Can't Come Back

This is not the reality I wanted.

For the next few days, I was really busy with preparations for the Sunday concert and cleaning our dorm. Yeah, yeah, I know, we're a girl group so we should keep our dorm clean. But you know what? We don't give a about how it looks like, untill something starts to smell. But manager unni visited us one day without further annoucment and found us in the middle of World War III, using old socks, ketchup, bra catapulte and anything elese we could reach with our hands. 

Oh my God, she didn't scold us that much since the time we went to drink something without telling her and we ended up singing on the streets "I'M SO SORRY BUT I LOVE DA GEOJITMAL".
So yeah, she said that if we don't clean up she'll cancel our performance. And also the said that from now on,  she will check our dorm everyday. Great.
Of course despite of having such a tight schedule (remember about that bet with Sathang), I still found time to think about Mir. Sometimes I would just stand and stare into nothing, remembering his voice, or his scent. Everytime I do this, members would hit me in my head (which is teh light version) or, for example, pulling my pants off. 
Saturday evening was really tiring, we were rehersing since 4 pm. About midnight, Dance Machine (it's how we called oppa to teaches us dancing) told we can have a break.
"A BREAK?!" Leya shouted "We've been rehersing for eight hours without any moment to breth, and now you're saying a break? Oppa, we can't do it anymore, look at us!" she poited at me. I was leaned against the wall, red face, sweat all over my body, pouring second bottle of water in me.
"Uhm, Leyaya, tomorrow is a deadline, we need to..." Dance Machine started
"No! We're exhusted. Come on, let's rest." she added looking at members and dancers.
Everyone got up, took their things and walked out of the rehersing room, saying goodnight. I couldn't force myself to move even an inch. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder
"Yah, are you alive?" Sathang asked me
"Yeahhhh... I just need... I need so tiiiime..." I was so tired it was hard for me to talk. Yes, my condition wasn't too good. 
"Yah, you can miss your penalty today"
"Jinjja?!!? Gomawo!" I said taking my breath properly now. I smiled to her as she grabbed my hand and we walked out of the gym.
The night was really bright, all the stars were shining like there was no tomorrow. I wondered if Mir would take me for a walk beneth such beautiful night sky, after tomorrow's concert...
"Eunachanah?" Sathang broke the silence
"I just... Ah, no, it's nothing"
"Come on, tell me, Inyoungah" I smiled, trying to encourage her, as she suddenly got shy
"Nam Eunchan, do you thing Lee Joon would like me?"
I was taken aback with her question. Sathang was kind of girl, who'd rather become nun than acknowledge she likes someone. Always independent, y, self-cofident. Eventhough she was only 20, she seemed to be much more beautiful, powerful, classy than many other older women. 
"Erm... Why not? You're pretty, y..." I started but she cut my words
"Nevermind, forget it"
I didn't want to pry into her own feeling, so I didn't respond anything else.
Our van parked on the apointed place and we were welcomed by our fans, already waiting there for us. We waved to them, ocasionaly giving autographes and taking photos. Magaer unni was really mad from the very morning, when she came to our dorm and found out that all of us were still sleeping. We didn't hear the doorbell, so she couldn't even come in. She was calling us, screamed our names, but it didn't help. She had to get back to her house (which was on the other side of the city) and get the spare keys. Damn, she really had madness in her eyes.
We got to the waiting room and waited for our stylist to get here. Suddenly I got a message
"You didn't reply. I guess it means you don't want to meet :<"
Oh .
I REALLY didn't reply him.
I stared at my phone just like I was staring at it the other day. 
When I got that message, I didn't know what to text back, and I didn't want Sathang to suspect anything. Than, when I got to the dorm, I still didn't know what to write, so I just lied in my bed staring at my phone and fall asleep. 
Jesus, I am so stupid.
I got myself together and wrote:
I'm so sorry, I forgot about your message. Yes, we can meet, but I don't have really much time.
I didn't want to sound desperate to meet him, but no, that's just rude.
I'm sorry I didn't text back, I wanted but I had so many things to do~~ Of course I want to meet, where and when? Answer quickly ^^
Ok, this one sounds a bit desperate. When I was thinking of another way, someone bumped into me
"Yaah, watch your steps!" I said as I saw it was Kiyong
"I'm sorry, I didn't mind to.." she apologized
"" I cursed really loud
"What happened?" Kiyong asked in scared voice
"I hit 'send'. I HIT 'SEND'!" I cried loudly
"Calm down Eunchanah..." she tried to say something
"HOW CAN I... OH MY GOD, HE WILL THINK I'M DESPERATE" I sat on the sofa, burrying my face in my hands.
"What's going on?" we heard Leya coming to us.
"I don't know unni... But Eunchan seems a bit... Hmmm..."
Suddenly I heard a text message ring ''
"Come at the parking lot, the highest floor, I'll wait there for you after the concert~ :)"
We were sweating like mad, waiting for our turn to perform. Our first stage went really good, but we were confindent in it. But now, the cover performance... I felt like all my make up was just melting down my face. Kiyong was crouching in the corner I think she was praying. Sathang kept replaying her dance moves in the middle of waiting room. Leya was calmly sitting on a coutch.
"Ok, Diary ON STAGE" we herad staffs
"We'll do great" Leya smiled at us 
"DIARY WILL BE THE BEST!" we shouted grabbing each other's hands 
We headed to the stage, nervous but excited. Everything was perfectly fine. Manager unni was so pround of us when we went down to the backstage. We started shouting and hugging one another, really happy about the performance. Suddenly I spotted my phone ringing on the table. I went to check it.
"You did great ^^ DIARY FIGHTING!~~"
Oh my God, so he watched it? I suddenly felt so good, hearing he liked it. I blushed a little, but I tried to keep my poker face. I replied
"Kamsahamnida! I'll be at the parking lot in a half an hour after the concert end :)"
My fangirl mode was on it's highest level. My bias was texting me. My bias was suppouse to meet me. Who would want more?
After an hour all of performers had to go on stage again to bow for the audience for the last time. I were really hyper than moment, waving like crazy and hugging my members. They noticed I was too happy and all of them were giving me suspicious looks. When we wrere heading back down to the waiting room, they were asking waht happened, and why am I so gleeful. I promised them I will tell them when I come back, and asked if they can cover me for manager unni. They agreed, curious what am I gonna do.
I got my make up cleaned and changed to my casual clothes. I checked the phone, than looked at myself in the mirror. 'Pretty good'
A soon as I reached the highest floor I got a little nervous. I stiffened a little, hearing this voice from behind. I couldn't come back.
Hi~~ ^^
how are you doing?
my mood is pretty down becouse my history teacher is a and he said I need to repeat the year >.<
but i'll show him, ha!
comment please, i will have a motivation to update sooner ^^
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plinaaa2304 #2
thank you so much for these loving comments ^^ i will update as soon as i find someone with bluetooth in his pc or laptop, because i write all the chapters in notes on my phone >.<
Waah, this is story is amazing! *o*
Mir teasing Eunchan *OO*

Please, update soon!~
Malioo #4
Hi! I like your writing style, I am so curous about
Theor meeting! Please update soon^_^
o.o why dont cha continue? :( plzz .. 0.0 i like the way u write