became the only reason to live for. I was waking up just to see a message fom him, and doing all my schedules without thinking, to meet him at night as soon as it was possible. I missed him even just after I left him. I was wondering if he felt the same. In a metter of time, our meetings started to be more like dates. He held my hand more often, sometimes hugging me. But still, every skinship was a bit awkward. I think the reason was in me. I was never really confident about my body, because ever since I remember I had been plump. I lost a lot of weigh while beeing trainee, so now I didn't look very bad.
My members were a hudge succor for me. They always were really good for me, understanding. When I didn't make it on time, they would alwys cover me up. They understood that I needed to see him, because othewise I was blankly staring in space.
Ah, you have to know: after some time, Mr Park remembered that we don't have a manager and Leya is setting every schedule on her own, so he got us a new one. He came to a decision, that if a female can't handle us, he will hire a man. And he did. Jo Janghyun was a thirty something ex-idol, but his group never made any big hit, so anyone hardly knows him. He was really good manager, since he remembered how it was once he was in this industry.  It wasn't that bad to have a male over us. We were more respectful for him, eventhough he was younger than our previous manager. He had this skill, to make us listen to him.
It was April and my birthday was getting closer and closer. I loved surprises so I couldn't wait what will my members do.
In the morning in 23rd, I woke up with a hudge grin on my face. I went to the bathroom and took a shower, as unnis were still sleeping. After that, I headed to the kitchen and made a breakfast. It was a tradition, that on the day of her birthday, member is doing a tasty meal in the morning.
I decided to make more western breakfast. There were toasts, pancakes, everything I thought they would like. I looked at the clock, it was already 9 am. I went to the bedroom to wake them up
"Unni, wake up" I sang as I shook Kiyong a little. She opened her eyes and with a blind gaze she covered herself again.
"Aigo, Kiyongah, get up!" I shook her a little harder. She mumbled something, but finally got up.
Because of plaster on her leg, she was still unable to do most of the schedule with us, so basically she could sleep a little more, but I didn't want my breakfast to be cold.
"Sathangah..." I whispered in her ear, the thing she hated the most
"YAH, GET OUT" she replied terrified
"Inyoungah, breakfast is waiting in the kitchen" I whispered again
She got up imidietly.
The leader had the lighest sleep from all of us, so she alreaey woke up due to noises i was creating. You, know, leader's always watching. We headed to the kitchen, talking ang laughing.
They were all impressed of the breakfast, and Sathang told me, that, to tell the truth, she forgot  "what day is today, but it doesn't chnge my feeling for you, you're still the best maknae in the world!"
Whole day was really nice for me, everyone wishing me happy birthday. When we got to the shooting set I even got a hudge cake with my name and pinapples on top. I shared it with memebers and staff, everyone said it's really delicious. 
Yet one thing didn't want to stop running through my head. Mir didn't call me, didn't even text me. What if he doesn't remember? Or, he doesn't even know about what day is today? I was kinda upset by this.
About five pm, Kiyong felt really bad and she needed to come back home. Her leg was aching. Honestly, I was a bit worried about this, because it's been a month since she had this plaster, an the doctor kept saying that she still have to wear it. Moreover, it wasn't the first time she was hurt. And the worst thing, is that Kiyong is really timid and she never complains. So she's aching in silence, till anyone notice it and give her a break or send her back to the dorm. Aish, this girl...
The day quickly came to an end, like every other nice ones. But there was something wrong. Leya and Sathang were called to Mr Parks office. We were wondering what did they do, that the CEO wanted to see them. They were really scared. I would be too, since last time we had this kind of situation when Sathang put picure of Super Junior's Donghae on her twitter and wrote than she wants to touch him. Or only his abs. Oh my God, he was seriously mad at her, she was forbidden to use internet for a month and couldn't go out from the dorm, unless it was rehersals or performances.
So Jojang oppa was told to drive me home, and then go to the office to take unnis from them. When we were already in the car, he asked me if he can go home for a bit to check on his son. I agreed of course, why would I not. I asked if I could go with him. His son was really cute, I loved to play with him. Actually it was the only one child I tolerate so far.
When we finally reached the dorm, he said good night to me and headed to the company. I opened the dorm, it was all dark. Kiyong must be sleeping already I thought. I took my shoes off and hit the light switch
I heard a hudge boom when Leya opened the champagne and the stopper hit the ceiling. I saw my members grinning like crazy with glasses in their hands. Furthermore, all living room was decorated with ballons and paper streamers. My favourite song was playing in the background. Everything was perfect. But there was a thing that made me even happier. 
In the middle of them, there was Mir, smiling widely. He was holding a big cake with 19 candles. 
"I..." I started, but I felt my eyes are getting watery.
"OMO DON'T CRY" Sathang ran to me and hugged me tightly "Happy birthday maknae!"
"Yeah, happy birthday to you Eunchanha!" Leya said giving me a full glass. 
I was so amazed and happy. So they left earlier to prepere all of this just for me. And they even invited Cheolyong... I couldn't stop my tears
"Thank you unnis, oh my God, I really don't know what to say..." I went to Kiyong, who was standing still in her position, because of her leg and put my arm around her, nearly making her lost her balance.
