
This is not the reality I wanted.

They were standing in front of me, smiling like nothing was wrong, I on the other hand really didn't think there was anything to feel happy about. Kiyong had her whole leg in plaster.

"Ah, it's nothing, I fell from the bed and addictionaly stumbled over your pillows" she explained
I felt a little guilty. I was always throwing my pillows away at nights, despite of I couldn't fall asleep without them. But one thing made me curious.
"Why didn't I wake up? It had to be really loud!"
"You had you earphones on" Leya said entering the house "Besides, you wouldn't wake up even if our dorm was bombed."
"Aish, why didn't you leave any message, and non of you took your phone with you?! Why did manager unni reject all of my calls?! Do you know how worried I was?!" I started screaming at them. I was really mad. They were acting like nothing happened, thinking that everything was perfectly allright.
"How could you do such thing to me? Leaving me here alone, without any informations! I even..."
I ran to the bathroom where I left my phone and dailed Mirs number.
"Im on my way, give me five minutes" he said as soon as he answered
"NO. DO NOT COME HERE. They came back. Meet me at park in half an hour" I whispered
"Ah, ok, I'll be there" he said, a little confused. I headed to the living room again. Unnis were standing in their original positions, Kiyong alone on the couch as she needed to straighten her leg
"So?" Sathang started
"Who are you meeting at the park?"
I stiffened "I don't know what are you talking about..." I tried to exit the room, but she was faster. She stood in the door, cutting my way out.
"Oh come on, you didn't close the door, we heard everything"
Ah, ok.
"Uhm, Inyongah, let..."
"Is is Mir?"
I frozen. I really didn't give them any hint about who I was meeting with. Always away from dorm, or really late... Never ever mensioned his name. I was really careful to not say too much about it. Excusing myself in every possible way, you know, some meeting with old friends, visiting family... How did Sathang figure it out?! Ahhh... She saw us when I was giving him my phone number... Aish..

I went to the sofa and sat on it. I decided to tell them.
"Yes, it's Mir." I said
"I KNEW IT!" Sathang threw her hand in the air, It was one of those annoying habits of hers.
"Omo, they look so good together" Kiyong giggled
"You all knew?!" I was suprised
"Oh come on, do you actually think that Inyoung would keep such news away from us?" Leya said and they burst in laughter
I felt really silly. So they all knew about everything and just pretended to be so curious about my mysterious escapades. I bet they were laughing they off, back in the dorm when I was telling them that I'm going shipping with my mom, while I was leaving to meet Cheolyong. Aish, stupid me.
"Yeah... So... Ehem... You know now..." I was extremly uncomrotable and it was getting awkward. I changed the subject.
"But why was manager unni rejecting all my calls, can you finally tell me?
Suddenly the atmosphere got distressing. Smiles dissapeared of their faces  and they looked away.
"Eunchanah... Unni quited"
"She said that she can't stay with us, we're too much trouble to her... She even..." Leya breathed heavily "She even said that we were the worst thing that ever happened to her. And that''s she's happy she finally found a new job."
I was expexting everything. That she was busy with her family, that she was sick, or maybe she was just tired of schedules. But not this. Not thing like that.
I always thought that she likes us, when she was smiling with this motherly smile of hers, when she was laughing with us eating ice cream in our dorm. It was all... fake? Why was she acting like that if she hated us? Maybe she didn't want to get fired so she pretended to have good time with us. But finally she got enough, didn't she?
"Oh that's... Suprising..." was the only thing I could say
"Don't worry Eunchana. Mr Park will find someone else." Leya smiled "Go to the park, you're late already"
"DAMN IT" I got up, grabbed my bag and ran to the park.
It was a lunch time, so many people were passing me by. I looked at my phone, there was one missed call. It's not good, Mir hates waiting. I dailed his number
"Actually, I can see you" He hung up and I looked around to see him waving to me from across the lake. I ran to him and as soon as I sat on a bench I felt a bit dizzy
"What's wrong?" he asked
"Ah, it's nothing, you know, to much running in such a hot weather"
"Ah, I see" he smiled "Wanna ice cream?"
"OMO, you know I want!" I said happily, standing up
We made our way to the shop. I told him about the case with manager unni, and for cheering me up, he shared a story from Hello Baby set, which I found really hilarious. He never failed to make me laugh. 
I loved the emotions I felt while spending time with him. I never had such a close person by my side. He was funny, caring, reliable... Too bad he was, you know,  Mir.
"Eunchanah, what's with your expression?" he suddenly asked, while we were eating
"I was thinking about... Ah, nevermind" i looked at him smiling
"Tell me" he encouraged
He was worried. I hate to see this expression on his precious face. It was so beautiful while smiling. I was often joking or saying something silly just to he him laughing.
I felt his hand grabbing mine. 
"Promise me, you will tell me about your problems if you would face any"
I blushed at this sudden touch, as well at his request
"I will" I smiled to him, a little ashamed about my red cheeks
"Your hand is so soft. Can I hold it a little longer?"
Oh my god
"Yeah, sure" I mumbled
"You're so cute when you're shy" he giggled, and I blushed more, if it was even possible.
We were sitting like this for some time in silence, his warm hand still holding mine. I wanted to embrace him already, but I didn't think it was a good idea, since all the skinship we made was this, and the time he was asking me for a number. In fact, I wanted to burry my face in his chest, put my fingers in his hair...
"I need to go. It's three pm, I've got a schedule" he said getting up
"Too bad. I was about to by us another ice cream, but I guess I'll just eat it on my own..."
"Oh come on! Why are you like this to me?" he burst in laughter helping me to stand up
"Hmm, i don't know, maybe I like to tease you" I said playfully
He smiled for the last time before putting a mask on his face and said good bye. I watched him walking away, hands in pockets with his head down.
I made my way to the dorm, slowly moving torwards. I still couldn't get rid of this warm feeling on my hand. I wonder if he knew how much it meant to me. How much I appreciated his touch. Aggrhh, why am I like this??? Maybe I like him a little too much?...
how are you? ^^
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plinaaa2304 #2
thank you so much for these loving comments ^^ i will update as soon as i find someone with bluetooth in his pc or laptop, because i write all the chapters in notes on my phone >.<
Waah, this is story is amazing! *o*
Mir teasing Eunchan *OO*

Please, update soon!~
Malioo #4
Hi! I like your writing style, I am so curous about
Theor meeting! Please update soon^_^
o.o why dont cha continue? :( plzz .. 0.0 i like the way u write