I Think You Know

This is not the reality I wanted.


My name sounded so nice spoken in his voice. 

"Oh, you're here already" I smiled shyly


He came by and stood in front of me. There was an awkward silence for a few minutes, than he siad

"So.. What do you want to do?"

"Uhm, I don't know, we can just go for a walk..." I looked at him

It turned out to be really different from what I expected. We were walking through the park in silent. Ocasionally looking at each other, we passed many benches, which I was hoping we could sit on, becouse my high heels started to be noticed for my tired feet. I remebered my yesterday's thoughts about this moment. Eh. I guess I was wrong, and he wasn't as great as I was expecting him to be. 


It was getting darker an I was getting more and more bored. I started to make up stories in my mind, in fact that was my favourite hobby. I imagined, that he would take me for a dinner, or treat me an ice cream, or...
"OWWWW" I cried when I stumbled over an empty can, causing myself to fall
"OMO gwenchna??" Mir asked worriedly, as he helped me to get up.
"Ah, neh..." I adjusted my shirt "Damn can! Ugh..."
"I know right? I hate people throwing their rubbish away anywhere"
We started complaining about how stupid peope are, and from word to woral we finally made a sensible talk. About a half an hour later, I would never belibve I was so shy and awkward in front of him. We had so much in common, like, for example, we grew up on countryside, we both are afraid of niddles, we often lose our phones and when we ask people to call it, it's usually set on silnt mode... I felt like I could really be myself with him, despite of I hardly knew him.
I looked at my phone and left out a strangled scream.
"What happened?"
"I'ts alreday eleven pm..." I said "Oh my God, what am I gonna say to manager unni? .." I mumbled
I texted to Kiyong, to keep the manager away from dorm for the next thirty minutes and looked apologetic at Mir
"I'm sorry, I have to go now.. It's really late and I don't want my unnis to worry about me"
"Isn't it, that you don't want to get scolded by you manager?" he smiled playfully
"Haha, you got me" I laughed "But still, I need to go"
"I'll walk you there"
"No, it's ok, I'll go by myself. Go home and rest" I patted his shoulder
"Ah, ok" Mir looked at me and smiled "Good night, Eunchanah"
"Good night, Cheolyong-ssi" I blushed a little
Truthfully, it was hard for me to call someone 'oppa'. I think it's reserved for really close people. I called Thunder oppa just becouse he asked us to, they all did. It was very kind of them, we got close a little faster thanks to this. Still, I can't understand all the fangirls calling their idols 'oppa',  but it's just me, and I'm werid.
I walked straight to the dorm, which wasn't really far from the park. My legs were aching like hell, and I made mental note, that new shoes aren't good idea for a long walk.
I stepped on these few stair which led to our domrs door and grabbed a handle. It was locked. I looked around to check if there wasn't any trace of manager unni, and knocked
"It's me, open the door!" I said
I heard a squeaking and saw Leya in her pink pijamas.
"Thanks unni!"
"You should thank Kiyo-o-o-ong" she responded yawning
"She's with manager unni righ now. They are looking for chocolate-strawberry flavoured lip gloss, because Kiyong said that she won't move an inch from our dorm tomorrow since she ran out of it"
"OMO SHE'S THE BEST" I said hugging Leya.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, good night..."
I went to the bathroom to clean my make up ans bruh my teeth. I heard a door lock and I jumped to the hol.
"UNNI SARAGHE" I said embracing Kiyong
"Yah, get off me im sleepy. You owe me a dinner"
"ANYTHING" I smiled widely as she cracked a little grin hearing me call her unni.
I finished my washing and headed to bedroom. I lied in my bed and checked the phone. 'One new message'.
"How's situation? Did you reached you place safely?~~ :)"
I giggled seeing him worrying about me
"Yes, thank you! I'm so tired... :<  Let's talk more tomorrow ^^"
Mir replied back faster than I put my phone away
"Only talk? :<"
Ok, at that moment, I actually blushed, despite he wasn't with me. I wa so happy he wanted to meet me again! I decided, I can't miss the boat and texted:
"So, do you want to meet? :)"
Minutes seemed to last ages for me. When the message came I was really nevrous. I cliked 'open' and read
"I think you know :)"
omo, I have to write two exams at the end of my summer break >.<
anyway, have you noticed, that titles are connected with MBALQ's song? :) most often, it's the song i was listeing to while ending the chapter ^^ the music sometimes really gives you good afflatus xD
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plinaaa2304 #2
thank you so much for these loving comments ^^ i will update as soon as i find someone with bluetooth in his pc or laptop, because i write all the chapters in notes on my phone >.<
Waah, this is story is amazing! *o*
Mir teasing Eunchan *OO*

Please, update soon!~
Malioo #4
Hi! I like your writing style, I am so curous about
Theor meeting! Please update soon^_^
o.o why dont cha continue? :( plzz .. 0.0 i like the way u write