Chapter 4 : Imminent; 147 YA

The Thirteenth Prophecy

At last Himchan had found what he had needed. What he had searched for on his own planet, but could not find. It was a small body, but the power that radiated from the bones was almost iridescent to his scanners. The bones glowed a faint light green colour. 'Absolutely perfect timing and condition'  he thought to himself as he lowered the bones into the alloy and allowed the features to take set. It would be hours more before he would be greeted by his newest member to his family. "Greetings creator, my name is Jade" would be her first words. He smiles to himself. Perfect.

                    150 YA

'What could they possibly want here?' Suho thought to himself. The situation within his government was proving to be tiresome. Threats had been coming in from a Mato, the small iron world not far from EXOtic, threats that stated if they did not lay down their arms that their world would be taken. They offered a treaty to, "Turn flesh to metal over time". What that even meant Suho could not understand. No demands had been made nor any war been begun. He had thought that small world long dead, the race that had lived there all but gone. Now to take insult from a useless robotic creation. It was disgraceful. 'Let them come then' He thought to himself. 'We'll see how well beings of iron can stand again Twelve of the gods chosen.'

Himchan and his force land at the corner of a small village on a sea of sand. Their shuttle had taken a hit, after a dragon had knocked it out of the sky. No matter, none of his crew was harmed in the slightest. He walks into a now deserted street, to see a small whimpering girl stand at the entrance of a tiny hovel. She looks at him and turns to run, shouting "mama!" as she flees into the darkness inside. Himchan smiles. He could do with a little entertainment. He follows into the darkness of the hovel to find a mother holding the little girl tightly. Himchan shakes his head as he shoots them both through the skull. That was no fun at all. He turns to leave, when he hears a small voice like rustling paper come from an ancient rocking chair. "Why have you come, to kill our people so carelessly, did you even know my daughter. You killed her like something of no value. Her name was Shianna, she was not some anonymous person to die like that. You are heartless and mindless... Kill me. I have no one left to care about me, just tell me why..." The old mid wife was dead before she could even finish her sentence. "We have come because you have something we need, and we have the power to take it. I offered your government an easy take over, a slow methodical turning from the flesh. But they declined, so this means war." He answers the warm corpse, and takes his leave. He finds Kai standing outside, surrounded by his party. Kai  had heard every word, he was glowering and furious, but smart enough to know that he was out manned, and literally out gunned. "I was sent to see if you could not be convinced to give up this madness before our races must go to war, but I see your choice has already been made." He teleports before Himchan even has a reply to give. "Let him go." Himchan says to Yong Guk with a shake of his head. "We'll deal with them soon enough."

The Twelve stand before the forces of Himchan and his mechanical minions, six of them in total against twelve magisters gifted with powers. They were now confident that they could destroy this threat, it was only six enemy robots, and how strong could something without life even be a threat? Suho, the water magister speaks as their leader "This is your last warning to get off our planet Creator Himchan. Leave now, or face the chosen and be sent off in disgrace and death." Baekhyun laughs softly and Chanyeol smiles confidently. Only Tao looks slightly wary, he see's something wrong with the one cyborg. The one they call Yong Guk. Himchan only nods, cold as ice, and carries on walking across the dune sea right towards EXOtic, the capital city. Suho doesn't try warn him now, he conjures a water orb and flings it at Himchan, only to find that Himchan isn't there. In his place stands a young cyborg with a grin full of metallic teeth. The water hits him with enough force to knock a full grown man to his feet, but he stands without even flinching. The other magisters regroup into a battle form, Chanyeol summons the phoenix, the incarnation of fire. Kris whistles softly and a roar is heard in the distance in reply. Sparks form around Chen as dancing orbs of light circle Baekhyun, pulsing to an unnatural rhythm. Each is now ready to attack, still very confident with the odds of two against one. The first to attack is Kai, trained in several martial arts and with the power to teleport. He disappears, only to reappear behind Yong guk and aim a punch at his gut. At the last critical second, Yong Guk dematerializes and Kai is knocked all over the place. The only one to see what is truly happening is Tao. Tao recognizes what Yong Guk is doing, and he shivers in fear. He can teleport and control time. Tao slows down time, and jumps to Kai's aid. Though he cannot teleport, he can stop Yong guk. They along with Kai are now trapped in a confusing battle of blurs and images. Himchan ignores them, and carries on walking. Xiumin calls for an ice spike, too weak here to call an elemental but he has strength enough for darts of ice. He fires three in rapid succession at Himchan's heart. All three miss, Daehyun had waved his hand and all were blown away. 'So this one controls wind?' Baekhyun thinks to himself, 'but can he stand against light?' singing softly to his wisps, he lifts his hand, palm outward, and blasts Daehyun with a blinding force of hot white light in the face, but  again Zelo saves another as he pushes Daehyun out of the way and deflects the light into nothingness. Smiling all the while with his metallic teeth. "Have you guys never heard of an EMP shield on this backwater of a planet? Where I stand none may be harmed."