I saw Sathang taking the cake away from Mir. I parted with Kiyong and ran to him
"Happy birthday Eunchanah" he said quietly, embracing me. We were standing there just like this for a few minutes. I was feeling so good in his arms. His scent was the nicest scent I've ever smelled. I didn't wanna ever break the hug, but I realised that there are my members left in the room. I looked at him and said
"Thank you oppa"
He smiled widely again, a little suprised, unwilling letting me go. It was so fine to call him oppa. So natural right now.
"LETS EAT" Leya said happily
We were laughing, talking and eating delicious food. Unnis were really nice to Cheolyong, they talked really comfortably. The atmosphere was so good, I wanted it to last forever. I was sitting next to Mir, I felt him beside me. Oh my God, I can't belive that I thought he didn't know.
"Ahhh, we are so sleepy" Sathang suddenly said
"Yeah, so sleepy..." Leya kicked Kiyong under the table
"What..?" she gave her a revealing glance "Ohh... Cheolyongssi you should go now."
The looked like they were about to laugh. Leya stood up and went to Mir
"Good night, it was really nice to meet you. I hope we will be seeing each other next times" she smiled at him, and Sathang jupmed to him too
"Oppa, don't forget us" she hugged him.
"Yeah, and say 'hi' to your hyungs from us!" Kiyong added
"Ah, of course I will" Mir was a little confused about this sudden goodbye, but eventually he gave them one of his beautiful smiles "Good night girls, good night noona!"
He walked to me, and just when he was about to tell me something, Sathang aked
"Eunchanah, why don't you acompany him to the park?"
"No, it's ok, I'm a man, right?" he laughed
"Yeah, but maknae needs soe fresh air" Leya said pushing me to the door
"I guess I'm walking you by" I smiled at him widly, and he took my hand
"Come on then"
We were walking down the street, talking about nothing. Mir was fooling around a little, like he always does and I laughed hard. Everything felt so good, I was the happiest person on earth that moment. Finally, Mir said that I should go home already.
"Ah, I guess you're right" I smiled sadly
He was still holding my hand. We were standing in the middle of a path, in front of each other. Suddenly, he pulled me into a hug and and put his fingers in my hair. It was the nicest thing anyone ever did to me. I embraced him even thighter, smelling his chest. He parted us, and caressed my cheek with his finger, cracking a smile on his face
"Goodnight Eunchanah" 
"Goodnight oppa" I said looking into his eyes. I felt weid thing in my stomach.
"You're calling me oppa. It's so cute" his face brighten
"It's because I really like you" I replied, but it took me few more seconds to realise how it sounded.
Before I coul say anything else, he kissed me. 
At first I opened my eyes wide in shock, feeling his soft lips on mine, but then, i just closed them, savouring the sweet taste of cake which still reminded there. It was my first kiss ever. I felt like there were fireworks above our heads, I was dizzy a little, my stomach was filled with tiny butterflies and all my insides started to dance. It wasn't like a kiss in movies, Mir just touched my lips with his, but for me, it was worth millions times more.
His hand was still on my face with other on my waist, while I was just standing there, unable to do anything then just enjoy the moment. I couldn't even move an inch, afraid that everything can come to an end.
Unfortunatly, Mir stopped the kiss and looked at me with a bright smile. His eyes were so happy, so joyful, I just looked down. I suddenly got really shy, oh my God, my face was burning red, I felt hot. I mumbled another 'goodnight' and quickly walked away.
After about 10 minutes, I checked if there was anyone in my view, and saw nobody. I started dancing, jumping, screaming, singing, I couldn't control myself. I was so freakin happy, that he kissed me, I couldn't actually belive it. Ok, I like him, and I mean, I really like him, and somewhere deep in my mind there were voices telling me he likes me too, but I didn't want to trust them, I was afraid that it was all just in my head. But now... Jesus, last time I felt that way, was when I made it to Sunny Media, I was so happy I could do anything. 
Suddenly I felt bad. I admit it, I am shy, very shy and everybody knows it, but I just realised I left him there, without any word. He must've been confused... Oh my god, what if he thought I didn't like it? Or that I don't want him to do such things? No, oppa, I do, I really do! I wanted to scream, but I saw some old ajuhma, looking at me, so I just stayed quiet. Aish, stupid me!
omg, she's unbelivable, Mir kissed her and she ran away O_o
anyway, look foreword to the next chapter ^^
btw, BLAQ% TOUR in Indonesia just ended, Jakarta's A+. how did you like it? 
lol, I was updating everything on my tumblr, to feel the concert just a little bit xD
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plinaaa2304 #2
thank you so much for these loving comments ^^ i will update as soon as i find someone with bluetooth in his pc or laptop, because i write all the chapters in notes on my phone >.<
Waah, this is story is amazing! *o*
Mir teasing Eunchan *OO*

Please, update soon!~
Malioo #4
Hi! I like your writing style, I am so curous about
Theor meeting! Please update soon^_^
o.o why dont cha continue? :( plzz .. 0.0 i like the way u write