From his pocket Himchan pulls out a bag tied closed in a knot. "Enough of this" he says as he lowers his fist into the bag, and draws out what seem to be small pieces of metal fillings. He flings them on the ground, and immediately D.O. knows something is not right, he feels the earth, changing. The black pieces of metal start to vibrate, and onto themselves absorb pieces of sand. They change, and grow larger as they absorb more sand, they become men that stand six feet tall made purely out glass. With swords of glass for hands, They screech in metallic unison, a sound not far different from nails being drawn on coarse glass. They charge for the magisters, as Himchan and hs crew walk past. leaving the defenders to deal with this. D.O. doesn't see them as much of a threat, he simply stomps on the ground, and laughs as they shatter into tiny shards of glass. "That was so simple" He says as he laughs to himself, when  he notices the strange feeling of earth changing again. The metal fillings, the shards from Himchan's bag were reconstructing new bodies for themselves. They were horribly outnumbered by robots that simply pieced themselves together again. Chanyeol calls to the phoenix, and rushes fire at the glass minions. They melt where they stand, into small puddles of liquid glass. But again, the shards just reformed new bodies for themselves. 'We are horribly outnumbered now'  he realises as he sees the whirls that has become the shape of Tao, Kai and Yong Guk engaged in martial battle. "I have an idea" Says Lay as he looks at D.O.'s shirt pocket "But I'm going to need your help D.O." D.O. nods in understanding for the idea that the healer had just had. From a pocket in his shirt, he pulls out a small seed. A lucky charm he had kept close to him since he was a young boy, he hands it over to Lay. while the others hold off the glass men, Chen striking down groups of them with lightning from the heavens, Lay walks past whatever manner of small life he can find, desert grass and scorpions, field mice and thorn trees. He kills them all, their life essence pooling in a shimmering green orb that floats behind him. at last, he finds what he needed. a small, almost unnoticeable water source dripping from between a rock shelters wall. he places the seed into the small pool of water and covers it with sand, as he releases the collective of all the souls he has taken into the seed beneath the ground. Rapidly sprouting, growing at an impossible rate. A white peach tree stands before him, and in the trunk of the tree, is a body of wood standing within. She opens her eyes languorously, and moves the bark off her body as if it were a soft blanket that had kept her warm. "Why have you called me, healer, at such a high price of so many lives?" She asks softly, her voice the sound of dead leaves rustling in the forest. She smelt of earth and decay, life and death in the natural rhythm that was nature. Her almond shaped eyes black as coal, her hair made of dead vines, twisted into a long flowing knot down her back. She was beautiful, and terrible. She was a dryad, keeper of forests and the embodiment of natures will. If Lay's answer did not satisfy her, he knew she would be angered by the needless deaths it took to summon her. "We need the help of the forests, the keepers of life and the source of my magic. These robots, once living but not returned to natures embrace, seek to desecrate natures design by binding a soul to metal for all time, never allowing it to rest. We need your help to fight the men of glass, so we can kill and end the robotic abominations." The dryad tenses at his answer, and her wooden lips break apart into a furious grin as she turns back to her tree, she lays a hand on it, the peach buds begin to blossom and fall off. From every blossom, a young girl is born. Mistaken for  an ordinary human child, these children were not hapless. They were not even children at all. They were nymphs, and they heeded the call of the dryad. Not even turning back to Lay, the dryad and her army of nymphs charge at the men of glass.

Suddenly, out of a cloud cluster a great black dragon appears. Kris stands tall before the behemoth as it lands next to him, and from a jeweled scabbard draws a single scimitar. A blade with a wicked edge, made of polished diamond. A gift from D.O. The dragon takes flight with Kris on its back, roaring together as the circle to dive bomb Himchan and his creations, but a second time comes for Himchan to reach into his bag, as he pulls out a purple crystal and throws it onto the ground. Where the metal fillings had created men of glass, The crystal creates a human girl. Her body was made of glass, but her features made of the finest silicon. Before them, in a matter of seconds, forms a pale girl with jet black her, before them stands Le han. Violet eyes scanning towards the in coming threat of the dragon, she turns to it, palm raised just as the dragon opens its maw to bathe them in fire, she pivots and releases a steady stream of lilac coloured light, a lazer that goes through the dragon from head to tail and passes right through it. The dragons body falls from the sky fifty meters before them, cut in half and torn asunder. Kris rises from the body and screams his fury at them, Daehyun takes flight and charges Kris in mid air, they are locked in battle a hundred feet and climbing above their heads. As Le han turns to face Lu han, standing shocked before his baby sisters gaze. 'Sorry big brother' Jade smiles to herself, as she lifts her other hand and blasts a rocket his way, as he lifts his arms in a pathetic defence. His body now lies at the bottom of a crater, encased within sand and long buried stone. "All systems online, creator" she says as she turns to Himchan and smiles.

Zelo turns to face Baekhyun and Chanyeol while his master throws down the hated crystal. He had been the favourite, the first. He would prove his worth again to Himchan by killing the fire wielder and light bender. He opens his hands and fires rockets recklessly at Chanyeol, as Chanyeol defends himself by blasting fire at the rockets. They explode on contact to the fire, and Chanyeol is thrown down like a rag doll tossed by a small child. "Chanyeol!" screams Baekhyun as he runs after him, with Zelo smiling that sickening metal smile, Bruised but not dead, Baekhyun decides after checking him and helping him up. "Don't you dare touch my Chanyeol" He snarls at Zelo, Shrieking with anger, his wisps buzz with frantic energy around him. Baekhyun takes Chanyeol's hand and says to him quietly "I love you, I need you to know that now no matter what happens. I love you" Chanyeol Laughs that goofy laugh of his "I knew that, I love you too" He gives Baekhyun his best creep smile, and they turn back to Zelo who's mocking them by looking like he's about to retch. "That was disgusting." He says to them, "Really you disgust me and I thought I'd lost connection to that emotion." Hand in hand, Baekhyun and Chanyeol turn to face him, both with snarls on their faces. "Ready?" asks Baekhyun. "So ready" replies Chanyeol. Their joint hands start glowing as Chanyeol begins humming and Baekhyun starts to sing, Baekhyun's largest orb starts to change. It was growing and gaining colour, from white it started to have yellow and orange flames around it. It circled around their bodies, with the other wisps circling it like so many tiny moons following their sun. Zelo was mystified, he never saw the threat that faced him. The fire wisp kept growing in size, from a small wall nut to the size of a melon. Chanyeol stopped humming, while Baekhyuns singing increased. The Orbs aligned like a small chain and rapidly started to glow. Baekhyun shrieked and light flared out from the orb. But it was not aimed at Zelo, the light was aimed at Himchan. It took Zelo more than a second to recognize the attack, and he was far to late to divert it.

The landscape was blinded as Kris stabbed his diamond sword through Daehyun's neck, taking his head clean off his shoulders. Kris was bathed in brilliant black clouds, whilst beneath him was pouring that beautiful light. He stood in awe of its beauty for all of the five seconds that it lasted. What he saw when he landed, was Himchan cowering on the ground, the woman standing next to him and a body, seared metal husk burnt beyond recognition where the light had stood. Kai and Tao were standing next to Sehun. The time continuum they had been frozen in with Yong Guk ended, when he had seen the light and at the very last possible moment, teleported and pushed Himchan out of the way. There wasn't enough time left, even with the robots power to mimic time control, for him to save himself. Two down, five robots to go. Kris lands and turns to face the body of his friend, The dragon. One of the last true guardians of the air. He feels sick with anger and loss. He feels no remorse for the death of these beings. He sees a robot standing near Baekhyun and Chanyeol. With absolute horror on its face. Good, let it suffer with whatever false emotions it feels before its own demise. Kris feels the ground starting to shake, it was coming from where Lu hans body lay beneath the ground.

The ground was shaking, tearing apart as Lu han rose out of the dirt and filth. Arms thrown over his face to protect himself, a shield of telekinetic displacement surrounds him. Stones and rocks roll off this invisible barrier as he climbs out and they hang in the air, suspended around him.  he lowers his arms and looks at Jade, he asks a one worded question. "Le han"? Jade shakes her head in a no type response and says "Le han is dead. My name is Jade. though she would never say it, her mother board had not enjoyed attacking him. But she felt a strange, presence when he was near. Her system demanded she innately kill him, he was bringing back emotions from Le han that Jade did not need. Still, she was curious and instead of attacking him, she ignored her system and talked. Lu han, did not feel the same way. Lifting a hand towards Jade, He hurled the rocks at her as he screamed. Zelo tried to intervene, to save this creation who's help they would need. But he was vastly underpowered against Lu han.

The glass warriors and the Dryad with her nymphs were still fighting, as Baekhyun turned his attention from Lu han. Nature could only stand so long against beings who could not die, and their forces were ending drastically against the glass men, when Baekhyun noticed something. The metal shards that had fallen on the ground, in the shadow of the peach tree. did not regenerate, they needed direct sunlight to work, which gave him an idea. Using his wisps, he created a kind of mirage that surrounded the heads of each glass man. Though perfectly see through to normal eyes, the mirage bent light and deflected it, causing each glass man to have no light reach the metal shard. They all fell into sleep mode, as the dryad and nymphs destroyed the bodies. She turned to Baekhyun, panting, and nodded. She turned her attention to Jongup and Youngjae. She screeched as her small army fell on them. Youngjae tried to blast them with a rocket, but found that he had none. Jongup barely even noticed any of this as they tore him to pieces, pulling metal arms from metal torso. He only responded to commands, and had no sense of self left. "I wonder if they even had any power at all, or were simply there as muscle fodder." thought Baekhyun as he turned back to Lu han and his confrontation with the last three remaining robots.

Lu han in his fury, summoned forth the raw heat from the phoenix, killing it rapidly and taking on its power, wielding it against Zelo. What could Zelo do, his systems were created to redirect fire, fight flame for burning flame. Chanyeol had never thought to harness raw heat in his defence, and for the first time in the over half a century of his creation, Zelo knew fear. His systems could withstand great external heat, this is true. However Lu han called the heat and had it enter through every pour of his artificial skin, for the first time in his long life, Zelo knew fear, because he was about to die. staggering back, inch for inch timed perfectly for every second that his body was melting, Zelo moved with only the purpose of self preservation. He could never flee in time. With one final movement of his hand, Lu han drained his artificial life of its fire. Zelos's final thought was to be, do robots know an after life? He truly did not believe it so, but he hoped. Jade tried to save Zelo from Lu han by opening her palm to lazer fire him as she had with the dragon, but she hesitated, and it cost her. Lu han had a boulder rip through her side when he lunged it at her. She fell to the ground and lay still.

With Zelo's death Lu han turned to face Himchan, black souless eyes and blank expression, The true object of his primal hatred. How he reminded Lu han of the day of the accident, the day that he had ended Le hans' life. Himchan never knew the nerve he had struck, but the resounding chord still strung through Lu hans' body, as he let go of fire into the soft sands of EXO's dunes. Himchan ran, and where he ran every step turned to glass and spiked forth, always missing. Lu han was enjoying the chase. Everyone else forgotten, his focus only on Himchan, He gave in to the fury. He gave in to himself, and he did so without a care. This one who had created the likeness of Le han by defiling her body, he had to die, and Lu han would savour his passing as justice for the profanity of what he had unleashed when he had created her. Jade got up and ran after her creator, to try to save his life. Her circuits in tattered disarray, she struggled to even maintain functionality as she called for him. Lu han was distracted by her for just a second, but knew when he heard the robot speak that she was not Le han, she was his sisters corpse entombed in iron. He  screamed and gave way to thought, as he called for an orb of darkness to consume her. Opening up the great maw of the earth, chunk by chunk, he had her swallowed whole. Her false voice never to ring out of Le hans' likeness again, his baby sister given back to the earth a second time. One single tear drops, and he screams his anguish as he closes in on Himchan. He can never forgive. Never forget, that it was he who had killed Le han, when she was only a little girl. Lu han had not meant to stop her heart when she had screamed her child like frustration at him. He had only wanted the noise to stop. He had vowed that day to never further his telekinetic energies, they had lain dormant within him, building to the point of explosion. Now let loose by his anger and hatred that one such as she, but not her, had walked this earth. The war was forgotten to Lu han, this kill, this vengeance was his last attempt at sanity for the mistake that he had made and had lived with for a decade and a half in silence. He would see Himchan dead, never fully knowing that it was himself that he wished he could kill. But such thought had left Lu hans' mind when he had been blasted by Jades' rocket into the Dunesea. He was a spirit of anger now, not Lu han. And his vengeance was finally to be at hand.

Out of the ground she clawed, like a second birthing. Another death to give her life. Le han shouted for Lu han to stop, just as he was about to crush Himchans head with telekinetic force. He stopped, and turned to face her. Her voice. It wasn't Jades' voice anymore, Jade was dead while somehow, Le han lived. She opened herself to the world, and flung her empathic power at Lu han. She made him feel her presence like she could never do in a dream. His eyes lost their fire, lost their coal black hatred when he opened himself to his sister. Himchan lay on the ground. His arms had been crushed by Lu han. Brother and sister walked slowly towards each other, both uncertain of what to do now. She was still in a very bad state, and beyond healing from Lay. Her system however told her she would survive if she performed manual maintenance soon. They grasp hands as they look into each others eyes. As one, they turn back to the other eleven magisters, all who are ready to kill her at the slightest wrong move. "This is Le han, my sister." Lu han informs them. Le han nods and says "I am one of you, the new one who died young." She turns and smiles at Lu han "My body was stolen and recast into this... Creation." She says as she turns to look at Himchan, only to find a large piece of black metal shard hurling through the air into outer space. "We have to stop him!" Kai says as he readies himself to teleport to Himchan, but Sehun stops him "Wait! You can't teleport there, there's no air to breathe up there. He's gone, and will unlikely come back. Le han nods and says "My scanners detect that he is not far from death, he's sending me a message. Transmitting message: I only want to return home and die on my own planet, I'm too weak to fight on my own. End of Transmission." They all look at each other, as they start heading back towards EXOtic.

                        210 YA

Lu han is an old man now, lying in the arms of his sister as he takes his last few moments of life. Life with Le han had been strange, but beautiful. He was grateful for the time with her. His friends were gone, waiting in the void to be reincarnated when they were needed again. He was to join them soon. But what of Le han, trapped like this. She wasn't certain what would happen if she shut down her circuits, and was unwilling to die a true death by her own choosing. "I will remain here, as a guardian brother. I will protect the people until you return." She comforted him as he sighed and lay his head down once more. "I love you Le han" He said to her. "I love you too" She replied. He smiled, and turned his face slightly towards the fire. Le han turned her face to look at it too. It was mid Winter, and he was getting colder every minute. "Do you need me to add more logs to the fire Lu han?" She asked him, turning away from the fire to look at him as she spoke. She found him smiling slightly, and at peace. She smiled at him. He was gone.

Le han buried her brother under starlight that night, Deep within the early morning. The dryad had taken residence in the small grove that served as their cemetery, unneeded protection against more grave robbers seeking to recreate robotic lives Le han supposed. Or, she wondered to herself, perhaps the dryad stays near because she does not full well trust Le han herself. Le han neither knew, nor cared at the answer. The dryad was silent, but not hostile company. Le han turned to face back to the small cottage when suddenly, she felt a familiar radio signal. Himchan was alive, and he was not alone.

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OOOH ITS ALL LONGER AND ! Well. It's not . Just longer >>


The whole concept and world is fascinating. I love it.

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